Democrats used to be the party of working people. Now, they sneer at people who work hard.
Democrats pushing to pass the Build Back Better bill want a single parent with two kids to be able to take home well over $31,000 in cash and noncash federal benefits a year, tax-free, without having to work. The handouts are even higher in states that offer generous benefits. So why get a job?
Nonworking adults are already eligible for food stamps, housing vouchers, and health care. Now, Democrats want to send them monthly checks if they have kids — up to $300 per kid. The checks, nicknamed “Biden Bucks,” originated earlier this year to help tide over families who lost their jobs because of COVID. President Joe Biden’s team wants to convert them into a permanent entitlement. House Republicans mock it as “cash-for-kids.”
Everyone wants to help kids, but Republicans and one lone Democratic senator, Joe Manchin, D-West Virginia, oppose handing out cash to able-bodied parents without requiring them to work or train for a job. Democrats and their media allies bash that as cruelty. Washington Post columnist Paul Waldman attacks work requirements as a “time tax and ritual humiliation” on poor people. Really? The rest of us have to work, and there’s nothing humiliating about it.
The political battle over “Biden Bucks” is key to where we as a nation are headed.
In 1996, President Bill Clinton and a bipartisan majority in Congress passed welfare reform, eliminating cash welfare without work or job preparation. It worked. Child poverty dropped from 13% to less than 4%, and teen pregnancies and welfare dependence plummeted. Democrats want to undo these reforms.
Biden himself supported the work requirement then, but he says he’s adamantly against it now. So much for his blue-collar cred.
New York Times columnist Paul Krugman admits eliminating the work requirement “represents a philosophical break with the past few decades” and “the obsessive fear that poor people might take advantage of government aid by choosing not to work.”
A fear is borne out by social science and common sense.
University of Chicago economists calculate that the monthly cash payments will encourage 1.5 million parents to quit working. Perhaps they’ll spend the next year on the couch, making more babies to up their income from Uncle Sam.
This week’s headlines are about Democrats trimming the Build Back Better bill to reduce the price tag and win the votes of holdouts Manchin and Sen. Kyrsten Sinema, D-Arizona. All 50 Democratic senators need to be on board to pass the bill. But don’t be misled by proposals to sunset the monthly checks after one year or five instead of making them permanent. That reduces the official cost. But once created, entitlements are almost never allowed to sunset. Their funding will be renewed in succeeding years.
America will fast become starkly divided between the hardworking people who foot the bills and the millions on welfare, cheering on politicians to increase the dole. The burden on working people will become intolerable.
The New York Times has been featuring opinion columns deriding Americans’ work ethic. In “8 Hours a Day, Five Days a Week Is Not Working for Us,” Bryce Covert argues that a “reduction in work doesn’t have to mean a reduction in anyone’s living standards.” That’s la-la-land economics.
When fewer people work, fewer goods are produced, and they cost more. Inflation.
Americans are shell-shocked already by rising food and fuel prices. They’re recalculating how much they can afford and how it will impact their life plans. Yet the Biden team is telling them they have to support able-bodied adults who don’t want to work. The reaction should be pure rage.
Betsy McCaughey is a former lieutenant governor of New York. Follow her on Twitter @Betsy_McCaughey.
Ahhhhh, finally, I’ll be able to lose this weight I gained by being a middle aged white supremacist. I won’t be able to afford to eat anything other than roadkill animals. Oh wait, no one will be driving because of the escalating gas prices. Guess I’ll be eating grubs, or would that be considered cruelty to insects? PETA..your thoughts on that? Either way the pounds will be melting off. Watch out Schwarzenegger, you’ll have competition shortly….????
$300/kid? Isn’t that still below poverty level? Get a freaking job you lazy a$$e$.
Biden Bucks should come directly FROM Biden himself!Maybe Hunter could help him foot the bill!
That’s their wole objective put so much pressure on the the working people they’ll just throw in the towel too
I think you misunderstand the meaning of ‘entitlement.’ This would NOT be an entitlement program. Social Security IS an entitlement program. An entitlement is something you are owed, something you deserve. Workers pay into Social Security and are, therefore, ENTITLED to receive its benefits. This “Biden bucks” program is purely a handout.
