
Education , Newsline

Democrats to Public School Parents: Drop Dead

Posted on Sunday, October 3, 2021
by AMAC Newsline

AMAC Exclusive – by David P. Deavel

school bus students public democratsThey’re getting bolder in their tug-of-war over who has the primary responsibility for educating our children. But the parents are not going to let go. In the last debate before the November election, Democratic Virginia gubernatorial candidate Terry McAuliffe was challenged by Republican candidate Glenn Youngkin about his own veto, in his earlier term as governor, of a bill that would have created an alert for parents when sexual material was present in educational materials. McAuliffe responded that he was proud of his veto: “I’m not going to let parents come into schools and actually take books out and make their own decision. I don’t think parents should be telling schools what they should teach.”

When asked about it later by a local CBS affiliate, McAuliffe doubled down. “Listen, we have a Board of Education working with the local school boards to determine the curriculum for our schools. You don’t want parents coming in in every different school jurisdiction saying this is what should be taught here, and this is what should be taught there.”

Youngkin clearly thinks this is a winning issue. He tweeted that McAuliffe might like to look at what Virginia law says about the rights of parents: “A parent has a funmental right to make decisions concerning the upbringing, education, and care of the parent’s child.” He also released an ad the next day based on the debate exchange in which he replied to McAuliffe, “You believe school systems should tell children what to do. I believe parents should be in charge of their kids’ education.”

The message from progressive politicians and education bureaucrats, however, is clear: parents ought to have no say in what local public education is about. Terry McAuliffe is not alone in this view. At a hearing of the Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor & Pensions, Republican Senator Mike Braun of Indiana asked Education Secretary Miguel Cardona whether parents ought to be considered the “primary stakeholders” in their children’s education. Cardona would only agree that they are “important stakeholders,” but that “educators have a role in determining educational programming.” The refusal to acknowledge parents as primary gives us an indication of which role “educators” have in educational programming: it’s the final word. Parents don’t count.

While teachers used to think of themselves as acting in loco parentis, the Latin phrase meaning in place of the parents who were not present, they now think of themselves having taken over the place of parental authority entirely.

Fortunately, there are still enough parents out there who think this idea is plain loco—Spanish for crazy. School boards in Virginia and all over the country have been seeing more outraged parents coming to school board meetings to complain about the ways in which their own views are ignored on a whole range of issues, but especially sexual content in curriculum and the use of Critical Race Theory (CRT) as the guiding philosophy of education and its corresponding destruction of educational quality in the name of “equity.” While Democrats and their legacy media and higher ed adjuncts have attempted to brush off this rebellion as some sort of partisan or racist (the all-purpose progressive rebuttal when they have no answers) anger, it’s clear that there are many Americans upset with the way in which American public education has become hazardous to children’s intellectual health.

Alas, on the same day that Secretary Cardona refused to acknowledge parents as primary stakeholders in their children’s education, the National School Boards Association, which claims to represent 90,000 school board members across the country [Narrator: That’s pretty unlikely] wrote a letter to President Biden asking him to crack down on parents who are upset at mask mandates and the teaching of CRT in schools using every federal agency and statute they could think of, including the Patriot Act. Not only does the letter repeat the laughable notion that schools don’t teach CRT because it is “a complex law school and graduate school subject well beyond the scope of a K-12 class” (no doubt schools don’t teach gravity as it is a complex subject for graduate physics students either), but it gives a hint as to which offenses the Feds should be cracking down on. Among incidents in which parents or concerned citizens have actually become violent, they also include incidents in which people have mocked school board members and accused them of attempting to sneak CRT into the curriculum.

Sticks and stones may break my bones, but names are also a violation of the Patriot Act, according to the Education Blob.

So what are parents to do to fight back against the blob? Trafalgar Polling conducted a nationwide survey in July asking over one thousand parents how they should react if CRT becomes part of the curriculum in their children’s public schools. Overall, 29% of parents said they would teach their children what to believe at home without interfering in the school, almost 28% said they would remove their children from public school and send them to private schools or homeschool them, and 24% said they would work to take over the school board (19% said they had no opinion on the matter). These three options seem to be the main ones available.

