
National Security , Newsline

Biden is Crushing Low-Income Americans

Posted on Tuesday, November 2, 2021
by AMAC Newsline

AMAC Exclusive – By Andrew Abbott

Biden speaking

President Joe Biden has consistently billed himself as the champion of the poor, promising to make the wealthy “pay their fair share.” During his 2020 campaign, he pledged that he would not raise taxes on families that made less than $400,000 a year. And according to the technical definition of the word “tax,” he has so far largely kept that promise (although Democrats have yet to pass their massive reconciliation bill which looks to be loaded with tax hikes). However, even if Middle Class Americans haven’t yet seen a direct tax increase under Biden, his policies are creating one of the largest financial squeezes of working- and middle-class families in history.

Instead of direct taxes, the effects of Biden’s policies have resulted in several “hidden taxes” which disproportionately affect individuals and families in lower income brackets. The most obvious of these is inflation, which reached a 13-year high in September. While many wealthy Americans have heavily diversified investment portfolios that can keep pace with raging inflation, most middle- and working-class Americans rely on savings accounts or live paycheck to paycheck. For them, such sky-high inflation is devastating. As much was reflected in data for wage growth over the past year, which showed that, while wages have increased in recent months for some groups, the actual buying power of those wages has decreased over the past year due to inflation. That’s a hidden tax.

Despite this obvious fact that inflation primarily affects lower income Americans who pay a larger portion of their after-tax income on everyday needs, the Biden administration continues to insist otherwise. Earlier this month, White House Chief of Staff Ronald Klain retweeted and shared a thread from former Obama Economic Council Chair Jason Furman, calling inflation a “high-class problem.” He suggested that it was a good thing and a sign that the country was on the right track. The Independent Women’s Forum fact-checked this claim and gave it “four unicorns: False. Completely make-believe.” They noted:

“The White House’s suggestion that the struggle to pay for gas, home heat, clothes, and groceries are a ‘high-class problem’ is not only false but insulting and out-of-touch. The rich have plenty of cash to pay a few bucks more. Working Americans, meanwhile, are getting squeezed.”

Moreover, despite the Biden administration’s claim that inflationary pressure is “transitory,” economists say that it’s not going anywhere anytime soon. According to the U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis, prices for food, gas and most consumer goods are increasing at a higher rate than “at any point this century.” They further predict that price surges will continue well into 2022. While economists disagree on the exact cause, leading experts from both sides of the aisle are expressing extreme concern and agree that monetary policy in America – which under Biden is essentially limitless spending – needs to be reined in and reexamined.

But instead of heeding that warning, Biden and Congressional Democrats are still plowing ahead with plans for trillions of dollars in additional government spending. Any first-year economics student knows that injecting such astronomical sums of money into the economy will only make inflation worse, not better.

The Biden administration’s energy policies have also put an added strain on middle- and working-class families as oil and gas prices soar. After cancelling the Keystone XL pipeline and ending oil and gas exploration on many public lands, the U.S. is now once again dependent on foreign energy suppliers after President Trump made the country energy independent. New burdensome regulations haven’t helped either. While it costs the same for a billionaire and a minimum wage worker to buy a gallon of gas or heat their home, lower-income Americans have a smaller pool of income to start out with, meaning that they now must spend a higher percentage of it on fuel and energy bills, while the rich feel the pinch far less.

Although the Biden administration has desperately tried to shift the blame for the nation’s economic struggles, public polling shows that Americans aren’t buying it. According to the FiveThirtyEight polling average, Biden’s approval rating sits at just 43.2%, while 51.1% of Americans disapprove of the job he’s doing. Even worse for Biden and Congressional Democrats, 71% now say the nation is heading in the wrong direction, including nearly half of Democrats. Biden is also underwater with women and minorities, two demographics Democrats will need if they hope to have any chance of retaining control of Congress next year or the White House in 2024. While other failures like the ongoing border crisis and the disastrous pullout from Afghanistan are undoubtedly playing a role in Biden’s spiraling popularity, the economic woes plaguing the country are one issue that has a direct impact on the lives of the vast majority of people.