The world’s oldest profession now takes a back seat to pop and drop motherhood. Or should I say birthing mechanism which we pay for from womb to the tomb. Soon we will run out of money and these so called mom’s will be selling these feral children into sex industry.
This pissese off. I don”t begrudge those receiving assistance when they are disabled but not those that just don’t want to work. Should not get paid for having babies. Welfare has gone comletely out of bounds. It is no where close to what it was originally founded and I can’t help but think that the Democrats screwed it up making people dependent on the goverment and who is going to vote these Democrats out that are giving all this stuff away. Anyone on welfare should have to go through drug testing and allowed one failure but after that be taken off welfare, I mean with Biden if you don’t get the shots you are out of work without pay or unemployment check. Nothing has been said about not drawing welfare but I am sure one could qualify for this and maybe be better off.
If you believe that couple’s will not add kids just to get monthly money you are as pathetic as those proposing this plan.
Seed for Depression 2 ahead
If you don’t think this will make ALL people quit working, then just think again. I don’t know a single person who would keep working to support lazy people who could be working but don’t. I know a lot who work to help handicapped people, their own families, their neighbors, their friends, church members, etc., but NOT lazy people.
This is what happened in the Soviet Union when folks were paid “living wages” for doing nothing! Folks quit working since they didn’t have to! Scarcity occurred and famine swept thru the country also killing millions! The average citizen became poor while the powers that ran everything lived high on the hog! Same thing in North Korea, Venezuela, Cuba, you name it. A whole group of people who never work, has no work ethic and will resort to violence when the government crashes the economy isn’t good for anyone and that will happen if this leftist crap continues!
With this kind of handout, we need to require that all recipients are on birth control!!! There are plenty of semi permanent methOds out there. This should be a total requirement for anyone on public assistance .
Well….F***JOE BIDEN…..I am sick of supporting everyone else’s families and even being retired my taxes are outrageous. Every place of business I have been to has ‘help wanted’ signs on their doors, in their windows, etc. People have no self respect anymore, they just want to sit on their butts and collect ‘free money’…..but it isn’t the government that pays it, it is TAXPAYERS. No one wants to work when they can get FREE everything…….so move to Venezuela and see how that works. I hope Biden falls down the steps on air force one and breaks his freaking neck while in Italy or Scotland or wherever the hell he’s going…..and may Kamalhair follow close behind.
Let’s go Brandon!
My daughter has 2 children who are unable to work. She is unable to work. How come we never saw these “Biden Bucks”? How can I find out more information about this?
My daughter would love to work but she has 2 special needs children and she can’t work. She also has no husband and has had a hysterectomy. I was just inquiring about the “Biden Bucks” that was all. I worked for 62 years so I know what work is. I wish my daughter could be free to work but she has to be there to watch these kids 24/7. Yes she does get food stamps a an amount of SSI for the children but we can’t make ends meet. So don’t be so bitter toward my inquiry. Treat people the way you want to be treated.
Can I get in on the freebies? I guess not, I have two grown children (adults) who actually do work hard at their jobs. I’ve worked since the age of 16, worked 2 jobs when I had to. I had an obligation and a duty to my two small children to make ends meet. I went from one job to the next each day, rent got paid, groceries bought, kids to school each day–it was a very difficult time in my life, but I did it because I knew my parents weren’t well off enough financially to help me. I just find it “amazing” to hear people want more & more government handouts, and I’m not referring to those who are handicapped/challenged and really do need help.
HELP WANTED. Sounds like a reverse depression. Kyle L.
I have been working since I was 16 or earlier too. I am a senior and have been seeing a lot more seniors at places since they are willing to actually work. What happens when we can no longer fill those spots? Sad to see this in my lifetime. @ Kyle. Yep. Did that…lots of squirrels, doves and bunnies in my area so can subsidize my and my dogs meat needs. Enlarged my garden too. Have a bad feeling that will all be needed.
Work for pay. What a concept.