Presidential polls can be trivial – here and gone. Or they can mean something, matching past patterns, offering a window on the future. Biden’s plummeting poll numbers mean something. Following Jimmy Carter’s policy blueprint, Biden’s polls are tanking, along with the US economy and global respect.
In only 11 months, Biden’s approval dropped from a media-assisted 64 percent to 36 percent. He lost 28 percent of the public, governs with approval from a third of the nation, may beat Carter to the bottom.
This slide-in a president’s first term, first year – is unprecedented. Biden’s numbers do not track with Nixon, Bush 41, or Trump. They depart from Truman, Eisenhower, Kennedy, Johnson, Ford, Clinton, Obama, Bush 43 – and of course, Ronald Reagan.
By way of quick review, all patterns are different.
Nixon began at 66 percent in 1972, slid to 24 percent with Watergate corruption. But that was in a second term, after a popular first term and winning reelection in a landslide.
George Herbert Walker Bush rose in popularity to a stunning 89 percent, middle of the Gulf War. Not a campaigner, he dropped to 29 percent by term’s end. But wartime presidents are different, often highly popular, then not so much.
Trump was at 60 percent early 2021, then the COVID body slam, rabid press after January 6th riot, leaving him at 29 percent. That said, it took a full four years.
Going back to the 1940s, Truman – under whom WWII ended – saw an 87 percent approval rating in 1945, diminished to 22 percent by 1952. Eisenhower, who followed Truman, war hero, started at 81 percent, concluded 47 percent.
Kennedy tragically lost early, slid from 86 to 56 percent approval, never lower. Johnson, after Vietnam, slid from 79 percent to 34 percent, while Ford, who stepped up after Nixon, and went from 73 percent to 36 percent, again odd times, extended period.
Similar multi-year slides met Bush 43, who went from 90 percent at 9-11 to 25 percent at the end, and Obama, who was at 69 percent, then ended at 40 percent.
Only two presidents bucked the trend, Clinton who rose – with a growing economy – from 37 to 73 percent, and Reagan, who rose from 35 percent to 74 percent, growing economy, end of Soviet Union.
Only one president has fallen 28 points in his first 11 months, Mr. Biden. However, Jimmy Carter fell fast on similar positions. Between 1977 and 1979, Carter’s approval fell from 74 to 28 percent or 46 points.
Why? Carter’s policies, while not openly socialist, anti-free market, or defeatist, were all three. Biden has just upped the ante, accelerated the process – with a Democrat Congress.
Carter pushed federal mandates, fuel rationing, indulged communist nations (e.g., the Soviet Union and China), pushed alternate and foreign energy sources over US independence, demoralized the US military, raised taxes, increased entitlements, created the massive Department of Education – to this day prescribing federal nostrums to states, municipalities, and parents, at huge taxpayer cost.
What Carter could not do, based on checks in Congress, was pass his guaranteed minimum income, federal job guarantee, negative income tax (money for nothing, discouraging work), cash payments.
Like Biden, he favored legalizing some illegal drugs, was naïve on foreign policy, tended away from deterrence, leading to surprise when the Soviets invaded Afghanistan, Iran took US hostages, rescue failed, he bumbled into interactions with Cuba, almost withdrawing from South Korea, before stopping.
What was the result of the failed Carter policies, beyond lost approval?
Answer: Devastation of the US economy, higher runaway inflation, higher interest rates, unemployment, and fear (stagflation), unions seeking massive wage spikes, seniors unable to pay bills, reduced consumption, fuel rationing, devalued dollar, diminished respect for the US globally, communist advances, high drug abuse (including in the military), rising public debt, falling public confidence.
These dramatic negatives got reversed – only under Ronald Reagan, who took over Carter’s recession and got America back on our feet. He cut taxes, freed free markets, brought inflation down, created 18 million private jobs, restored the energy sector, reduced federal agencies, tackled (with his wife) the drug crisis, restored the US military, and ended the Soviet Union.
