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Biden’s Foreign Policy – Dumb and Dangerous

Posted on Wednesday, July 28, 2021
by AMAC, Robert B. Charles

Biden’s foreign policy is embarrassing, no foresight, poor hindsight, compounding errors. Every big move is made after – not before – adversaries make theirs. Major consequences flow from such poor decisions and not anticipating. Biden’s foreign policy is dumb and dangerous.

Six Biden decisions make the point.  

First, no foresight on Afghanistan’s withdrawal. This week, Biden’s Secretary of State Tony Blinken goes to India and Kuwait, ostensibly to discuss China, Afghanistan, global warming, and COVID. Reality: They are concerned withdrawal was a major error. 

Thousands of US supporters – who believed promises of protection and a peace deal – are about to be slaughtered.  See, e.g.,
“They are going to slaughter us”: Afghan interpreter speaks out as Taliban advance; Special Report-Afghan Pilots Assassinated by Taliban as U.S. Withdraws;

The slaughter has begun, with Taliban rushing to command half the country, shattered Afghan police and army pulling back, commandos executed Capone-style, women, girls, educators, interpreters in Taliban sights. See, e.g., A slaughter at a girls’ school may foretell Afghanistan’s future; Killing Schoolgirls in Afghanistan; Taliban fighters execute 22 Afghan commandos as they try to surrender.  

Biden now sends Blinken to Kuwait – in fact, to ask helping absorbing ten thousand refugees, including thousands of interpreters for US personnel. Blinken is in India not for climate but to apologize for giving China the upper hand across the region.  See, e.g., Afghan Interpreters Who Await Visas After Helping The U.S. Now Fear For Their Lives; As Western forces pack bags in Afghanistan, aid agencies brace for new round of displacement; Blinken To Seek India’s Support In Stabilizing Afghanistan During Upcoming Trip To South Asia; US races to find safe haven for Afghan translators in Central Asia as troop withdrawal nears

As the US leaves Afghanistan, China is preparing to outflank India, link China, Afghanistan, and Pakistan (via a Peshawar to Kabul highway), take control over three trillion dollars’ worth of minerals, and push troops at India’s border. Pakistan and India are sworn enemies, and China’s President Xi just went to Tibet to buck up Chinese troops confronting India. See, e.g., As U.S. Withdraws, China Set to Increase Influence in Afghanistan; China a ‘welcome friend’ for reconstruction in Afghanistan: Taliban spokesman; Chinese leader Xi Jinping makes first visit to Tibet as president

Yes, a trip to the UAE or any country seeking help in catching thousands of fleeing, pro-US Afghan refugees, including thousands of pro-US interpreters, is a good idea. It would have been a good idea months ago. Now, it is a dropped firestick – panic as the country collapses. 

Yes, a trip to India is nice, after singing the praises of China to the world. But where was that trip months ago, when China, Pakistan, and the Taliban would have noticed, India felt supported. And do not forget the map – If China, which shares a border with Afghanistan, links that country with Pakistan, next is Iran. That would leave India surrounded by Chinese “allies.” 

So, what should have happened months ago – pushing peace in Afghanistan before withdrawal, thinking ahead about fleeing pro-US refugees, showing support for India, confronting China – did not happen. The result is panic – and chaos, across the region, including within India. 

Second, Biden underestimated China.  Even as Biden’s miscalculations on Afghanistan grow, creating widening circles of concern – from India to Australia – China is growing bold. Chinese aggression – in the face of Biden’s weakness – is striking. China has ramped up confrontations with Taiwan, crushed human rights in Hong Kong, Xinjiang, and Tibet, threatened US allies, declared the West in retreat, Communism ascendent.  

They have violated treaties, tested space weapons, in April put up a space station, pushed economic coercion, spread a deadly pandemic, blocked multilateral investigations, and now confront Biden with “wolf diplomacy.” In short, the iron is hot, Biden’s team cold. 

Third, Reagan-like opportunity lost in Cuba.  As Cuban freedom protestors went to the streets, valuing freedom over life, Biden could have shamed China, Russia, and Iran for supporting Cuba’s oppression, could have supported the movement, advanced freedoms embodied in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, US Constitution’s Bill of Rights, and UN Charter. Instead, he sat silent, before some useless words, making clear: He is afraid to confront communism – even 300 miles away. His lost nerve emboldens enemies. 

Nor was Biden’s ambivalence unnoticed within the US. Political forces pushing Marxism feel empowered. White House and Hill response? Biden’s team and Hill Democrats equivocate. 

Fourth, Biden just lost Peru. While the final ruling is not recorded, US unwillingness to challenge what observers say was likely election fraud in Peru’s presidential race – a mysterious, last-minute ballot surge from a Marxist – is troubling. The election goes uncontested. Again, the loss of a democratic, capitalist ally brings a shudder. What does it mean for the region, human rights, cocaine- and heroin-related crime and trafficking, reduced US ally pool?

