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Bipartisan Protest of Biden Ordering Workers to be Vaccinated Grows; Gov DeSantis Seeks to Pass State Legislation Against the Mandate

Posted on Tuesday, November 9, 2021
by AMAC, John Grimaldi

WASHINGTON, DC, Nov 9 — The COVID pandemic is a nonpartisan threat to life and, it turns out that resistance to President Biden’s strong-arm vaccine command also crosses party lines.  In fact, 26 states, the majority of which are Republican, have filed lawsuits against his administration’s attempt to force America’s workforce to be vaccinated against the coronavirus by January 4, 2022. 

Alternatively, workers may choose to get tested for the disease on a weekly basis but doesn’t say who will pay for those tests.  Apparently, either the companies or the employees themselves would have to shoulder that financial burden.    

The president’s order covers companies with 100 or more workers, but over the weekend, U.S. Surgeon General Vivek Murthy would not rule out forcing smaller businesses to adhere to the mandate, as well. 

At least one state, Florida, has decided to pass a law that might supplant President Biden’s mandate directive.  Governor Ron DeSantis [R-FL] announced on Monday that he will be calling a special session of Florida’s legislature to enact a law that prohibits vaccine mandates to be implemented by businesses in his state.

Also, over the weekend, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit issued a ruling temporarily blocking the mandate.   Its decree states that “Because the petitions give cause to believe there are grave statutory and constitutional issues with the mandate, the mandate is hereby stayed pending further action by this court.”  Of course, the administration will challenge that ruling.  But President Biden jumped the gun and doubled down on his mandate and dismissed the court’s decision, ordering American businesses to “move forward” with ordering their employees to be vaccinated.

Mr. Biden’s Justice Department sided with him, saying that he “clearly has the authority to protect workers and actions announced by the president are designed to save lives and stop the spread of COVID-19.”  Whether he does have the authority to contradict a federal court ruling is arguable at best.  But White House Chief of Staff Ron Klain says, “If OSHA can tell people to wear a hard hat on the job, to be careful around chemicals, it can put in place these simple measures to keep our workers safe.”

Meanwhile, anti-mandate workers across the country have been protesting “forced vaccinations,” and this week, it is expected that hundreds of thousands of workers will participate in a nationwide walkout. 

One of the organizers of the walkout, California attorney Leigh Dundas, told the Epoch Times that, in addition to those Republican states fighting the mandate in court, workers, regardless of their political persuasions, will join the anti-vaccine walkout.  He said that “BLM, gay, straight, Jewish, Muslim, Native American, Asian, Latino, Christian, atheist—all groups—are coming together for this one historic moment in time—to trumpet not just to our own government, but indeed to the watching eyes of the world, that vaccine mandates will no longer be tolerated. That in this country, we are the government, because our founding fathers knew this truth: a truly free nation is a nation of the people, by the people, and for the people.”

Brandon Trosclair, owner of a Louisiana-based grocery chain that operates 15 supermarkets, is protesting the mandate by joining a group of remote workers from Texas in a federal lawsuit challenging Mr. Biden’s decree.  They call the mandate “illegal.”  In a statement he issued, Trosclair declared  the Biden Administration’s COVID strategy is this: circumvent Congress, ignore the Constitution, then threaten and bully millions of Americans to get vaccinated against their will. It’s an assault on the U.S. Constitution, which the President has sworn to uphold.”

Trosclair was particularly angry that the president was overplaying his hand by telling him how to run his business and ordering him to make personal “medical decisions” — decisions that his employees have a right to make themselves.  “I am faced with an incomprehensible choice imposed upon me by the federal government: force these workers, whose dedication and skills have fueled my business’s success, to take the COVID vaccine—or show them the door.” 

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Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
2 years ago

Need this for all Blue States Hoorah

2 years ago

Unlike horses, you can’t just take a thing that has lived free and suddenly stick ’em in a corral. Americans will stand up against this nonsense. It’s in our DNA.

Sharon Ormsby
Sharon Ormsby
2 years ago

Absolutely correct. I believe in vaccines myself, but this vaccine is causing myocarditis in some men, and some doctors in the military are being ignored about this. When their warnings are being ignored, when pediatricians are being ignored, then it’s time to put a halt on it being mandatory for everyone. It never should have been from the start. It is interesting to note however, that we already have three deaths of young teens, all female from voluntarily getting this vaccine-since the rollout for 5-18 year olds. Take that Big Bird! There have been numerous VAERS reports of horrendous reactions as well. All of those in the United States. You aren’t hearing about that on the nightly news either.