Democrats, who made up 39% of the respondents, and those claiming no party/other, were much more likely to say they would just teach their children at home and not interfere (39.9% and 36.2%) than Republicans (12.9%). Republicans were much more likely to take their children out of the schools or try to take over the school board (38.1% and 33.2%) than Democrats (20.9% and 17.9%) or No Party/Other (22.9% and 20.8%).

To put it bluntly, Republicans are more in the right here. Without any effective action, public school bureaucracies will continue to embrace CRT, critical gender theory, and every other destructive fad that comes down the pike. To push back against all this has to be a matter of pushing back—and that involves either getting into their governance (Trafalgar’s third option) or putting pressure on them economically by pulling kids out (the second).

The difficulty with the taking over of school boards is that it takes a lot of time and effort. That doesn’t mean there are not groups out there who are dedicated to doing it. In fact, there are a lot of groups doing it. Ballotpedia has been keeping track of school board recall events since 2006, recording on average about 23 recall efforts against 52 board members per year up to 2020. In 2021, however, they have recorded as of September 71 recall efforts targeting 183 board members. These grass roots efforts to recall board members, win elections, and influence existing boards have been helped out by groups such as Parents Defending Education, a Loudoun County, Virginia, group, and No Left Turn in Education, an organization started by Elana Fishbein in Lower Merion, Pennsylvania (Philadelphia suburb). These groups have themselves been aided by about thirty national conservative organizations and foundations, according to an Associated Press article focusing on efforts in Mequon, Wisconsin (a Milwaukee suburb) to recall board members who have been pursuing divisive “diversity” goals.

In addition to the recall efforts, Politico reports that parents are putting up campaigns for school board that are explicitly against diversity and oppression curricula. While dutifully repeating the “no CRT is really taught here!” lines, the article notes that candidates all over the country are opposing them, many successfully in Ohio, Indiana, and elsewhere. In Houston all the anti-CRT candidates in a recent school board election won while in Southlake, Texas, two such candidates won with over 70% of the vote. It can be done in many parts of the country.

Many parents, however, do not have the time to both fight City Hall—or its educational equivalent—and make sure their own children are being educated apart from and often against what they’re learning in their public schools. This is why the move to opt out of public schools has been so great over the last decade. This year, 1.45 million children left the system, a number that was made even greater by so many schools’ determination to stay online. (To say that makes me vulnerable to the Patriot Act, I suppose.) If parents can no longer influence public schools, the best option for them is to take their kids elsewhere. To facilitate this, however, takes money.

That’s why the development of school choice options is so important. Now is the time, given that a RealClearOpinion poll in June showed a striking 74% of American parents support school choice—a full 10% increase since 2020! Perhaps the best development this year has been the passage of HB 2013 in West Virginia, known as the Hope Scholarship program. This education savings account allows students leaving the public school system to take up to $4600 with them to pay for tuition, books, and other costs at private schools or in homeschooling. The American Federation for Children has interactive maps showing the expanded school choice programs in 2021 as well as all those available in the U. S. right now.

Simply helping parents take control over their children’s education where they cannot influence their public schools is a big first step, but one final one remains. State and local governments can work toward building an accountability mechanism into the equation. I mean something guaranteeing local school budgets will be cut when there are lower class sizes. School board members may go along with the wokeness for a while, but if their budgets shrink, they may well ask whether they ought to rethink what kind of loco they want to be in relation to parents.

Legendary basketball coach Bobby Knight used to say that one should lead, follow, or get out of the way. More parents are demanding to be recognized as the “primary stakeholders” in their children’s education. They are refusing to “follow” educators who think that good education involves explicit sex, divisive and harmful notions about race, or the denial of opportunities in the name of equity. They are either going to lead the fight to take back these schools or get out of the way, taking their money with them and building up an education that is truly fit for the public.