Fifth, Biden is making Putin look good.  Biden not only agreed to a national gas pipeline from Russia to Europe, making Europe permanently dependent on Russia but told Ukraine to “be quiet.” See, e.g., U.S. urges Ukraine to stay quiet on Russian pipelineWrong again: Biden continues to build a legacy of foreign policy failures

To be clear, the American and Russian people have much in common, including the largest two populations of Christians on the planet and faith-based pasts. They share a common interest in blunting China’s communist expansion. Finally, the argument can be made that Russia will be as dependent on Europe, even as Europe on Russia. But the bigger point: Putin sees Biden as weak, malleable, indecisive, and – objectively – inarticulate, indecipherable, incoherent.  

Sixth, Biden is playing cute with Iran.  Iran is after nuclear weapons, ICBMs, and the ability to take hostages on a grand scale. 

Can there be any question? They are behind countless terror attacks in the Middle East. In a craven act of self-promotion, Biden wants a Nobel Peace Prize for getting Iran to sign another worthless accord to delay nuclear weapons if Biden will drop Trump’s sanctions, send more cash. Honestly, is that foreign policy? 

Concentric circles of failed decision-making continue to appear, as the six foregoing actions reinforce each other, only confirming what much of the world – and most Americans – should see. Biden’s foreign policy is embarrassing, no foresight, poor hindsight, compounding errors. 

Robert Charles is a former Assistant Secretary of State under Colin Powell, former Reagan and Bush 41 White House staffer, attorney, and naval intelligence officer (USNR). He wrote “Narcotics and Terrorism” (2003), “Eagles and Evergreens” (2018), and is National Spokesman for AMAC.

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3 years ago

If you remember RBC, even Robert Gates who served under G.W. Bush and Obama, said that in Biden’s entire career he had never gotten one thing right when it came to foreign policy. The Biden administration is simply showing it can be consistent. Consistently wrong, stupid and lacking in any fundamental understanding of anything beyond how to personally enrich themselves and avoid any accountability for their actions. That’s saying something right there.

On the positive side (that’s a bit of sarcasm), China, Russia, Iran, North Korea, Cuba and every other country that either opposes the United States or simply wishes us to fail miserably is very, very happy with Biden’s performance to date. He is the gift that just keeps on giving and then he gives even more! Biden is the best thing any of them could wish for in a United States President short of someone who just orders our military to completely stand down permanently and then lays out the welcome mat for everyone to come in and take whatever they want. You have to admit, none of the leaders of the countries I’ve mentioned are concerned in the slightest about the United States standing up to them in any way. Whether it be diplomatically, economically or militarily. Our allies may be extremely worried now, but our enemies are emboldened to do just about whatever they want.

Bill on the Hill
Bill on the Hill
3 years ago

In a word, the current FAUX administration is a ” catastrophe. “

3 years ago

All of the news Americans are reading in any 24 hour news cycle, is defeatist. The total failure of our Tokyo teams There is a common thread: It is time America feels defeat. We are defeated. That is what they want.

3 years ago

Another heading for this could be: “Biden, Dumb and Dangerous”

3 years ago

Our US Military no longer has a Chief Commanding Officer so the officers in charge should just take charge and do whatever it takes to protect our Nation and our allied nations.
They need to stop taking orders from the demented man in our oval office!

3 years ago

The dominoes are falling in the 21st century, just as the “Domino Theory” was put forth in the sixties during the Viet Nam war. If South Viet Nam fell to the Communists so would the rest of Southeast Asia. Guess what, Commie Joe is actually making it happen in Afghanistan. China must be proud of their “American” puppet. I’m not!!

3 years ago

Demented, fraudulent, corrupt, dumb, and dangerous would have been a much better headline for this!

David B Slater
David B Slater
3 years ago

couldn’t agree more with this article. Biden didn’t do anything during his many years in goverment and continues doing the same as president. In fact he is making things worse

3 years ago

Jackass Joe’s Foreign Policy is even foreign to himself since he’s never been right about any foreign policy decision in his close to 50 years of enriching himself and family in representing Delaware. Even now, he can’t even remember anything he said previously. He will go down in history as the “greatest buffoon” to ever grace living in the White House.

3 years ago

Biden doesn’t care if he does ANYTHING dumb or dangerous to America – he being old & COMMUNIST , couldn’t care less .

Myrna S Wade
Myrna S Wade
3 years ago

This is a great, well organized piece. Nobody could enjoy it.
Joe Biden is an embarrassment. What about his people? e.g. Janet Yellen? Is any loyal American serving in this administration?

3 years ago

Mr Clueless, accompanied by Mrs. Clueless. At the least he plans to uphold Trump’s policy on China.

3 years ago

Biden is a trader to this country and him and others like him need to go.

Philip Hammersley
Philip Hammersley
3 years ago

Senile Joe didn’t “underestimate” China. He is simply providing the “quid” for the CCP’s “quo” (money to Hunter).