Regardless of concerns that Biden’s agenda might be at odds with the interests of average Americans, his team is unmoved. This week, CNN’s Jake Tapper asked Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen if Biden’s policies “were essentially pouring gas on the inflation fire?” She outright dismissed these concerns and asserted that the current inflation would naturally decline over time. While continuing to insist his policies of government spending, re-regulation, and tax hikes are evidence of Biden’s commitment to the poor and middle class, all available evidence suggests otherwise.

Andrew Abbott is the pen name of a writer and public affairs consultant with over a decade of experience in DC at the intersection of politics and culture.

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Jesus Christ
Jesus Christ
8 months ago

So what exactly is the point here- that Trump will somehow come to the rescue? Why would anyone with any level of intelligence, perception, and sanity think that he’s going to actually help? He’ll make the situation 100 times worse-guaranteed!

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
2 years ago

& losing voters too IF he wanted said votes

edgar fletcher
edgar fletcher
2 years ago

America’s biggest problem now is stopping the left from stealing elections. If we can’t stop the theft of our elections, we are doomed, plain and simple.

2 years ago

Boy, I really didn’t realize that I was really part of the “wealthy” class now that ALL MY TAXES HAVE INCREASED! . . . I guess I never appreciated being so rich on paper!

2 years ago

The aim of a Socialist, Communist or Marxist regime is to crush the middle class so there are only Elites, protected by a well paid woke military and working class who labor and pay all the taxes to support the rich upper class. aka:Venezuela, Russia, China. The middle class, better educated,religious and more patriotic will leave this oppressive regime and flee to another country, if there is another country to go to. that offers opportunity.. If America fails to crush the creeping, now bounding Progressive Socialism forcing it’s way into our political system we will become just another ‘ism’, and Socialism, Marxism or Communism will have succeeded in the Global battle. Wake up America ! There is no where else to go. Our Republic is the last bastion of freedom on earth.

sick of the stupid
sick of the stupid
2 years ago

The Dems and Progressives ( what an oxy moron that title is “progressives” ) are driving the country over a social and financial cliff. It took Pres Trump to show these political hacks and the American people how to run a country the right way. But no the Dems had to resist and had to fight him every step of the way and make up false stories etc. during his presidency and lie to the American about this man to get their votes. I hope your liking your new no tax inflation and cost of all goods in services in only 9 months. Imagine if the dopes had worked with Trump how much better off the country would be right now. Full Employment low taxes no inflation and a supply chain that was working without any issues . These dems want us to suffer and are just bringing us back to Obama land and giving in to world demands that we have to much and the American people need to be put back place and be submissive to the Global Elitists. I say Bull Crap vote the Dems and progressives out of office and lets get real Americans who love the country back in power and want the American people to prosper and not Cowtown to the elitists.

2 years ago

The fact that any thinking or breathing for that matter, human being, would ever actually believe any of this garbage that comes from the democrats is beyond my ability to comprehend. The fact that someone can actually say with a straight face that taxing, inflation, regulations, ETC actually help working class families is just so pathetic no one should ever believe it. But, after decades of indocrination in the schools and the “press” most people have no clue how economics works. So very, very sad.

R.J. from Arizona
R.J. from Arizona
2 years ago

Joey is a liar. Socialist Democrats are liars. Dems always raise taxes and anyone with an IQ above 10 knows it also. It amazes me how they talk down to people and act like we are all stupid,,,BUT,,,,he was elected so I guess we are stupid.

Sharon Ormsby
Sharon Ormsby
2 years ago

Inflation will definitely hurt and is hurting everyone on a fixed income.

2 years ago

useless joebama is crushing ALL Citizens with his anti American, socialist, hatred and divisiveness!

2 years ago


2 years ago

Everything this Communist administration does is a tax. They just avoid using the word.
It isn’t Biden.
It is Soros and obama.
Communism sends everyone except the chosen ‘elite’ into deadly poverty. Starvation is how Communists exterminate hundreds of millions of those they don’t like.
Guard the polling stations.

