On July 16, U.S. Southern District of Texas Judge Andrew Hanen ruled that former President Obama broke federal law by enacting the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program via executive action back in 2012. The program provided amnesty to approximately 700,000 illegal immigrants that came to the U.S. as children, as well as made DACA recipients eligible for work permits. To quote Judge Hanen, “DHS violated the Administrative Procedure Act with the creation of DACA and its continued operation…the DACA Memorandum and the DACA program that it created are hereby vacated.”
Although the program was halted by former President Trump, Joe Biden renewed it with a memorandum as one of his first actions as president on January 20, 2021. As a result of the ruling, the Biden administration has been ordered to stop the acceptance of any new DACA applicants. To quote the ruling, “DHS is hereby enjoined from approving any new DACA applications and granting the attendant status.”
Between 2014 and 2017, over 2,000 DACA recipients were convicted of committing crimes against Americans. Over 10 percent of DACA recipients also have prior criminal arrest records.
The ruling is a major blow against Biden’s open-border agenda. However, instead of respecting the ruling and admitting defeat, Democrats are now pushing harder than ever to give citizenship to not just illegal “Dreamers” but also millions of other non-citizens currently scattered across America. After the July ruling against DACA, Biden’s Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas called for the fortification of the illegitimate DACA program. To quote Mayorkas, “The Biden-Harris Administration—and this country—remain as committed as ever to ensuring that Dreamers are protected from the threat of deportation and are allowed to continue to contribute to this country that is their home. DHS remains focused on safeguarding DACA, and we will engage the public in a rulemaking process to preserve and fortify DACA.”
In addition to simply issuing statements, Biden and Democrats in Congress are actively working to provide citizenship to as many non-citizens as they possibly can. To quote Nancy Pelosi, “Democrats will continue to press for any and all paths to ensure that the Dream and Promise Act, now passed twice by the House, becomes the law of the land.” The American Dream and Promise Act is an immigration bill that would grant permanent legal status and a pathway to citizenship within five years to over 4 million illegal immigrants currently in the U.S. The bill passed the Democrat-controlled House of Representatives back in March by a margin of 228-197.
The American Dream and Promise Act is far from the only version of mass amnesty that mainstream Democrats have proposed. During his first week as president, Biden introduced legislation that would give citizenship to all of the approximately 11 million illegal immigrants currently in America. Democrats in Congress are also presently trying to slip citizenship for non-citizens into the fiscal year 2022 budget reconciliation bill. Notably, this would allow for Democrats to unilaterally provide mass amnesty to millions of illegals without a single vote from any Republicans in Congress since budget reconciliation only requires a simple majority to pass in the Senate.
Biden has failed with regard to immigration, and the American people know it. According to a recent poll, a whopping 61 percent of Americans disapprove of the way that Joe Biden is handling the issue of immigration and the situation at America’s southern border with Mexico. Considering the fact that illegal border crossings are at a record high after Biden reversed Trump’s successful immigration policies and told asylum seekers to “surge to the border” in the event of his election back in 2019, America’s disapproval of Biden makes plenty of sense.
While the Biden-Harris administration continually fails to solve the crisis that they have created at the U.S-Mexico border, conservative states are fighting back to protect their communities and the rule of law. Back in June, Republican governors Greg Abbott of Texas and Doug Ducey of Arizona sent a letter to all other governors requesting assistance to secure the southern border in each state. Governors from Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Iowa, Nebraska, North Dakota, Ohio, South Carolina, South Dakota, and Wisconsin responded to the call to action and have sent state police officers or National Guard soldiers to Arizona and/or Texas. A total of over 1,000 National Guard soldiers and state police officers are now situated along the U.S.-Mexico border in Arizona and Texas to control the disaster that the Biden administration clearly has no interest in fixing.
Lastly, to defend Texas, Republican Governor Greg Abbott recently went as far as signing an executive order that outlaws the ground transportation of illegal immigrants that have been detained by U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CPD). Executive Order GA-37 also allows the Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS) to stop any vehicle “upon reasonable suspicion” that they are illegally transporting migrants. Finally, Executive Order GA-37 authorizes the Texas DPS to impound any vehicle that is found to be smuggling migrants.
With Biden mimicking Obama’s catastrophic immigration policies and expanding upon them, it is only a matter of time before Biden’s devastating immigration policies that are responsible for the current crisis at America’s southern border are ruled unlawful as well.
Thank God that somebody’s doing something to try to uphold LAW
The so-called Human Infrastructure bill currently be assembled in the House of Representatives, the one none of the media are talking about as its price tag is now nearing $6 TRILLION DOLLARS, already contains language to grant amnesty to millions of Dreamers and a few other assorted illegal groups. Ideally AOC and Pelosi would like all 40 million illegals (AMAC stop quoting the 11 million number from the mid 1990s and look at the official 2018 stats by the federal government for the current numbers!) given a pathway to citizenship before the upcoming mid-terms. So Pelosi is already making an end run around to get amnesty for illegals ahead of the 2022 and 2024 election cycles, since she can’t get the Dream and Promise Act passed as a standalone bill.
