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What’s Hidden in Biden’s $1.9 Trillion Stimulus Bill: Republican Study Committee

Posted on Tuesday, February 23, 2021
by Outside Contributor

bidenThe Republican Study Committee (RSC), the largest conservative caucus on Capitol Hill, has released a fact-sheet exposing what “Democrats are hoping the public won’t find about” in Biden’s $1.9 trillion stimulus bill.

Rep. Jim Banks (R-Ind.), RSC’s newly elected chairman, said in a memo sent to RSC members that they have put up all items of “special interest pork and other liberal goodies” included in the bill.

Democrats on last Friday unveiled the full text of the 591-page bill (pdf), titled the “American Rescue Plan Act of 2021.”

“Keep in mind only 1 percent of this $1.9 trillion will go toward vaccines, and only 5 percent overall of this entire package is geared toward public health efforts directly related to the pandemic,” Banks said in an interview with Fox News.

Banks said President Joe Biden’s bill is a “bailout full of kickbacks to Democrats special interest groups that gave them power,” such as $10 million to every labor union, bailouts to Planned Parenthood, stimulus grants to illegal immigrant families.

“If that’s not bad enough, Nancy Pelosi plugged in a $200 million earmark for an underground tunnel in San Francisco for Silicon Valley employees,” Banks said. “This is a bailout to the special interest groups that gave them power.”

The fact sheet also pointed out that the $50 million for EPA environment justice grants is a “thinly-veiled kickback to leftist environmental groups.”

Under the category of the “left’s social justice agenda” billions are given in loan forgiveness and subsidies to “farmers and ranchers on the basis of race and ethnicity,” the RSC fact sheet claimed.

The RSC also identified $600 million for additional paid leave for federal employees and postal workers.

The RSC claimed that Biden’s bill is keeping schools closed.

It pointed out that the bill provides $130 billion on top of the $110 billion already given to schools, even if they remain closed. Plus, the bill gives labor unions—including those teachers’ unions fighting against school reopening—access to the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) funding worth up to $10 million per union.

The RSC went on to claim that by raising the federal minimum wage to $15 per hour, the bill is “job-killing,” and 1.4 million jobs will be lost, with younger Americans with less formal education being hit the hardest.

The RSC also said providing a weekly $400 bonus for up to nearly a year and a half would make 53 percent of Americans effectively get a raise for being unemployed. Thus it won’t encourage people to go back to work.

And the $1400 stimulus checks would go to some couples with up to $200,000 in annual income.

Budget-busting spending is also one of the reasons the RSC is critical of the legislation.

The RSC said that over $1 trillion remains unspent while Democrats push Biden’s $1.9 trillion budget-buster.

It also pointed out that in Biden’s bill, $350 billion will be spent as a bailout for state and local governments, $30 billion will go to transit giants, $8 billion to largely urban airports, $150 billion to the Coronavirus Relief Fund for state and local governments to cover pandemic related expenses, among others.

The bill is soft on China, the RSC claimed.

For example, it allows funding to go to colleges and universities that have partnerships with Confucius Institutes—a propaganda tool embedded in U.S. academic institutions—and allows funding to colleges that have partnerships with companies owned or controlled by communist China.

The House Budget Committee voted Monday to advance the American rescue Plan to a full House vote expected later this week.

House Republican leadership has recommended a “no” vote for the $1.9 trillion relief bill.

“Republicans insist that we must safely reopen schools, reopen the economy, speed up vaccine distribution, and effectively spend the remaining $1 trillion from previous COVID packages,” House Republican Whip Steve Scalise (R-La.) said in an email to his caucus on Friday. “However, Democrats rejected hundreds of Republican amendments and any efforts to advance bipartisan solutions that are targeted, temporary, and tied to COVID relief.”

President Joe Biden announces changes to the Paycheck Protection Program for small businesses during brief remarks in the South Court Auditorium at the White House in Washington on Feb. 22, 2021. (Jonathan Ernst/Reuters)

President Biden said that the bill needs to pass.