2 years ago

Of course they are. That is the whole point

2 years ago

Don’t hold your breath for that resignation, the president and his cabinet are blaming the American people for the country’s woes.

2 years ago

Do you think Joey from Scranton cares that he is crushing low-income Americans? His current/past history shows he doesn’t. He doesn’t care about the jobs he has caused Americans to lose, the lives lost in Afghanistan, all the illegals crossing the borders, etc. He’s too worried about riding Amtrak, putting a lid on it, taking his nap, and being a good boy from the Pope in order to receive communion. I wonder when the last time he went to Catholic confession?, and how many lies he has told the priest that he has done? I can barely keep up with his lies, I don’t know how he does. But in his feeble mind, he hasn’t lied.

J. Farley
J. Farley
2 years ago

This Obama two-point O, on steroids, my wife and I suffered through the 8 long years of Obama, I had just become disabled, for starters and the company that my wife had worked for, for 33 years closed their local branch, she was near retirement age, but wanted to work a few more years but there were no jobs, so she took a parttime job, but, that company along with others company’s closed their business’s also, as most of you will remember adults were taking jobs in fast food places from young people. My wife decided to go ahead and retire, so we tightened our belts and survived through moron economics, we lost half of our retirement and then the value of our home got us back about half of what we lost by downsizing, and with the election of President Trump we were slowly recovering, but in 2020 stupidity raised its ugly head and through the voting of idiots and a fraudulent election we got Lying Hidden Joe Biden, we are at wits end to how we will survive the voodoo economics of the left, I know many of you are facing like situation.
We are not along in suffering Obama/Biden or Biden/Harris or is it Harris/Biden who are the same side of a two headed coin, this time we may not survive the fallers of the left.
God Save America!

2 years ago

No Kidding! With all due respect,We don’t need to be informed by Amac or anyone else that once again the Lowest income Citizens are getting screwed .Since the dummy Joe Biden took the reigns Steak,Bacon,most Fish,is not affordable even chicken hot dogs is getting out of range price wise. But we save $$$ on toilet paper. No Food,No need for toilet paper.Can’t find any anyway. The Democrats are holding Non Union Truckers Hostage. But illegals can expect a gold card to cash their $450,000.00 pay off from traitor Joe.

David Spade
David Spade
2 years ago

So I wonder how many progressive Marxist Democrats who voted for O’Biden are now faced with helping support their kids, monetarily? Hey if your are 50 years old or older and have children and grandkids and you voted in the last election, are you helping out your family because of your really bad decision to put this guy in the highest office in the land? He isn’t even looking into how this “economic ship” gets on the right course. He keeps wanting to tax and spend, he wants to give cash to illegal aliens, he wants to force vaccine mandates or have employees fired, and he has inadequately dealt with the issues of shipping. All of this drives inflation, higher taxes, and short supplies of needed products. He has driven this country down in less than 300 days, and his approval ratings are in the tank. Frankly, O’Biden will get what he deserves, and so will the Marxist Democrats at the next general election. He, himself, is a plague on America. Lets Go Brandon!

Larry W.
Larry W.
2 years ago

This is what happens when you have millionaires running a country. They are so far out of the average, everyday Americans life, they just can’t relate. We need representation by ordinary Americans that have to live on a budget.

Douglas Creighton
Douglas Creighton
2 years ago

Why is this a surprise? This is their collectivist plan: Crush aspirations, offer government assistance, create The Dependency State, the dependents identify their welfare with the Democrat Party. Et voila, Forever in power. The population lives with mediocrity and the few have ALL the wealth.

Scott Berg
Scott Berg
2 years ago

The only thing that anyone should be concerned with, Is how to get this Fraudulent administration out of office as fast as possible, By any means possible !

Enuf Said
Enuf Said
2 years ago

Well, it only goes to show that Obozo was almost as dumb as BUCK BIDEN–but not quite!!

James Thompson
James Thompson
2 years ago

The middle class will soon be the poor!

