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Trump Rips Biden on Afghanistan in Alabama Rally

Posted on Monday, August 23, 2021
by AMAC Newsline

AMAC Exclusive


As President Biden faces an unprecedented international catastrophe thanks to his mismanagement of the American exit from Afghanistan, amounting to the most jarring crisis of his presidency thus far, former president Donald J. Trump was back on the road this weekend in Cullman, Alabama for a rally on Saturday night, his first since early July.

Organized in support of Congressman Mo Brooks’ (R-AL) candidacy for the U.S. Senate, the event was also the 45th president’s first visit to Alabama since the 2020 election. The state was the site of one of Trump’s first Make America Great Again rallies of the 2016 election cycle.

Upon taking the stage, Trump wasted no time in calling out the Biden administration for its calamitous first seven months: “One year ago this month, in my nomination acceptance speech,” he said, “I warned the entire country of the disastrous consequences of a Biden presidency.” He continued: “Not only have my predictions come 100 percent true, but it’s even worse than any of us could have imagined in our worst nightmares.”

After hitting President Biden for the country’s rapidly rising inflation, skyrocketing crime rates, and the Biden administration’s bungled messaging on the Covid-19 pandemic, Trump immediately pivoted to the Biden team’s forced evacuation of U.S. military forces and American citizens from Afghanistan. Trump lambasted Biden’s handling of the crisis as “a great stain on the reputation of our country” and “the greatest foreign policy humiliation in the history of the United States of America.”

Contrasting the Biden administration’s chaotic exit from Afghanistan with the Trump administration’s conditions-based withdrawal plan that would have included the removal of American citizens and military equipment before United States military forces left the country, Trump assured the crowd that our nation’s current predicament could have been easily avoided. “Biden’s botched exit in Afghanistan is the most astonishing display of gross incompetence by a nation’s leader perhaps at any time that anybody’s ever seen,” he declared. “All Joe Biden had to do was follow our plan.” “The issue here,” he added, “is not about whether to leave Afghanistan. The issue is Joe Biden’s staggering incompetence and gross negligence.”

Trump then turned to immigration, condemning Biden’s failure to stop the massive illegal migration into the United States. “In a matter of mere months, Biden has thrown our southern border wide open. When I left office, we handed the new administration the most secure border in U.S. history and they turned it into the greatest border disaster in American history, probably anywhere in the world,” Trump said. Citing Border Patrol’s apprehension of 210,000 illegal aliens in July alone, a 21-year high, Trump ripped Biden for revoking his administration’s border security policies, stating that his administration understood that “immigration security is national security.”

Prior to introducing Congressman Brooks, whom Trump has endorsed in Alabama’s upcoming Senate primary election, the former president also spoke at length about election security and the need to strengthen election integrity laws.

As next year’s midterms elections loom, President Trump has clearly maintained his immense popularity within the Republican Party—and his influence is only likely to grow. Since leaving office, he has traveled the country to support conservative candidates in upcoming House and Senate races, hoping to further unify the GOP and wrestle back control of Congress from Democrats next year. Most recently, a Trump-endorsed candidate in a House primary in Ohio’s 15th congressional district easily defeated 11 Republican rivals, many of whom had ties to the GOP establishment, demonstrating the unwaning power of a Trump endorsement. Moreover, with a laundry list of self-inflicted crises plaguing the country under Biden’s leadership, President Trump’s America First approach to policymaking seems to be more vindicated with each passing day.

President Trump has repeatedly teased the possibility of running for President for a third time, and the rumors are only likely to increase in the coming months. Whether he ultimately does so or not, his status as his party’s kingmaker remains indisputable. As the Biden agenda continues to collapse and its popularity continues to dwindle, Americans of all political stripes are beginning to miss the Trump years and are unfortunately coming to understand first-hand the radicalism of the Democrat agenda. And in the months leading up to the midterm elections, that trend is only sure to accelerate.

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3 years ago

I can’t think of a decision Joe Hidin’ Biden has made which is not bad for our Nation’s short or long term benefit. Our only hope for a bloodless overthrow to get out Nation back is dimly looming on the horizon. I’ve said it before, “The Democrats want to RULE the Nation, not govern the Nation according to Constitutional provisions.”

3 years ago

Shame on all the ignorant people who didn’t vote for Trump. This is a disaster is on your hands.

3 years ago

President Trump has usually been right on almost everything he has said. We, the American people, allowed the fraudulent election of Joe Biden to stand. That is on us. After the Supreme Court refused to even hear the Texas challenge to the ballot manipulations that occurred in the 5 key swing states, that miraculously all went for Biden in nearly identical fashion, that should have told you that the government had completely failed its people. So the consequences of what is now unfolding under the Biden administration is what happens when the American people cease to have the will to stand up and protect their rights and freedoms from those that seek to take them all away.

Yes, Biden and his administration completely mishandled Afghanistan and created a huge international crisis and endangered tens of thousands of American lives in that country. Along with all the Afghanis that assisted us, that we vowed to save when we finally exited properly. The Biden administration has created nothing but one crisis after another since taking office. Afghanistan is merely the biggest one yet. Have no fear though. There are still 1169 days until the next presidential election in 2024 and I’m sure the Biden administration will manage to create an even bigger and potentially more dangerous crisis before then.

3 years ago

I pray each and every day that God will turn this country back around; and the Republicans and Democrats will finally come together to end the current administration and get us back to the great country we once were!!!!

3 years ago

America needs a miracle to turn us back around. All the citizens who BELIEVE in our Nation MUST RISE TOGETHER, PRAY TOGETHER continually and take strong and definite ACTION, in order to REVERSE all the ATROCITIES BIDEN and his ENTIRE ADMINISTRATION have created at home and around the world by their sick and sinister political views.

R. corcoran
R. corcoran
3 years ago

It’s up to us as Americans to get our country back working the way it should be. Get these woke c r t communist out of our country they don’t belong here they need to go Vote Vote Vote Vote !!! Of course only with ID

3 years ago

Yes, Vote out all these Communist liberals.Take our Country Back.

3 years ago

I agree with President Trump’s policies…but what he said on Fox Sunday morning floored me…”When asked about the situation in Afghanistan?” “Trump answered…”Biden should not have been born”… I voted for Trump…and would vote for him again…but sometimes wonder…” What on Earth is going on in your head…who talks that way”…

Bill on the Hill
Bill on the Hill
3 years ago

I watched the Trump Rally in Cullman, Alabama in it’s entirety on Saturday…40,000 plus in attendance. JRB couldn’t fill up a movie theater for a Town Hall…
The downside of the rally was listening to the empty voices of the majority of politicians that got up to speak. Case in point, Congressman Mo Brooks running for Shelby’s Senate seat. He goes on to say & I quote ” we need to forget about the 2020 election ” & concentrate on 2022 & 2024. ” he almost LOST the crowd with that ill advised statement, I might add…
Trump however was right on script & he never disappoints! Yes, he laid into Comatose Joe quite effectively especially with his total & complete Afghanistan catastrophe & the US wide open southern border…Gross incompetence was his description of JRB…I whole heartily agree with that statement.
Bill on the Hill… :~)

3 years ago

Hey Obama this is what a real President looks, acts and sound like, perhaps you could watch and learn something since this is technically your 3rd term!

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