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Cuban Uprising Rattles American Socialists; The Cuban People are Fed Up With Being Lackeys for the Communist Oligarchy

Posted on Monday, July 12, 2021
by AMAC, John Grimaldi

WASHINGTON, DC, July 12 — American commies are rattled by the upheaval in Havana of anti-Communist resistors. Even Bernie Sanders, who has extolled the Cuban communist dictator, Fidel Castro, can’t seem to respond to the news. It’s likely that Sanders will come up with a statement that will whitewash the Cuban government one way or another. If he can. 

As of Sunday night, however, he was speechless.

In the meantime, the Cuban citizenry is shouting loud and clear that they are fed up with being lackeys for the Communist oligarchy.

According to Fox News, “Following his win during Nevada’s caucus in the 2020 Democratic primaries, Sanders was asked by Anderson Cooper during an interview on CBS’ “60 Minutes” why the Cuban people didn’t rise up and help the U.S. overthrow the Castro regime. Sanders replied that the dictator “educated their kids, gave their kids health care, totally transformed the society.”

Well, it seems that the Cuban people have finally found a voice, taking to the streets on Sunday chanting “down with the dictatorship.” And Bernie is at a loss for words, although it is very likely that he’ll come up with something to say to defend his Communist beliefs and the dictatorship in Cuba. 

Marco Rubio was quick to post a message on Twitter with a video of the demonstrations captioned: “Frustration with the dictatorships incompetence, greed & repression is mounting rapidly.”

Not long ago, Sanders was reported as defending the Castro takeover of Cuba, saying that, “I remember, for some reason or another, being very excited when Fidel Castro made the revolution in Cuba. I was a kid … and it just seemed right and appropriate that poor people were rising up against rather ugly rich people.”

In her New York Times column, Maureen Dowd wrote, “Sanders passionately believes that the only way to undo the damage done by Donald Trump and Trumpism is by showing that government can deliver, that good policy can overcome dangerous conspiracy theories and lies.” 

Nice try. Tell it to the Marines or, better yet, tell it to the citizens of the towns and cities across the island state of Cuba who took to the street decrying “human rights abuses, a lack of freedom, and a worsening economic situation in the communist-ruled country,” as the Epoch Times reported.

According to Cuban strongman Miguel Diaz Canel, the Cuban government blamed the uprising on a smear campaign orchestrated by the U.S.. But Florida Congresswoman Maria Elvira Salazar, the daughter of Cuban exiles, said that one of the first things that Cuban Diaz Canel did was shut down the Internet in Cuba to stifle a ripple effect.

And, according to the Epoch Times, Miami Mayor Francis Suare issued a statement that described the Cuban people as “worthy and ready to rule themselves without tyranny” It can end today, and it must end today. The implications of this moment can mean freedom for millions of people in the hemisphere, from Nicaraguans and Venezuelans and so many more.”

Suare said he hopes that the U.S. will intercede.

Meanwhile, Maximo Alvarez, a prominent Cuban ex-pat who is living in Florida, warns that America may be headed for the same fate that Cuba experienced under the dictatorship of Fidel Castro. After the presidential election, he predicted the U.S will be turning into Cuba under a Biden presidency.

Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, tweeted the prediction that the “Communist Cuban regime will be consigned to the dustbin of history. It has brutalized & denied freedom to generations of Cubans and forced my family & so many others to flee. The American people stand squarely with the men & women of Cuba and their noble fight for liberty.” 

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Bill on the Hill
Bill on the Hill
3 years ago

I find it odd, almost insulting in fact this article focused primarily on Bernard Sanders, the socialist senator from Vermont… Truth be told, Sanders hails from a Jewish family from Brooklyn, NY…
For a brief time he was the socialist mayor of VT’s Queen City, Burlington. His wife Jane Sanders played a large part in the bankruptcy of Burlington College & she retired with a $430,000.00 pension. Sanders sought an audience with Fidel Castro & he was refused in either case…
The people under Castro, including his brother Raul is/was a life of misery & poverty with gov’t paid health care, total censorship, including the internet, etc., sound familiar?
Castro lied to the people of Cuba after the Baptiste regime fled in order to come into power, sound familiar? It should. Castro brought the people of Cuba MARXISM, sound familiar? It should.
It gets far worse here on the subject of life in Cuba under a dictator, sound familiar yet?
It should because America at this present moment in American history, has a FRAUDULENT potus that got into the highest office in the land through the art of theft, lying & cheating at every opportunity it presented itself, i.e. the 2020 US Presidential Election…
Under our current despised leadership in Washington, DC we are heading down that very road the Cuban people have endured all these years now & are now apparently saying enough is enough already!
We as Patriotic Americans need to do the same thing before it is to late. The Socialist Democrat Party of America is working at a fever pitch to transform America into something the vast majority of Americans want no part of…
Bill on the Hill… :~)

3 years ago

The Cubans are protesting FOR their right to be vaccinated by the literally Marxist government who refuses to give it out. Soooo y’all might need to revise some of your narratives.