So, this avalanche in Biden’s numbers – is headed lower. He is pursuing failed Carter policies, only magnitudes worse, as pushing with congressional Democrats socialist concentration of power. Expect stagflation, accelerating inflation, taxes, interest rates, and unemployment.
Expect a falling dollar, consumer confidence, labor participation, and social unrest, which will be compounded by Biden’s anti-law enforcement and open border policies.
Expect the US military to struggle with budgets, procurement, operations, recruiting, and retention, as law enforcement is. And expect arrogance in the White House, with reduced international respect.
The only thing missing is Jimmy Carter’s “malaise” speech – announcing America’s lost confidence, and his patronizing energy conservation speech, in that tan cardigan – warm by a fireplace, energy crisis.
No wonder many see Biden as warmed-over Carter, with cascading policy failures. Expect polls to keep falling, prices to keep rising, and comparisons to Carter to multiply. Once over, Carter may look good.
The race car might have Biden’s name on it, but 0bama is behind the wheel.
Just waiting for all of them to meet their maker—Satan himself!
Even the news media majority can’t cover and glorify the actions and performance of Joe Hidin’ Biden. And I do think it is the appropriate time to make it clear to the News Media that honest , fairness, and accuracy are the blood of news reporting…and that propagandizing news in favor of a Communistic oriented political party ruins the validity and purpose of news reporting. ALMOST ALL the major news outlets and sources are so heavily propagandized in favor of the Commie oriented Democraps that is turns off most readers and followers … thanks partly to the horrid performance of Joe Hidin’ Biden and his rigged election.
Are you kidding? It’s no contest. Biden is more destructive than anyone in history!!
Arguably the three worst presidents in U.S. history are Obama, Biden and Carter. I lay most of the blame for how divided our country is at Obama’s feet. The subtle and sometimes not so subtle way he pitted different groups against each other and the many ways he and his wife were putting down the country they call home. He sowed the seeds of the now prominent socialist revolution, alarmingly similar to the 1917 Russian Revolution. Our new Socialist Party seems to be after the same thing as Lenin- totalitarianism. This is evidenced by the attempts to brainwash our youth into the self serving some philosophy and the unprecedented way arbitrary directives are issued and by the complete way the Constitution and court decisions are ignored. Lenin said he was able to achieve power by using the “useful idiots” similar to all those who suckered into voting for a Utopian sounding philosophy. I suggest they study history instead of rewriting it to suit their ideas.
Many things sound good on paper but when you throw in the human equation they fall apart.
Consider greed, envy, sloth and lack of personal responsibility as a few.
It is NOT surprising that Biden’s poll numbers are sinking faster than a rock. The reality of what implementing a socialist agenda on American society would of course be quite upsetting, even to some of the “useful idiots” that voted for the Democrat Party as a whole in 2020. Fantasy versus reality usually is. The sharp contrast between the soaring, well crafted speeches extolling the wonders of “economic and social justice”, as defined under Marxism, is quite a bit different from what the actual implementation of those socialist policies, actually means. Name me one country where the people were happy, a few years later, with their decision to vote into power socialist leaders that ultimately destroyed their lives and freedoms in the name of Marxist “economic and social justice”. The people of Argentina, Venezuela, Zimbabwe and elsewhere are ALL regretting their mistake to this day.
As for Carter, he was an inept fool well over his head in many aspects of being able to handle the responsibilities of the Presidency. Everything was too much for him to handle. His default response to almost everything was to simply roll over and hope it either went away or that the people accepted their “new normal”.
The people running the Biden administration, on the other hand, are committed ideologues dedicated to the socialist transformation of the United States. Look at their backgrounds and they all share certain very Marxist views of the world and how things should be. They are NOT acting out of incompetence or ignorance, but instead following a clear and distinct socialist agenda with specific goals and objectives in mind. The damage they are causing is deliberate to help them achieve those goals and objectives.