2 years ago

The middle class should wake up and stop voting for this liberal regime in every county and state in the USA// Biden does not like the african american race,yet they continue to vote for this dementia queen// Taxes/Inflation/Illegal Immigrants/Border Policy/Schools in America/Covid Non Control/to name a few//This loser Biden has lied to the same people who voted for him and turned around and smiled after falling a sleep every hour or so/ When this guy Biden/s lips move you know he is lying//Vote Republican and the USA will return to taking care of AMERICA 1ST as it should be//

David Millikan
David Millikan
2 years ago

DICTATOR Beijing biden and those he follows and listens to live in FANTASY WORLD.
This winter while people will DIE from FREEZING TO DEATH because of DICTATOR Beijing biden with his Rolling Blackout’s
Sounds like a REAL LOSER because he is a LOSER and Bows down to COMMUNIST China.
Just remember while you are FREEZING TO DEATH and NO FOOD and Shipping Containers sit UNLOADED and being FINED Everyday by LOSER Newsom the ONLY person to BLAME is DICTATOR Beijing biden who is the ILLEGITIMATE LOSER in the White House.

We didn’t have these problems when the REAL President who is PRESIDENT TRUMP was in Office, LEGALLY.

Remember, while you’re FREEZING this winter, DICTATOR Beijing biden will be sitting nice and WARM in the White House ALL PAID FOR by YOU, THE TAX PAYER.

WHY hasn’t DICTATOR Beijing biden DONATED any of his Checks? And WHEN is DICTATOR Beijing biden going to PAY the $150 plus MILLION in BACK TAXES he OWES?

WHY does DICTATOR Beijing biden and Hunter STILL have Money Invested in COMMUNIST China companies like SWAMP QUEEN pelosi and Feinstein do? Even bet MotorMouth Maxine Waters does too.
The LIST of their Corruption is VERY LONG while YOU get poorer and they get RICHER while at same time ABUSING their so-called job.



2 years ago

Biden’s was on fossil fuels is the biggest cause of rising costs to all classes. Biden & majority of Congress are way out of touch with the struggles of the lower & middle classes to pay their bills. Inlation may not be a tax but — the WH needs to take responsibility for the cause of this. And Janet Yellen is also out in la la land in regard to what causes inflation.

2 years ago

How many years did it take to make America energy independent & so why the war to destroy all of the years & blood,sweat,and tears to get to that point. Why —there has to be a better way to support Americans than raising the price at the gas pump & worries of heating bills this winter. Why…….

Eddie Van Halen
Eddie Van Halen
2 years ago

Cyanide capsules were made specifically for all ( D ) communist politicians. just imagine what this nation is going to be in 3 more years. I don’t care WHO wins in 2022. It will not matter at that point

2 years ago

Joe Hidin’ Biden is fouling the future (and present) with his inane and deleterious handling and decision making as POTUS. His effect is more harmful than the Viet Nam War was on the welfare and future welfare of almost every element of the USA culture and governance at all levels of society. We have a virtual brain dead POTUS. I guess we should consider that a plus in a way … because I shudder to think how foul he could be if he were not a virtual zombie under the control of ultra liberal components of the DemoCrat Communist Party. Biden is doing as much damage to our governance, welfare, and safety as any mega event in the Nation’s history since the Civil War of the 1860’s.

Eddie Van Halen
Eddie Van Halen
2 years ago

Something needs to be done about Suckeberg and “BookFace” but, most of you dolts use it everyday to send pictures of your meals to your friends, for them to see.

2 years ago

If we don’t get an Article V Convention of States to establish a process for the people to peacefully remove a President and party who are traitorous and work full steam at bankrupting, harming, and destroying our constitutional republic and country immediately, fall of 2022 will be meaningless because the Russians and Chinese, who will be here by then, won’t hold elections for Americans to participate in.

Marie Langley
Marie Langley
2 years ago

3 more years of this BS!!!!!! I am very worried………..Shame on everyone who voted for this treasonous jerk!!!!! They should all be ashamed. And with the poll numbers, who are the morons who think he is doing a good job? Boggles the mind. I guess when he fell asleep during the climate change summit speeches it was past his nap time!!!!!

Eddie Van Halen
Eddie Van Halen
2 years ago

And one more ‘ting – Biden voted to tax Social “Security.”
This is back when he was just a plain old bozo.
What a guy.