David P. Deavel is editor of Logos: A Journal of Catholic Thought and Culture, co-director of the Terrence J. Murphy Institute for Catholic Thought, Law, and Public Policy, and a visiting professor at the University of St. Thomas (MN). He is the co-host of the Deep Down Things podcast.

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3 years ago

This is all part of the basic plan to destroy America by polluting the minds and basic human moral values of the youth who are gullible and easily manipulated. This tactic has been used time and time again to overthrow governments. Hitler used it, Mao used it, Lenin used it; all did in one form or another because it works. Watch as America falls just how well it works. If communism/socialism is so wonderful why does it ALWAYS take violence to install it. And liberals are just tools to be discarded once a country has been overthrown.

THX 1138
THX 1138
3 years ago

If you pay any amount of property taxes, parent or not, you definitely have a say in this matter. Why? Because it’s your taxes that pays for all of this….including the salaries of these confounded, Marxists bureaucrats and politicians. That’s why!

3 years ago

Parents should never stop fighting for their children’s education. The LEFT destroy’s everything it touches.

JJ Johnson-Smith
JJ Johnson-Smith
3 years ago

I am THRILLED to see the outrage across America regarding school indoctrination and high-handed educators! It’s long overdue, but parents are finally reminding School Boards and Teachers that THEY are not in charge, the PARENTS are! If parents in every district escrowed their school taxes as a group and took their kids OUT of the schools, the schools would have no option but to close. That would be followed by the eradication of the filthy Teacher’s Unions, and a NEW opportunity to restore healthy, age-appropriate, truthful education that is agreeable to parents and overseen BY parents. #EMPTYTHECLASSROOMS

3 years ago

Funny how the teacher’s want control of the educational aspect of our children, while blaming the parents for the truancy problems. While pushing our children through the education system regardless of learning.
A city school district made a student, pushed through the system until his senior year, go back to 9th grade because he never attended class. His GPA was 0.9, which wasn’t much lower than the mean. Can the parents sue the unions for failing (or not failing, grade-wise) their children?

Ellen K
Ellen K
3 years ago

As a parent, grandparent, community member and taxpayer I am a stakeholder in what and how children are taught. It impacts my home’s value, the quality of community life and the jobs and businesses we are able to attract and sustain. The use of school taxes to promote a political ideology is ridiculous at a time when our children are doing poorly in comparison to their age level peers in other countries. I’ve been a teacher. I have nearly 20 years of experience in public education. I can confirm that while they are not teaching CRT per se, CRT is the ideological underpinning of what is being promoted as a method of teaching. Every person who is paying taxes has a right to know how their money is being spent. If that makes me a terrorist, then the wheels have truly come off this train.

3 years ago

Get rid of the unions and elect school boards that reflect the needs and interests of parents who want their children educated not indoctrinated with leftist garbage.

3 years ago

They have lost their collective minds! Parents SHOULD have the right to determine what their children are being taught and exposed to. Some parents don’t really care, but many, if not most parents, I’m sure, are highly concerned if their children are being taught base, immoral, degrading, anti-American, coarse, abhorrent sexuality (in Kindergarten and above), etc. What on earth are these so-called “progressives” thinking!?!?!?! They seem to want their own dark thoughts and beliefs to be taught so their own dark/depravity won’t be recognized as deviant behavior and thinking against good, wholesome, positive, patriotic, etc. beliefs. I’m am so tired of their thoughtlessness, idiocy and negativity. Ugh! ????

Joe McCann
Joe McCann
2 years ago

After watching Tucker Carlson tonight on the current situation on this topic, I was shocked this can be happening in the country that I love – we are turning into a third world socialist state ruled and completely controlled by whatever this government wants us to do. We are losing our civil liberties. Alarms should be going off right now!! Parents being investigated a domestic terrorists – what the HELL is going on and WHY are we accepting this crap. The school board works for the parents, these are the parents who voted them in, and parents have every right to confront a curriculum, like CRT and gender fluidity – young children do not have to be subjected to this – the parents are ultimately paying for these schools, teachers, and boards – they have every right to have unimpeded input on how these schools are run without being smeared or investigated by our Federal Government – this administration must GO!`.I say pull all the kids out of the schools and home school this kids (yes, that would require great sacrifice, but the way things are going since Biden has been in, it is looking more and more that we may have to take extreme measures like this. .