Congressional Republicans have to really step up their game and start doing more than just saying the current 2,700 page $1.2 TRILLION DOLLAR infrastructure bill, that no one has yet again read, has no tax hikes. The fact that we’re now going to be laying out $70 BILLION for EV charging stations and billions more for other non-infrastructure in that bill is a big deal. Nearly half the bill is what would charitably be called “political pork”. I get that most politicians just want to say “We got something done and then run off to vacation for a month”, even if what they got done is hugely wasteful or inappropriate. That’s what career politicians do, which is why the American people need to make much better choices. However, the Republican party is walking head long into a Democrat trap where the two infrastructure bills will be linked and used as a media bludgeon to beat them about the head in future elections as all the bad pieces contained in both bills are implemented and the public sees the results.
DACA unlawful? Pfft! Justice delayed 19 years is justice denied!
dhs. gov/xlibrary/assets/s1-exercising-prosecutorial-discretion-individuals-who-came-to-us-as-children.pdf
June 15, 2012
David V. Aguilar Acting Commissioner, U.S. Customs and Border Protection Alejandro Mayorkas Director, U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services John Morton Director, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement
FROM: Janet Secretary Napolitano of Home Land Security
SUBJECT: Exercising Prosecutorial Discretion with Respect to Individuals Who Came to the United States as Children
A memo is not a law and can not be followed.
Prosecutorial discretion? Leftist Code for ignoring existing US Immigration Laws.
Clearly this is about buying votes and thus gaining continous control.
When our marines were surrounded in Korea and the enemy count was overwhelming, the troops couldn’t see how they could surrender…and they did not. Their commander told them …enemy ahead, behind and on each side…they can’t get away from us now. And the US did win. I think that is what we need to remember: at the worst moment, there is no way to surrender. We have to fight.
A simple vacating of an executive order because it is unconstitutional will not stop the power-grabbing going on in Washington, D.C. by the democrats. And, the mainstream media is cooperating with the democrats by squelching all stories of the border crisis. I talked to two ladies yesterday, both well-meaning liberals, who claimed not to know that illegal were crossing the southern border illegally and were testing positive for Covid. Excellent reporting, media.
Ruling biden’s (obama’s) criminality after the fact “criminal” doesn’t help America right now. Does it???
Who is paying for all this thievery??
The poor, trodden-under-the-boot tax payers.
And NO!!!!
No more amnesty. The Demon Party played this trick deal already. We are STILL waiting for that fence from that last ‘deal’. The DemonRats are just damned, filthy LIARS.
Do you hear RINOs?
traitors must die along with all their affiliations or The USA is DONE. It’s them theirs or you and yours. What’s it gonna be Americans? Swift and severe punishment for the crooked in power and elsewhere, for the sell outs, and for those who protect them by “following unconstitutional orders”.
The cleaning and disinfecting of evil should have started at least 100 years ago. Tolerance of evil is suicidal to a person or a nation.
I’m am so glad to see that there are still members of the judiciary that think in accordance with Constitutional law and common sense.
I can’t believe this this is happening in America, in light of the fact 3000 of our fellow Americans were murdered on 9-11 because Clinton had a lacks policy on Immigration and with Covid 19 you would think that anyone with half a brain ( Joe Biden ) would not want an open border, but, stupid is as stupid does.
I remember when Rush talked about this. Democrats allowing all these illegal immigrants in so then the Dems could make them victims, getting them citizenship so they can vote! Obama’s plan all along, move all these people to red districts to turn them all blue! Since HR 1 was not passed, stepping up this immigration process is the next best thing Dems have of making sure they are always in power! Most of these immigrants have no clue what real freedom is and Dems will make sure they buy into the victimology they keep peddling so all these illegals will think the Dems playing Santa with tax payer money is what freedom is all about!! Tyranny here we come!
Patriots, When are the true Americans going to wake up and start protesting ?? Listen people this is the eleventh hour for Democracy.
Do nothing and live with the boot of Socialism on your neck and your children’s necks. They will curse you and rightfully so !
The problem is, that by then the damage is already done! He and his ilk should be jailed, but they won’t be.
This administration doesn’t care what any judge says. They think the rules don’t apply to them!
Obama started this trend of lawlessness when he told his attorney general Eric Holder to just ignore the laws they did not agree with. Those 2 should be prosecuted for not upholding their oaths of office.
If this was ruled on, shouldn’t those who break the ruling be charged with an offense?
How long does it take to get the Supreme Court involved?
That’s nice that 10 years later, after trillions of dollars and all the damage and human suffering is done, they decide that Barry broke the law. Now what? Are they going to arrest him?
There is a “Sex offender registry;” there should also be an illegal aliens registry- to warn communities of the invasion of “Biden’s Heroes.”
Evidently current president wants to destroy our country. Hasn’t he
Sadly Democrats have created a mess that they fear; Biden removed from office and Harris/Pelosi in the WH. We must elect Republican supermajorities in the House and Senate in 2022 or this nation is lost to civil war.
Let Biden,Pelosi and all of their followers should be made to pay for the Program being as how they spend tax payer money so stupidly!
If we hold back the income of these morons maybe they will get the picture!
This program should have been ended long ago.
I didn’t see the governor of Pennsylvania on that list. Oh, I forgot, he is amongst the traitors
For any reasonable person it is