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BREAKING: Joe Manchin to Vote Against “For the People Act”

Posted on Thursday, June 10, 2021
by AMAC, Alex Ayers

AMAC Action has helped lead the charge against the Democrats radical bill to change voting laws, including mobilizing constituents in important states against the “For the People Act,” Senator Manchin (D-WV) has now come out against the legislation, all but dooming the bill’s chances of ultimate passage for the time being. AMAC Action applauded Senator Manchin’s decision to oppose the overreaching bill and to continue to defend the Senate filibuster.

AMAC Action President Bob Carlstrom said: AMAC Action has made pushing back on the Democrats radical voting legislation a top priority this year. We applaud Senator Manchin for his level-headed approach to policymaking and his focus on bipartisanship. Unfortunately, Democrats will likely look for more creative ways to repackage again push some of the main provisions from this legislation. AMAC Action stands ready to oppose any attempts to weaken or compromise the country’s voting laws.”

In an op-ed announcing his decision, Senator Joe Manchin said: “Unfortunately, we now are witnessing that the fundamental right to vote has itself become overtly politicized. Today’s debate about how to best protect our right to vote and to hold elections, however, is not about finding common ground but seeking partisan advantage. Whether it is state laws that seek to needlessly restrict voting or politicians who ignore the need to secure our elections, partisan policymaking won’t instill confidence in our democracy — it will destroy it.”

Defending the Senate filibuster, Senator Manchin said: “Furthermore, I will not vote to weaken or eliminate the filibuster. For as long as I have the privilege of being your U.S. senator, I will fight to represent the people of West Virginia, to seek bipartisan compromise no matter how difficult, and to develop the political bonds that end divisions and help unite the country we love.”

Senator Manchin’s announcement was met with vitriol by Democrats who used to praise the Senator’s approach to politics. As Democrats ratchet up pressure on Manchin and other moderates to bend to partisan policymaking AMAC Action will continue to mobilize our members in important states and districts across the country. Please stay tuned for more breaking news out of Washington, DC.

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J Doherty
J Doherty
3 years ago

GO JOE !!!!

Mary Defranco
Mary Defranco
3 years ago

Americans for Joe Manchin…. STAY STRONG!!!! THANK YOU!!!!

Dennis Cirillo
Dennis Cirillo
3 years ago

I believe we all knew that the Senator was going to hold good ground. Thank you AMAC for supporting this important fight against this attempt by the Democratic Party to further their control over our democracy.

3 years ago

Good for you, Senator Manchin, for having the courage to stand for “We the People!”

3 years ago

Thank you lord!!!

3 years ago

This bill is ridiculously over the top. Most people would vote against this if they took the time to read through it. No common sense or critical thought given by those who proposed it. It’s pure power grab.

E Toledo
E Toledo
3 years ago

Stay Strong Senator Joe Manchin for America!

charles miley
charles miley
3 years ago


3 years ago

Proud to be a WV resident today. Thank you for representing our will Senator.

3 years ago

God bless you, Sen. Manchin!

3 years ago

This is representative government at work. Senator Manchin knows how his constituents feel about the law. They oppose federalization of voting laws. City councils and county governments all over the nation are being flooded by Soros funded liberal candidates trying to change the entire landscape of our country. Besides the fact is considered myself vote him out of office if he voted yes senator mansion is listening to the people he represents. His approach is the opposite of those people who believe in what they call democracy. Liberals believe that even if a person is elected by one vote that means he has a mandate to get his way 100% of the time. That’s not how our country was supposed to function.

3 years ago

At least there is one sane Democrat. Thank you Jesus.

Mark L
Mark L
3 years ago

This is great news! My hats off to Senator Manchin! I hope the rest of Americans are reading or being informed about this Bill that could have devastated our Country!

3 years ago

There are a few Demcrats that aren’t drinking the Cool-Aid.Bravo Senator Manchin

Mary Murphy
Mary Murphy
3 years ago

Thank you, Joe Manchin, and woe be it for the “turncoat” RINOS who are planning on voting for this massacre of voting rights that has been put forth by the Democrat/socialists. May you all never again see the Senate bathrooms again after the 2022 and 2024 elections!

3 years ago

Thank you Senator Manchin! Thank you for listening to the people and what is right under God’s law. You

3 years ago

Every Senator and the Representatives should be against this distortion and destruction of our constitutional voting rights. I’m tired of the games from the leaders of the Democrats.

Roberto Gonzalez
Roberto Gonzalez
3 years ago

Good for Senator Manchin. It is a moment to do the right thing.

3 years ago

Rumor control says that Sen. Manchin has been bought back into the fold. Will find out on 21 Jun 21.

Bobby M.
Bobby M.
3 years ago

I’m a proud “racist” as the woke Dems like to call me (but as I say, I’m not a racist, I just have my preferences! Heh heh) and Joe Manchin is all right by me.

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