Lawrence Greenberg
Lawrence Greenberg
2 years ago

Ever since this mandate crap began, I have been asking a simple question to which I have yet to receive an answer: Just where in our Constitution is there a provision to give dictatorial power to the President to mandate medical procedures, especially experimental medical procedures? Anyone?

anna hubert
anna hubert
2 years ago

pawns and lab rats

2 years ago

To mandate something that was not thoroughly proven to be innocuous, that potentially could adversely affect many Americans spoke of a perverse desire to exert an overall control and dominance rather than provide a safeguard for the nation’s health. To obey such an order is to accept lives as obedient subjects under a despotic regime rather than to acknowledge our GOD Given Rights as CITIZENS in a REPRESENTATIONAL-CONSTITUTIONAL REPUBLIC. Let’s pause for a while to recognize that a virus or any communicable infirmity has NO POLITICAL LEANING so any voice of evaluation of it’s characteristics should only properly emanate from scholarly, medically scientific researchers.

2 years ago

This Biden administration is tone deaf and tyrannical. The number of protests towards mandatory vaccination is a glaring demonstration of how abhorrent this policy is to Americans, and yet they persist. Biden will truly go down in history as the worst president in U.S. history, seconded (and not by far) by his predecessor, Obama.

George Washington's Admirer
George Washington's Admirer
2 years ago

‘It’s Beginning To Look A Lot Like A Dictatorship Everywhere You Go!’ (Sung to the music: ‘It’s Beginning To Look A Lot Like Christmas…’) ~ ‘Boggles The Mind’ ~ George’s Admirer

2 years ago

At one time, Biden and his regime all claimed there was no way they would be vaccinated . Of course that was because the vaccine came to be while Trump was in office. They didn’t like it then so liking it now is just a power grab.1

Marie Langley
Marie Langley
2 years ago

This president is a complete idiot. You can tell what a temper he has. Sometimes he forgets and lets loose with it. I am so disgusted with this whole administration. It’s so frustrating that we the people cannot do anything about it.
I am vaccinated but respect people’s rights to not get it if they are against it. I hope millions of people show up for this walkout and cripple the economy even worse than it already is.
And then he is paying over $400K to put a fence around his beach house. And an 85 car motorcade at the “climate change” summit. What a hypocrite. LET’S GO BRANDON!!!!!

Enuf Said
Enuf Said
2 years ago

Biden has way more SCENTS in his depends than the idiot has in his brain dead head!!

Nobody’s Business
Nobody’s Business
2 years ago

Enough of this phony Covid bullshit. If Covid was really a problem why does every government official that mandates Covid safety measures not follow them theirselves? Why did Democrat governors ship Covid patients to old folks homes why do we bring in illegals without Covid vaccines why are there no mandates like no welfare or food stamps or disability claims unless you get vaccinated? Why did they have to inflate death figures ? If you died of whatever they checked to see if you had Covid and then claim you died of Covid. Covid has a 99.7% survival rate, that is better than any previous flu. The cause of death in this country in 2020 was statistically average. With a so called pandemic going on? That doesn’t strike any one as being suspicious, There are drugs out there that have proven to work safely. Like Ivermectin, and Hydroxychloroquin. Yet the media and the social media refuse to tells us even though plenty of Doctors know it works. It’s time for everyone to stand up and say f*** you to our government on any Covid mandate!

Dee Mabuhay
Dee Mabuhay
2 years ago

The Biden/Democrat Socialist Fascist Administration is a tyrannical dictatorial power-hungry bunch of nincompoops.

2 years ago

Comrade President Jackass Joe Biden thinks he can just “dictate” whatever asinine demands into Law that enters into his dimensia ladden mind! . . . He needs to be permanently removed from office!

2 years ago

The mandate issue may well be the point where the administration hits the wall. Putting a stop to this issue will set the stage for other challenges and reversals…a bit like a boulder rolling down hill…once it get’s going it may well carry through to other overreaches that need to be curbed and reversed. It’s a step in the right direction…and conservatives need to act with courage, boldness and aggressive tactics….even dirty ones to fight this tidal wave of harm. Perhaps it can happen……

H L Howell
H L Howell
2 years ago

biden must be removed from office, along with hyena harris.

2 years ago

The Biden Admin is truly being a dictator using “public safety” as his ruse! I have friends who cannot take the vaccine for medical reasons so are they to lose their livelihoods too? Biden keeps forcing the private sector to do his dirty work cuz He damn well knows this is all UNCONSTITUTIONAL! America caves to this, there will be more dictates from our Tyrant-in-chief!