3 years ago

Good stuff.

3 years ago

So Cruz ,have biden ,harris , pelosi ,schumer & the rest of the 7/8 of the communist Congress ARESTED to GITMO for many counts EACH of sedition & treason !

3 years ago

Socialism and Communism cannot exist in in environment of truth and transparency. They will lie to you all day long trying to convince you that their systems are better. All you have to do to get to Nirvana is to give up your freedom and give them full control. But they will never deliver. And they know it. But neither will you ever get your freedom back. Because it’s all about control. Once they have it. You’re done.

Phil Hammersley
Phil Hammersley
3 years ago

Castro had as many “poor” people after his takeover as before. But the rich casino and plantation owners were replaced by RICH Castro and his top goons! That’s what planned by the COMM/DIMMs here. Do you really think that Bezos and the rest will be poor if the DIMMs get their way? And the ones who stay RICH will be “socialist” Bernie (with 3 multimillion dollar mansions), Biden, Pelosi, etc.

3 years ago

It is way overdue to rid the Americas, North and South of all vestiges of socialism in whatever form democratic socialism, national socialism, communism, hard core Marxism/Stalinism, Maoism, statism, globalism, international corporatism, any of the different re-incarnations of the evil spirit of dominion, and empire that has plagued humanity since the ancient empires of Egypt, Babylon, Persia, and Rome grabbed nations to be forcefully united under one strong dictator and big government against their will. Government is always best when it is small, and close to home, so government officials can be reminded daily who their boss is.

Barbara Corbin
Barbara Corbin
3 years ago

People need to listen to Cubans . They have suffered for years under Castro .
If we don’t take Biden and Harris out of office now and reinstate President Trump, their plan to turn this country into a Socialist country will fully succeed . After all Biden hasn’t slowed down on the plan .Everything he touches is going to hell already .Injecting Americans with a bio weapon was their ace in the hole , so they think . I’m not an anti vaxxer at all but , this one is not a vaccine .So much to fathom , it’s unreal .God help us and the Cuban people!????

Pissed Off Vet
Pissed Off Vet
3 years ago

I guess what’s going to happen here is we’re going to have to arm ourselves and go to Washington yeah it’s Joe’s and go to Washington and take them all out arrest him try him custom triumph and then execute them all for treason because none of them are American breezy because none of them are American citizens anymore they are Communist Chinese

3 years ago

Patriots, This rebellion in Cuba is a message to the USA. True liberty loving Americans have to get off our dead ass and PROTEST. We need leaders to organize mass protests in DC before it is too late.
We need red blooded Republicans to the lead the masses like Dr King did.
Pray to God every day for His mercy and forgiveness.

3 years ago

Forget about Puerto Rico, lets make Cuba a red Republican state #51!

3 years ago

If you want to see what tyranny does to a people, take a look at Cuba.

Every step closer the United States gets to realizing the democrat promise, the more we will resemble Cuba. Cool old American cars (making do), and equally colorful, but crumbling, neighborhoods. No thanks, and good luck to the Cuban people.

If you want to see what is capable in a free society, give it capitalism.

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
3 years ago

Lets triple the size of Little Havana in Miami OK Hoorah Go Cubans GO
Hoorah. Lets do this . For virus & for Freedom

Constance Tyler
Constance Tyler
3 years ago

While we cheer for Cubans fighting for their freedoms, we are losing ours. When are we going to stand up and fight for what little freedom we have left?

3 years ago

Ron DeSantis states “Florida supports the people of Cuba as they take to the streets against the tyrannical regime in Havana. The Cuban dictatorship has repressed the people of Cuba for decades & is now trying to silence those who have the courage to speak out against its disastrous policies”

Florida Democrats responded to Governor Ron DeSantis sending support to anti-communist protesters in Cuba on Sunday by attacking the governor, seemingly comparing his administration to the Castro regime.
America’s Democrat party is the same oppressive party as Cuba’s Communist party

Pete from St Pete
Pete from St Pete
3 years ago

Has Joe Biden got out of bed yet (it is 3:34 EST)? I haven’t heard anything of substance from him about the Cuban situation. I seems to me he said he was ready to reopen relations with Cuba just a few days ago. Oh well, I probably haven’t been paying close enough attention.