The issue that is so disturbing isn’t that Socialists are doing what all Socialists do. That is what they do after all. It is that the American people just seem to be content to sit back and do largely nothing, but wait for the next election cycle to roll around in the face of one destructive policy after another. If Chinese or Russian Socialists parachuted into Washington and began enacting the exact same policies that the Democrat Party is doing under the Biden administration, one would hope the American people would have the common sense to understand they needed to be removed from positions of power immediately for the sake of the country. However, just because the same policies are being enacted by Americans in the form of the modern day Democrat Party, who are espousing the exact same beliefs as the CCP or Putin, everyone is content to just sit back and see what happens. It truly is an amazing sight to see in the country that is supposed to be the beacon of individual rights and freedoms for the world. Very strange times in which we now live.
Biden=braindead idiot destroying entire nation!!
Joe has the lead, Jimmy was as bad at this point of his term.
And both were/are democrats, that should tell us something.
RBC… You have listed some very interesting stats here & it is enough to get many people thinking on it based on the numerous insightful comments generated from this article…
I too have found myself comparing Brandon to the Carter years, which shouldn’t be all that surprising…However, this time around we have an entire administration, State Department, DOJ & the courts all on the same page with respect to changing this nation over to a Marxist ideology, i.e. Socialism…PaulE stated it perfectly in his final paragraph, ” If Chinese or Russian Socialists parachuted into Washington and began enacting the exact same policies that the Democrat Party is doing under the Biden administration, one would hope the American people would have the common sense to understand they needed to be removed from positions of power immediately for the sake of the country. ” But no, these sycophant’s are Americans, i.e. Democrats & we the people are allowing all this damage to be done under our very own eyes…
I also agree with Robert Burge’s opinion, ” Arguably the three worst presidents in U.S. history are Obama, Biden and Carter. I lay most of the blame for how divided our country is at Obama’s feet. “
Make no mistake we are indeed living Obama’s 3rd term. Obama’s ( 16 ) year plan was interrupted by Donald Trump’s 1st term in office, hence the ” Rigged Election ” on Nov. 3, 2020 with the actual dirty work completed in the very early morning hours of Nov. 4, 2020… We as a nation are still reeling from this stolen presidential election as well as the down ballots & not forgetting the Jan, 2021 rigged Georgia Senate Runoffs, effectively nailing the coffin shut for the Republican Party…
We are now experiencing those very same things that have occurred over & over again in countries such as Venezuela, Argentina, & other central American countries as well & using those very same tabulating machines via the internet & the the same software as well, imagine that, thanks in no small part to those Dominion machines & the associated hdwe, i.e. Smartmatic with additional interference from other foreign nations via the internet as well as domestically, America has currently become just another ” Banana Republic ” & is being run like a Banana Republic by the above mentioned entities within what was once a FREE nation, no more…Currently a tyrannical form of gov’t is destroying this nation, piece by piece…
Bill on the Hill… :~)
WARNING: Buy your wheelbarrows NOW! With the dumocRATS in charge you’re going to need a wheelbarrow full of broken dollars to buy a loaf of bread or a gallon of gasoline,
Democrats can see that this is a fallen path so why do they follow it except the call to Socialism is that strong. GOD BLESS AMERICA because he is the only one that can do anything to correct it
If I had one wish it would be…that joe biden understood how much America and the world hate him and how history will most likely not treat him well. Wish he could feel and understand this level of shame.
history will most likely not treat him well. Wish he could feel and understand this level of shame.
The Democrats ( much like their friends, the Chinese communists) will and are gladly sacrificing some short-term losses in exchange for the passage of socialist spending bills. They know that no existing government program ever goes away ( to the contrary, most or all tend to expand) and that elections are cyclical. They are banking on Republicans blowing any mandate and/or majority they may attain in 2022 and 2024, and know it is only a matter of time until they are the majority political party again (especially if the GOP does not govern wisely).
Trump’s #s dropped after the Jan 6th ‘Riots’’! Excuse Me?? 1-2 mil flag waving Patriots were rioters? To this day the Pelosi biased Commission hasn’t proven anything other than 50 or so that went into Capital coerced & cajoled by FBI Deep state & Antifa scum! Most are still in jail for practicing their first Amendment! Meantime the true rioters & looters from inner cities were let loose the following day! Expect lies & misinformation from mainstream & social media Not Amac!!