2 years ago

I’m not listening to anything that the diabolical Criminal Enterprise, who invaded our government has to say. So over their relentless pursuit of power. Everyday I wake up hoping that a lot of them have dropped dead. #FJB, #FKH

2 years ago

What is really the point of protests, lawsuits, any of it if The Imposter In Chief ignores the American people and what the courts rule?? This is a lawless government system -put in place’ by the Deep State. God knows who they all are. A few fighting back does nothing!! Our country hasn’t been paying attention for way too long. What I’m about to say may not be very popular with some, but President Trump started all this vaccine crap, and the rush to make it available. The man I’ve never been a fan of, but the majority of his policies have been good for this country, except for this one thing with regard to the vaccines. The CSMP Party then took it and used it against us all!! If you’re in a Red state, just keep resisting this illegal government and their orders.

Robert belcastro
Robert belcastro
2 years ago

The big picture: We have a virus from which 99.7% of those who contract it recover. How does this amount to a “pandemic” requiring mandatory ANYTHING?

2 years ago

The vaccine is SATAN’S SPERM mark of the BEAST!!! Biden and the Democrats are working for the Devil still being led by Obama even the Vatican is in on it

2 years ago

I’m not participating in this whole “pandemic” ruse. I’ve been monitoring the “global” b.s. regarding this “China Virus” situation and quite frankly what’s done is done, there’s no going back. China’s Wuhan lab ensured the virus would become a global nuisance, not just one localized in North America. The China Virus was created and released to do just what it’s doing… striking chaos and fear into our population. From those I know who’ve had and been successfully treated for the China
Virus they’re all telling me they really didn’t know they had caught the virus. Most said all they had was a runny nose, a bit of weakness in the upper body and a muddled brain of sorts. Nothing much more than a normal cold.

Yet, they shut the whole North American continent down if fear of ???

Whatever. It’s all about control. The China virus will linger until it’s no longer necessary.


MAGA2024! TRUMP2024!

Norm G.
Norm G.
2 years ago

How can forcing people to take an experimental vaccine be legal. ALL the vaccines being given in the US are experimental. I was under the impression international laws coming out of World War II prevented this. All I can say is beware. The US Army marched troops through nuclear blast ground zero to test for radiation effects. Same thing during bomb tests in the Pacific. It’s one thing to have volunteers but another to dose the unwilling.

2 years ago

Does this mandate apply to people getting welfare and food stamps? Does it say vaccinate or no welfare OR vaccinate or no food stamps. Seems to me that is discrimination!

Janet Savoy
Janet Savoy
2 years ago

Hey karma is a bitch..the Demorats are doomed!!!!

JJ Johnson-Smith
JJ Johnson-Smith
2 years ago

Businesses big AND small, are the ones who can end this nonsense, by standing UNITED against this violation of the Rights of the People. The PEOPLE, are the ones tasked with boycotting the businesses and corporations that comply with the Biden Administration . And Employees of these businesses, must walk out and not return until the mandates are ended. This insanity affects ALL of us, and it will take ALL of us to end it.

2 years ago

Healthcare workers don’t have to Jan 4th. They have to December 5th as it takes about a month to be “fully vaccinated” as the term means now. May mean something else in 6 months. If we haven’t had one dose of the experimental gene therapy shot by then…no job. Xiden calls it holding healthcare to a higher standard. What it will bring about is the high healthcare standards one sees in socialist/communist countries everywhere. BYOB, bring your own bedpan.

Meanwhile, illegal immigrants do not have to be injected against their will.

2 years ago

Corrupt joebama,the lying democrats are traitors.
Throw them out!
Cannot believe ANY real America Citizen would support or accept these marxist,racist, and destructive failures.

2 years ago

Interesting how, when Trump was President, the Commie Party shut down everything he tried to do with corrupt judges blocking EOs. And yet, with this Fascist, a court told him to stop. And Biden Thumbs His Nose at the judge. Who is right.
No one can FORCE an American to stick an untested RNA into THEIR body.
This admin needs shut down. Now.

2 years ago

If Biden’s actions aren’t classic actions of a Communist dictator, then the sun will start rising in the West. Joe Hidin’ Biden thinks he was elected God!!!! He is increasing his personal safety and life by continuing with his idiocy, and as much as I despise his character, I would hate to see him grievously harmed. It’s time for the Demoncraps to usher him out of the POTUS, and (holding my nose) move Camel Hairs up. The biggest enemy this Nation has is sitting in the White House now.

Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
2 years ago

You Dems. and Progressives just dontbelieve in a take over do you. ??? Revolutions in other countries,so why not here. ?? I’t can certainly happen. Kyle L.

Rick Hall
Rick Hall
2 years ago

This current Federal, progressive, socialist, leftist administration, which was sworn in to uphold our Constitution, has now become an administration that has & is doing everything that it can to destroy our Constitutional law one step at a time until we are no longer a Constitutional government.
This is basically a treasonous act deliberately made by the Democrats in power & should be treated as such & they should be charged in a court of law & legal procedures followed to bring them to trial in accordance with our Constitutional law! 

Then if they are found guilty of treason, the full weight of the law should be followed in the final judgment of our court and it should be carried out in accordance with that law!
This will serve to purge & cleanse our nation of those who would destroy our nation from within!

2 years ago

Biden is quickly laying claim to the most anti-American POTUS in the history of this Nation.

2 years ago

Agreed! Let’s go Brandon

Todd Jaffe
Todd Jaffe
2 years ago

And they called Trump a Fascist? This President makes Jimmy Carter look absolutely stellar!

2 years ago

My son-in-law works for a large health provider in TN. As soon as the mandate was formally announced, the company sent an email to its several thousand employees (some of whom still work from home!) that all are expected to be “shot” by January 4th. Some have to do this by Dec 8. If they do not comply, they will be “terminated.” There is no testing option. There is no religious exemption/accommodation, BUT the worker is given a month in which to reconsider getting “shot” before being terminated. Any protest or even conversation between employees guarantees instant dismissal. This is disgraceful- AND discrimination on the basis of religious beliefs. Needless to say, my son-in-law is brushing up his IT resume and looking for work to support my daughter and their four young children.
P.S. If you have an insurance policy with Blue Cross/ Blue Shield of TN, please consider looking for another provider.

2 years ago

Good luck getting a needle into my arm. Last time I checked I was part of a Nation that believed in God, the Rights in the Constitution, and this Country! We as a people, united, need to voice our opinions and take this Country back from those who seek to destroy it!! If we don’t come together soon it will never be the same for us, our children, or our grandchildren!!

Ryans Dad
Ryans Dad
2 years ago

I believe that Biden has ignored his oath to “Protect and defend The Constitution,” and therefore, should be removed from office! Unfortunately, the Constitution does not provide such a remedy!

Maybe we should look at providing such a remedy.

Who would have thought that Americans should have elected such an unprincipled man to the highest office II the land?

Oh! Wait a minute! They didn’t!!

2 years ago

I knew he Biden was as if not more UNPRINCIPLED than any President that has ever served! I knew this long before he was elected with fraudulent help in November of 2020!

Jeffrey T
Jeffrey T
2 years ago

Can it possibly get any more clear(?) Biden authoritarianism like over-reach is massive and We The People will not tolerate same.

James D Mele
James D Mele
2 years ago

If this make believe President is so concerned about protecting the people from COVID-19 why is he allowing unvaccinated illegal aliens to be flown all over the United States. This man is the definition of a domestic enemy and must be impeached and sent to prison along with his son and brother. My belief is he wants to have Covid spread so he and his communist party can mandate more freedom killing rules.

James D Mele
James D Mele
2 years ago

Where is the “my body my choice”crowd? Does that apply only to killing babies in and out of the womb,another double standard by the communist Democratic Party. I hope and pray that the much talked about Red Wave washes away these enemies of our United States and their globalists conspirators. God bless the United States and bring President Trump in to clean up The Biden Harris unlawful disaster.

Mark L
Mark L
2 years ago

Go man go!
You and many others are the ones with the opportunity to fight these ridiculous mandates in fact I think many suits against the mandate should paralyze it from being implemented.

Robin Walter Boyd
Robin Walter Boyd
2 years ago

Something other than concern over citizens safety is going on. Otherwise, any immigrant entering the U.S. would be required to be vaccinated, and they are not. Usually when this sort of strong arm tactics are used it has to do with money. In this case, vaccines are being paid for with tax payers money, and pharmaceutical companies are being paid for every vaccine administered. My guess is that a part of that cost for vaccines is being redirected back to Socialist Democrats as well as the many politicians who have financial interests in the pharmaceutical companies. There is no way this is not a scam of some sort. Hopefully, there are not more diabolical reasons for government entities wanting to inject drugs into as many citizens as possible.

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