3 years ago

Truth, like cream, eventually rises to the top.

Old Silk
Old Silk
3 years ago

Cuba was never communistic. Thugs took over when they strong armed their way to power on November 3, 1958. Why does November 3 sound familiar? In 1958 it was Cuba’s last free election. In 2020 it may well have been America’s last free election. Don’t put a lot of faith in hearing that Republicans will take the country back.

Old Silk
Old Silk
3 years ago

November 3, 1958: Cuba’s last free election.
November 3, 2020: America’s last free election?
In both instances thugs strong armed their way to power on a lie.

Brenda Blunt
Brenda Blunt
3 years ago

I kept saying this, maybe people will FINALLY realize this and do something about this! Go USA. Bye thugs!!

Tedd Kunkel
Tedd Kunkel
3 years ago

I wish our nation would help bring freedom to places like Cuba instead of enacting tyranny and crimes against humanity and our constitution against American citizens.

3 years ago

“Suare said he hopes that the U.S. will intercede.”

Be careful what you wish for. The current U.S. might intercede on behalf of the wrong side.

3 years ago

Hope the current DC idiots DO NOT go there and make it worse!

John S. Rinck
John S. Rinck
3 years ago

If in Cuba, then why not in Hong Kong? The voice of freedom demonstrators in Hong Kong is now quashed behind steel bars. Chinese citizens waited for a response and support from the West if even in the press, but it never came. Stand alones, and I fear the same will happen to those in the streets of Cuba. Voices are crying for freedom, and here in the U.S. we give our freedoms up.

3 years ago

We need to support those initiating the up rising. But our own *Xiden regime will support the communists. The DemonKrats always have ruled in favor of the Castro’s. So at the very least we need to wish them luck and send out rescue boats since we now have open borders. Personally I have far more sympathy for Cuban refugees than Central American Gangsters.

Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
3 years ago

Well drop in on Cuba on the way to Hati. Damn, U S ,stay out of other peoples business.

3 years ago

Face it folks, the current administration doesn’t care about ‘We the People’ and the same goes for many of our ‘supposed’ representatives in Congress. God Bless America and bring us through our troubles!

3 years ago

First thing Cuba did was shut down internet. That’s tactic Facebook, Twitter, MSM does selectively to those they disagree with. We share your pain people of Cuba. Hopefully US residents will wake up to selective silencing being carried out by Facebook, Twitter, MSM and vote anyone who supports this selective silencing out of office.

Tom E Wajerski
Tom E Wajerski
3 years ago

The only consistent effect of communism is impoverished citizens and government corruption.

3 years ago

Last April was the sixtieth anniversary of the bay of pigs, imagine had that had been a success. President Kennedy did not provide the necessary air cover because he lost his backbone, and we know after sixty years of “paradise” under communism, the Cuban people have had enough.
The book, American Policy Failures in Cuba by Mario Lazo (1968) chronicles the events that led to Castro’s rise to power. It may be out of print, but try to find it. I know Bernie and his friends would not dare to read it.

Mike S
Mike S
3 years ago

I want Bernie Sanders out of Congress. The people of Cuba are speaking their minds and saying that socialism is not working for them and that they are tired of dictators. Suddenly he’s tongue-tied when their people say they want something different. Does this jass-ass are going to accept socialism? Not on your life. Aside from the fact that he’s too old, and how Americans feel about term limits, it’s time for him to be gone to his rocking chair. The same can be said of Dementia-Puppet Joe Biden.

3 years ago

Joe Biden doesn’t do anything good for the American people, so what could he possibly do or say for the Cuban people? The Cuban people want freedom and choice. They want what American’s have and the left will destroy. OR have destroyed!

3 years ago

All HIdin’ Joe Biden wants from Cuba is some payoff from one side or the other to support them. This matter is for Cubans to decide, which in itself if for them (Cuban citizens) to decide what they want from governance. In case they don’t know it, Socialism and its eventual morph child, Communism, enslaves the people, not enriches their freedom to live within a set of lawful limits with enforcement. Communism eventually results in murderous consequences for a large fraction of the citizenry and a boon for the upper “in-charge” so-clled governance staff. I think the majority of Cubans are starting to realize that they function as slaves to the “in-charge” leadership in a Communistic governance.

3 years ago

You know, of course, what is happening in Cuba is the future view of this country if things
continue to go the way they are going. Socialism/Communism have been repeated failures across the board….I am surprised the Cuban people have put up with this for this long….but maybe not, look at N. Korea and see the truth about the evils of such government practices.