STOP parroting the Liberal garbage that the manipulated & staged Jan 6th event was riots!
Mr Charles should go over to write for CNN or CNBC!
Yeah, I remember well those days waiting in line to buy gas. It was loads of fun – NOT!
Biden has definitely won….he is the bottom of the barrel and that is scraping the bottom.
I don’t expect Biden to last 4 years, but he will do 10 years worth of damage in just 2 or less.
Don’t blame me. I voted for Trump.
I’m a Trump man! While Carter was just a dumbass, Obama and Biden are treasonous scum that should be hung.
IT’S NOT EVEN CLOSE! . . . JACKASS JOE HAS ALREADY PASSED PEANUT JIMMY IN RECORD TIME!!! . . . He must want to solidify his basement position by making sure no one will ever challenge his position as American History’s WORST PRESIDENT OF ALL TIME!!!
Funny that I can’t find a single one of the 81 million “valid voters” who put this fecalfest of an administration in power to tell me how ashamed I should be for still (and always!) wearing my MAGA gear and happily discussing the most successful President we’ve ever had! Not one who will even admit to voting against America to install this inept career criminal! You may not want to admit it or, like me, believe you’d still be around to see it, but another revolution needs to happen in this country before it’s too late. Yes, I will fiercely defend some brain dead democrat’s to talk about the virtues of socialism but I’ll be damned if I’ll watch an ignorant minority of scumbags implement it here in America. If you’re not fighting mad you sure as hell should be, if not, you might want to decide if you’re really still willing to do the hard work it takes to call yourself an American because the “Easy, entitlement road” is the crap these socialist democrats are peddling!
It s hard to imagine anyone in their right mind would pill for Joe except his closest paid off friend s an countries who can gain from all his help. But I will say this he maybe trying to play God But no mistake about it Be s doing the devil’s work God know s everything an Has already won the victory. Keep your eyes on the King of Kings He s coming soon Joe s trying to inherit the World. I waiting on the Kingdom of Heaven. Blessings to you
I believe it was William Safire who said something on the order of Jimmy Carter was a feckless moron on a fool’s mission. Another wag, upon watching Jimmy carrying his own luggage off Airforce One , thought it made Carter look like a tractor salesman heading to a Holiday Inn for the night.
It seems that every recent democrat president has brought a particular type of painful stupidity and ugliness to our country while in office. A liberal wag said Bill and Hillary spread a layer of dung behind them as they strode across a room.
Foreign leaders notice when we a have an especially inept president, as we have now. Our allies will try to adjust to the situation. People like China’s Xi are going to take advantage of Biden, because they know he’s unable to stop them. In this case it seems that Taiwan will soon go the way of Hong Kong, and along with Afghanistan that will be what we remember about Biden. I always sleep better when a democrat isn’t in office.
biden is carter on steroids with obama at the helm.
I agree with nearly all the comments. What I don’t understand is how this baby killing lying treasonous imbecile fart bag remains in the White House where divvies up all the taxpayers money with other countries and criminals (ie., the Democratic Party) then pays illegals hundreds of thousands of dollars to enter and destroy our country from within with drugs human trafficking and Chinese-Biden flu. No effort to defend our country in any way—he’s only interested in selling out to china and Russia and the drug cartel. Drag that miserable piece of trash out and put him and every democrat behind bars in GITMO FOR LIFE!
Let’s pray that we get Biden out of the WH soon and when he goes home they should have to pay triple the utility rates as the rest of us. Plus they should have to pay us {government } back for their fence around their ocean front property.
It is hard to imagine a more reprehensible individual than Obama could be President…except for China Joe.
Hoping we get the last laugh! Why should they care? They are all swimming in $$$$$$
I thought Carter was the worst President than came Obuma but Biden is by far the worse and biggest idiot of all. Impeach him now!!!
What a team the Democrats have. Hate, destruction, lack of leadership. Go team go! Jimmy can rest easy, Joe is here.