Sara J Grosso
Sara J Grosso
2 years ago

We HAVE to stand against this insanity….It is OUR BABIES, OUR CHILDREN!!!! Our family has enrolled our Great Granddaughter into a Christian School that is Bible based, Freedom loving and actually teaches her math, science, history, etc. like it USED be. At the cost of $4000.00 per year! Our ENTIRE extended family have chipped in together to make this happen. We don’t know how long we can afford this, but we will as long as we can. (And we don’t know how long they will be there before this government tries to shut them down.) When we no longer can, she will be homeschooled before we allow freaking insane teachers and a socialistic government to get their hands on her. It will be over our entire families dead bodies before we let it happen.

3 years ago

Our rankings of the educational output compared to numerous other countries is dismal. The unions are squarely to blame as they are heavy contributors to the progressive party. Think about that!

3 years ago

Keep the pressure up! As a grandparent, I say, kiss my ass school board. You have NO CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHT TO FORMULATE YOUR OWN PLAN WHEN IT COMES TO OUR CHILDREN. Parents decide, period..Trump was right, give parents the option to opt out of public schools. Detract those taxes to private schools and see how fast public schools close down.

3 years ago

Parents to Democrats…Die mother F-Rs.

3 years ago

Our Children will Not Learn about What Is Really Important in public schools!!! Such as God, The Bible, Prayers, The 10 Commandments, True History…Because they took those Out of School???

3 years ago

Simple question to not only the parents, but all those in a community (if you pay property taxes, you too are a stakeholder in the public education system)- do you know what the curriculum is at your local schools? Freedom is not free- we all have to fight for it.

Maureen Edmond
Maureen Edmond
3 years ago

We all should home school. That would solve the teacher problem. Do the homework, get setup, and share the burden with other parents. Teachers get too many privileges to pull this with parents – remember, we pay them!! They must understand that the State holds PARENTS responsible for their children’s education, so DROP DEAD, TEACHERS UNIONS!! We’ll keep the kiddies home. No worries… and no job for you!!

3 years ago

I don’t have children in school but I pay school taxes as do parents of school aged children…They pay school taxes too are should certainly have a say in what is being taught to their kids…they have that right…afterall they pay the salaries of the administrators and teachers which means they have the right to know what their hard earned dollars are bring spent for. CRT and Bias training do not belong in school and work places. Those are tools bring used to divide our country and against the Constitution. Wake up people before its too late!

Sally Duncan
Sally Duncan
3 years ago

The time is NOW to show the CRT theorists that they have NO power over the raising of our children. Sex education, of ANY kind should not be allowed in our schools, PERIOD!

3 years ago

I can’t believe how cheap and immoral our country has become. Too many of our “leaders” are cheap, immoral and corrupt. The good people are outnumbered. So many of our leaders are indecent. Integrity is not part of their curriculum. We are robbing our kids if their childhood. Young kids do not need to know about masterbation, oral sex or homosexuality. We are letting them rob our children of their innocence. Where is the fun of childhood. It’s being destroyed by the immoral slugs in our government and public school systems. Why? Will someone tell me WHY?

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
3 years ago

Home school & shut down whole districts alone A-Z
No tax revenue since No kids in schools
Chap 7 school districts nationwide

Betty Harrison
Betty Harrison
3 years ago

parents that cannot afford prive schools should form groups with parents that can teach different subjests and save their children Take enough studentss out and the public system will collaspe

James Thompson
James Thompson
3 years ago


3 years ago

Great article. Parents need to be involved in what their children are learning, otherwise they will continue to be taught things like 3.5 trillion equals zero and the colors black and brown equals victim while the color white equals oppressor.

Our children have been brainwashed for too long NOT to be involved in what they are being taught.