2 years ago

Can anyone name one Build Back Better policy that positively impacts the citizens of the United States? All his Build Back Better policies increases the power of the government over our lives to make us more dependent on them,
Lets Go Brandon!

2 years ago

Censorship … once more aptly called “brain washing.”

Jim Jolly
Jim Jolly
2 years ago

If I had done as bad of a job as Biden and his ignorant crew I would have been fired after the first month. Wouldn’t it be nice if that would happen including Harris, Pelosi, Schumer, the Squad and of course Bernnie. I don’t know what college Janet Yellen graduated from but she needs to go back for a refresher course or is she just repeating what the LEFT is wanting her to say. I don’t have a economics degree but spending trillions more is not going to fix what has been screwed up by the Democrats lately. THAT IS JUST COMMON SENSE, Oh yet, I forgot we are talking about Washington.

2 years ago

The current administration is going to destroy our country as we know it. Thanks to them we are on a road that is leading the USA downward and if they continue their anti-American ways we will become just another third world nation. God Bless America!

2 years ago

The Democrats need the trillions of dollars to try to pay back States and communities from whom their politicians have stolen trillions of dollars before they finally get exposed even though the press has been doing everything possible to cover it up. This is their only chance…until they start stealing trillions of dollars again which they will. They got away with it once so why not do it again?

Pete from St Pete
Pete from St Pete
2 years ago

Joe Biden is NOT the champion of workers and laborers. He is the champion of labor UNIONS. They provide him and his party with vast funds and willing workers who unwittingly work to reelect Democrats against their own personal best self interest.

2 years ago

You know every time imposter pres biden opens his mouth it’s a damn lie.

2 years ago

useless Joe and the socialist democrats are ruining America!
These losers need to be removed

2 years ago

….”crushing low-income Americans”…..well of course they are. Mind you I said THEY….because, you see, Biden is not the one actually doing this….he is a figurehead. The powers behind the man, work from under the table, behind the curtain and out from the closet….and the president is just doing his part (even if he is oblivious to it). This is a step in the overall plan… make as many people as poor as you can, and create a dependency on the government for all necessities of life. Never mind personal initiative. Never mind the work ethic. Never mind being educated to excel they want drones.
The deeper they can plunge people into poverty the better. In the end you have but two groups….the very prosperous rich, and the very poor, poor. So…crush the low-income people and add to their numbers by overloading every one else (except themselves) and take the reins. My question is this, directed at AMAC…how about some articles of exposure…about those people who are behind the scenes, doing the dirty business of destroying our nation. The movers and shakers of this conspiritorial drive to wipe the Republic off the face of the earth…..we need names, dates, documentation, real facts about real people in stead of just saying “Biden” or “they” or “sources in the administration”, etc. How about it AMAC?

2 years ago

I don’t get it, Biden will crush low income Americans, but he will get their vote.
They will never get ahead with his administration. SAD!

Tim Toroian
Tim Toroian
2 years ago

They are the easiest to make dependent on the government. For everything.

Mario Capparuccini
Mario Capparuccini
2 years ago

May the Lord cause an awakening in the hearts of our fellow citizens that they would reject the Party of evil with its support for abortion, sexual perversion, Communist ideology, and its tactics of lying and cheating. Individually, you can find good Democrats and corrupt Republicans, but the main focus of the Democratic Party is evil continuously.

2 years ago

I do not trust beady-eyed biden. His words are fragile and will readily crumble if it looks like his promises are about to fall apart.

2 years ago

This admin is nothing but power grabbers and communists. They all need to be removed.

2 years ago

Yelled is a Biden troll. Whatever she says, believe the opposite.

2 years ago

Joe Biden is an airhead. He is incapable of doing or creating anything. He is mentally diminished, a worn out old man. He follows his notecards and his “handlers”. Every move he makes reeks of Obama. He is fundamentally transforming America.

2 years ago

Ignorance is BLISS! Joe “commie” Biden has these poor bas—ds by the throat. They keep voting Democrat……..alas……..

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