3 years ago

Flack Bernie Sanders and the mule he rode in on! I shudder to think what a disaster this Nation would have faced had he ever managed to become POTUS. And Hidin’ Biden is only a hair difference because he he more crooked that Sander.

Daniel Yungk
Daniel Yungk
3 years ago

How about the everyone in Cuba who loves freedom can come here in exchange everyone her who wants Socialist government will be sent to Cuba.

3 years ago

I hope that this is the beginning of real change in Cuba. And that the US can help without endangering them or us. Senator Rubio says that the US can override the internet blockage. I hope so. Communication is key

3 years ago

Talk about “rather ugly rich people”! Has millionaire Bernie Sanders looked in the mirror recently?

3 years ago

So glad the socialists are rattled…..keep it coming. Would love to see Cuba free of those communists. They are wonderful people and there is 99% literacy in Cuba. Aren’t we ashamed?

3 years ago

Sanders and Anderson Cooper forget that the Cubans did rebel and fought against Fidel Castro’s communist government. JFK promised Cuban freedom fighters air support for the “Bay of Pigs” Cuban rebellion but then reneged and did not provide support. Many cubans died as a result and Castro’s power was finalized. Wake up or America will follow the same path with the tyrants of China and Russia as our leader.

3 years ago

And why are they rattled? Is it not exactly what the Democrats WANT We The People to become?
They are ding a monumental job of as Barack Obama promised “To Fundamentally transform” America and they ARE doing just that! ALL the while Republicans sit on their hands and TALK!
We are infiltrated by RINOS and anti American Never Trumpers!
I am only ONE old guy ready willing and able to FIGHT

3 years ago

I feel like my head is going to EXPLODE!
We learned (I hope) as well as the Democrats PROVED that the Democrats DO NOT any longer need to have a MAJORITY in ANY voting Issue. THEY only need a PLURALITY! Because they effectively DIVIDE any Opposition into small fractured groups that have no direction or unity. Republicans run around like a gaggle of geese, squawking, running in every direction spouting ideas that are emotionally nice but where do they go?
In 1776 the Colonists were in this very same predicament. With a Tyrant King George DICTATING rules! FINALLY the Colonists Became The UNITED Stated of America and We The People got really pissed off! WE answered that tyranny with Cannon shots and Muskets and bayonets and TOOK OUR America on a Journey!

Voco Veritas
Voco Veritas
3 years ago

Cruz could just as well replace “Communist Cuban regime” with “Communist AMERICAN regime”. We are not fundamentally any different from the condition in Cuba as no one in government here adheres to the law anywhere.

3 years ago

What year did Cuba become Communist? Was it when Fidel came to power in 50’s and Cuba still has strong ties & support from Russia at the current time.

Anita C
Anita C
3 years ago

Let us not repeat what a nation experienced for they have showed what they didn’t have. Freedom!

Wanda Gray
Wanda Gray
3 years ago

I was a young Navy wife in Key West, FL IN 1958. On New Year’s Eve every sailor was called to report to their ships immediately. We had no idea why so the next morning a few of us gathered in my apartment because we had learned our ships were in Havana Harbor. I had a radio that could receive Havana. One of our group spoke Spanish. I picked up a station broadcasting from Havana and she translated for us. The woman was listing names of those in Cuba who wanted to let their families in the US know they were alright. Suddenly we heard a loud sound. It was the door to the studio being smashed in. The woman screamed and begged for her life but she was shot on air. I was 17 at the time. I am 80 now. I will never forget her murder and I will never forget the warnings from Cubans on the island who had escaped because they knew Castro was a communist and would destroy their country. Every time I heard our government support Castro I wanted to scream. I have hated Castro and communism since New Year’s Day 1959 and will until the day I die.

John Jackson
John Jackson
3 years ago

Well we have our own King George but with the last name of Biden oh I’m sorry I meant Fidel Castro of the USSA and the sheep of this country put him in office it’s just that simple well not really the communist Democratic party stole the election and put him in office. That’s my store and I’m sticking to it!

Rich Kinney
Rich Kinney
3 years ago

May God be with the Cuban people as they unite and strategize their future free nation. Every human being deserves every opportunity to enjoy their God-given privileges of freedom. May free people everywhere do all we can to support their journey to freedom.

3 years ago

Why would you think that Joe Biden and company would support the Cuban people when he is trying to be the same kind of dictator here in America???It looks like the American people need to rise up as well!

Gerry Blenke
Gerry Blenke
3 years ago

They want out of communist country and we have idiots that want to turn our country into a communist country. We need to wake.

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