Neil Schmidt
Neil Schmidt
3 years ago

Right….schools think they have the right to virtually brainwash and indoctrinate kids that would place Leftist ideas into the brains of vulnerable children? And….without parental input? If I had children (they are now grown), I would yank them out of a public school and place them into a charter school of my choosing, or I would teach them myself at home to include family values and love of country. It’s long past due when parents should stand up, rather than submitting blindly to the Leftist school system.

3 years ago

Who is paying their salaries, anyway? Democrats take all our tax money for granted. It runs through their fingers because they’ve always assumed we would keep paying. Isn’t it time we threaten them with our dollars?

John Karkalis
John Karkalis
3 years ago

No surprise here. Of course parents are irate watching “CRT”, “Wokism” metastasize throughout their schools like a cancer. At the college level shunning or expulsion of students refusing to go along with the BS of “acceptable gender usage” is on the rise.
This would be laughable if not for the social engineers who believe they, not parents, know what’s best for children.
In ancient Rome the father had total sovereignty over his children, including life and death.
It appears that boards and agenda driven educators are assuming that authority as their own.

Lynda Buchholz
Lynda Buchholz
3 years ago

Interesting that we pay the taxes that support the schools that teach our children but someone else thinks they can decide what is taught. I see a lot of parents hoe schooling but they still have to pay the taxes for the schools. Something is wrong here!!

3 years ago

Democrats are absolute idiots and completely ignorant about parental rights.

Michael l Javick
Michael l Javick
3 years ago

The Dimorats know “exactly” what they are doing. Don’t be naive and fooled !

Michael l Javick
Michael l Javick
3 years ago

The Democratts know exactly what they are doing . Don’t be fooled !

Michael l Javick
Michael l Javick
3 years ago

Where is my comment?

Paul W
Paul W
3 years ago

Thankfully, many parents are waking up to the agenda that these idiots are using to brainwash their kids. Those (schoolboard members) jackasses WORK FOR US. Of course there are those unstable parents that are seeking gender reassignment for their pre-pubescent kids. They should have no say so in anything. In fact, they should be in prison or a psych ward for child abuse of the most hideous kind.

Susan King
Susan King
3 years ago

In 1984 the same types of restrictions were placed on parents..
School teaching materials were kept from
parents. So we Home Educated when it was not even popular. After 6 children and 26 years of education at home, our children are all leaders in their job professions. The oldest is 50 and the
youngest is 29. It was a lot of work to learn to teach and assist in our tax practice….But it was well
worth it.

Robin Walter Boyd
Robin Walter Boyd
3 years ago

It’s called indoctrination, and Progressives have been indoctrinating our children into Socialist beliefs for too many decades now. It is way past time we put a stop to hateful indoctrination of Socialist views and rid all government agencies and all government sponsored programs of Socialist Progressives.
The U.S. of A. became the great nation it is because of the values set forth in the U.S. Constitution. The U.S. is a Constitutional Republic that has democratic elections (or at least used to). In no way is the U.S. a Democracy. When Progressives use the term “save our democracy”, they are referring to Socialism, not a Constitutional Republic and certainly not free capitalism.

Eddie Van Halen
Eddie Van Halen
3 years ago

The only way you can bring these dogs to their knees is to sacrifice and find the $ to send your kids to private / Christian / Catholic schools or home school. Closing down these communist dens of indoctrination is all that will work. “I” had to make financial sacrifices to send mine to Parochial schools.

3 years ago

Public money for education should go with the child and to the source of his/her education: to the parent if homeschooled or to pay his tuition at public or whatever private school his/her parents choose. Then the curriculum will be selected by parents.

Tim Toroian
Tim Toroian
3 years ago

Right back atcha, dork. A very communistic notion that the Nazis also adopted. At the end of WWII teenage warriors were the most rabid and resistant to surrender.

3 years ago

Who exactly are they? The Liberal Extremist Communist Elite? The Idiot Liberal Brain-Washed Teachers? The LGBTQ Communist Regime?…or all of the above….get with the program more of you parents, do not let these radical groups desensitize and manipulate your God given children. They are a precious group of innocents and need good values, morals and role models that do not emulate the likes of evil!!