Bob L.
Bob L.
3 years ago

Sleepy Joe is nothing but a front, he makes nor has any policies, foreign or domestic, all of that comes from the likes of the Council on Foreign Relations and other “tanks” of globalists. He is scripted on what to say and if someone asks a question that is not included in his answer notes, he’s either as lost as a deer in the headlights or becomes offensive. Left on his own to adlib, he rambles incoherently. He has “handlers” always close at hand in case he gets lost on stage and needs to be guided to the exit.

RJ from Arizona
RJ from Arizona
3 years ago

I didn’t think biden HAD a foreign policy so this is a first. I would like to know what China and Russia have on biden. He does whatever they want or say. He needs to be impeached.

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
3 years ago

& playing the bribe con game too like as VP under Obama again too

3 years ago

I hope all those who voted for the clowns in Washington will come to realize how dangerous their votes have left the rest of us! We are going to be alone in a sea of communists and with the clowns we have running the show, I don’t feel to optimistic about the future of this country. 2022 and 2024 have GOT to be winning elections for conservatives if this nation stands any chance of remaining free and strong!!!

D. Brown
D. Brown
3 years ago

It is NOT their idiotic foreign policy that’s so bad. It is in fact a Globalist Agenda that they are following at the behest of the U.N. and George Soros, et al. We are at a crossroads of losing our identity as a free nation. It might get quite ugly before(if) it gets better. Be prepared.

Albertson Kathryn
Albertson Kathryn
3 years ago

The behavior of our leaders is embarrassing and scary.

3 years ago

Biden’s foreign policy is ‘wait & see”! Wait to react and See what China wants me to do.

Michael Tracy
Michael Tracy
3 years ago

You forgot to write how Biden’s social policy experiments and his focus on so called “white supremacy” is making our military weaker.
Si Vis Pachem, Para Bellum

3 years ago

Senile SOB will get us into some shit!

3 years ago

He has no foreign policy; however, his handlers do. It is a policy of globalism, cheap labor, and control over the masses. Essentially a liberty and individual rights destroying path forward.

3 years ago

I agree with all points. Biden is not a leader and not up to the job. We know Obama is behind the border crisis and the Iran fiasco. He is evil and Biden is weak.

aluminum head
aluminum head
3 years ago

The white house is vacant again. It is occupied by escapee from a rest home. Yes, the suit is empty. Just like when Oboingo was in it.

3 years ago


3 years ago

What did you expect from an idiot?

3 years ago

biden himself is Dumb and Dangerous!

3 years ago

Biden could not negotiate with a prostitute for a lower price. He is a putz, plain and simple.

3 years ago

What else can you expect from someone who isn’t “all there”, whose elevator doesn’t seem to go to the top floor anymore. The “Dementia Don” isn’t operating on all cylinders anymore.

Barbara Stricker
Barbara Stricker
3 years ago

Biden is further endangering the American citizens like an own border and Covid aren’t enough .this is all a plan of very sick and hateful thinking..i don’t here noise from the Repubs. independents and non-radical Dems…

3 years ago

Simply put, biden hates America and all it stands for. He is working for China. The news was out about his family before the election. We the people aren’t as stupid as they want us to be

3 years ago

I will always believe the only reason BHO choose him as VP is because he knew no one would ever impeach him because no one wanted Biden for potus, sadly in declining health he now is and is not up to the job and his VP is even less qualified look how quickly she was out of the primary, the USA is sliding towards communism rapidly. Now more than ever GOD BLESS THE USA

Elena Tellez
Elena Tellez
3 years ago

Excellent analysis of where the world (and relationships among countries) will likely go in the long term future, unless conservatives can, as quickly as possible, re-take the pathways to American power in the world.

3 years ago

Every decision or executive order this moron has enacted has been catastrophic for America. Its been this way with Biden for his whole career. Why is anyone surprised? You elect an incompetent moron, you get idiotic stupid decisions.

James Carlyle
James Carlyle
3 years ago

“Dumb & Dangerous” describes Joe Biden perfectly. He hasn’t changed in that regard in 40 some odd years. Great observation and illustrations.

3 years ago

Old “Puss For Brains” has NEVER ever had a foreign policy thought process!
His head would pop like a giant ZIT for just ONE original thought. He is merely an O’Bozo mimic on a rant. The pride of Scranton PA? IF I lived there I would be mortified ashamed that this “Mental Midget” called it his boyhood home. No offense to people in Scranton… just sympathy…..

3 years ago

All Biden’s policies are extremely dangerous, dumb, stupid, ignorant, communistic, socialistic, and need to be stopped no matter what!

Leslie Marchant
Leslie Marchant
3 years ago

Biden has damaged U.S. relationships world wide? Question, Is this intentional? His administration is causing unbelievable damage here at home as well. Is the intention to make our country impotent and bankrupt? And, who is really calling the shots?

Lee S McQuillen
Lee S McQuillen
3 years ago

The man creates chaos in everything he does. That statement should cover it all. He has absolutely no backbone and probably never has.

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