3 years ago

Very good article. I am so thankful that our children attended public school when they did..before politicians decided to brain wash them into believing they should hate each other and disrespect our American heritage.
I’m so proud to say that our granddaughter has put her life on hold to home school our great granddaughter.
Thank God, parents are waking up!

3 years ago

These democrat scum are out of control!
Who the hell do they think they are? Their merely servants of the Citizens of this Country, WE tell them what we will allow and they take an oath to follow our instructions.
If they choose NOT to follow OUR wishes – WE throw them out!
Plain and simple and it’s time for a major shake up in Washington where democrats have NO place!!!

David Spade
David Spade
3 years ago

Parents have every right to be involved in the cirriculum in the school systems throughout the country. They are the ones with the children, and they are the ones who pay the taxes for the public schools. The trends are very telling with numbers of home schooled children and the number of families opting for private education. Those who argue against parent rights are Marxist Democrats trying to fulfill their mission of complete control of all aspects of people’s lives. To use the Patriot Act as an agressive attempt to silence the people is absurd. Those kind of actions will bring out the worst in people who are only trying to do what they feel is right for their families.

Rhonda M Holub
Rhonda M Holub
3 years ago

Parent’s are the primary stakeholders! It’s fine for McAuliffe to exclude parents in the decision process when schools stop using taxpayer federal funding to operate. McAuliffe makes it sound like having a board of education makes it a private educational institution. Then find your funds, privately!

3 years ago

McAuliffe is a left wing liberal and loves Billy Boy and Hillary Clinton.. Also a true product of George Soros and the D.C. shrine of losers like Biden.. The state of Virginia has a direct choice to make. Parents have a say in what their kids are learning in school or let McCauliffe/Biden/Kamala/Pelosi/Schumer/Squad run the schools and then pay taxes to support the schools and be run over by a group of morons//Vote for Republican Glenn Youngkin NOW//

3 years ago

Amazing that this site is called conservative but they censor comments just like the liberals do.
What are they afraid of?

J. Farley
J. Farley
3 years ago

This Drop-Dead attitude works both ways, they can Drop-Dead, and the voters need to make them Politically Dead, (no violence) Vote them all out at the next School Board election and put the new ones on notice that they too can be voted out or recalled if they too decide that you have no right or say in the education of your children, we lost our son to the left because we trusted the educational system and it’s the biggest mistake my wife and I made. If we don’t stop the left now, when do we stop them, your children and grandchildren belong to you, not big Government.
It takes involved parents not Hillary’s village, to raise children.

3 years ago

Democrats are telling public school parents to drop dead? Where did those democrats go to school when they were growing up and their parents couldn’t afford to send them to private or catholic schools? They went to Public Schools!! No politician back then told the parents where to send their children. These democrats that have all of a sudden grown up and think they know more than everyone else needs to get a grip on reality, stop ram-rodding everybody else’s children or the parents pocket money.

3 years ago

I pray that in the next two elections that the DEMONcrats will cease to exist as a party. They are arrogant, self loving, greedy, power-hungry, selfish, evil people. We don’t need that in America.

3 years ago

Parent to Democrats: GFY. I don’t answer to you. You answer to me.

3 years ago

My daughter, in response to the CRT being taught in our school district (under the guise of ‘Diversity, Tolerance, Equity, and Inclusion’) plus the continued mask mandates as well as the social distancing, has pulled my granddaughter out of public school and placed her in an online charter school…with my blessing!

So far, so good! Next step is homeschooling if the public charter school changes its’ mind and begins to engage in CRT as well. We are raising a Patriot, not a Socialist/Communist/Nazi in our home!

John Karkalis
John Karkalis
3 years ago

I think it was Mother (or maybe George Orwell) who said, “Capture the minds of the young and you capture the world “.

Governor Tim Walz giving a speech at a Podium in September 2024 Disasters USA Government home page under magnifying glass.
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