“We need Congress to pass my American Rescue Plan.  It deals with the immediate crisis facing our small businesses,” Biden said when he announced changes to the PPP funding on Monday. “Now, critics say the plan is too big.  Let me ask them a rhetorical question: What would you have me cut?  What would you leave out?”

“In fact, an analysis by Wall Street’s firm, Moody’s, estimates that if we pass my American Rescue Plan, the economy will create 7 million jobs this year,” Biden added.

Biden indicated earlier this month that his proposal would pass even without Republicans’ support.

Mimi Nguyen Ly contributed to this report.

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Joe McHugh
Joe McHugh
3 years ago

Does anybody know if the companies, that made the printing presses at the Federal Reserve, have publicaly offered company stock? I’m pretty sure that such companies will get new orders for replacement printers in the near future. We, as a society, may not be able to drill for oil to save the economy, but we can print money out of thin air! I say, let the good time roll, and forget about saving money for a rainy day. It’s not going to be worth much anyway.

Ron Blevins
Ron Blevins
3 years ago

At 83 I am happy with my social security and have not received the first two checks according to the IRS because I sold an asset. So I sure as heck do not need to put my country and great grand children into debt. My advice do not pass it.

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
3 years ago

How about return favor to Dems in budget bill:

Term Limits for House & Senate
Term Limits for Govt employees GS7+
Pay for performance for Cong: No work, No pay
Privitize Govt food services
Automate Medicare , SS services
Scrap Medical VA & merge with Commercial Hosp system ( Kaiser?)
Add more within next budget bill & see Dems pass that bill.

3 years ago

It was either China or Russia or ‘both’ that was given the PLATES TO PRINT US MONEY—YEARS AGO

3 years ago

US paper money after having been tested for filth & drugs on it’s surface has been rated the MOST FILTHY ON PLANET EARTH–FACT—Remember that when ‘you’ start using it for toilet paper !

Phil Hammersley
Phil Hammersley
3 years ago

Quite frankly, ANY bill that is over 500 pages long shouldn’t be passed! It would be easy enough to have a ten-page bill that stated who would qualify for the $1400. All the other crap is a bunch of pork and payoffs to the congressmen and their cronies!

David B.
David B.
3 years ago

This is a direct attack on our financial security/sovereignty by the leftist thugs that don’t care one whit about you & me! Wake up people- they are out to destroy our America, and then remake it into something that resembles China or some other communist regime.

Delwin Hyatt
Delwin Hyatt
3 years ago

7 million jobs for WHO ?–CHINA that’s who

J. Farley
J. Farley
3 years ago

I was raised on a pig farm, and I know pork when I see it, we need to contact our Senators and Congress-people and demand they vote against this garbage, because of what’s in it,
if it has items that are not directly related to helping small business’s and those hurt by the shutdown do to Covid-19. This bill needs an abortion to remove the growing festering sores out of it, so the needed parts can survive.

3 years ago

This is ridiculous and should be stopped immediately. What do we do to put a stop to this madness over spending in Washington and put Americans and there livelihood first and foremost. GOD HELP US

Myles Haspiel
Myles Haspiel
3 years ago

Beijing Biden doing his incompetent best as a paid representative of the Communist Chinese regime to destroy our constitutional government and fee economy as quickly and possible. I wonder how much Beijing is paying this traitor? How long before Chinese becomes our official language

Art A
Art A
3 years ago


Clyde Bragg
Clyde Bragg
3 years ago

Does this administration care about the U.S. I dont think so. Sounds like they are doing everything they can to destroy it. How the hell did these anti Americans get elected. Im 70 so not worried about me, but I have kids and grandkids, I’m scared to death about the world they will live in. We need some kind of revolution to stop this communist overthrow. God Bless.

Lawrence Block
Lawrence Block
3 years ago

Wondering why this information is not covered wall-to-wall on conservative news outlets. It seems to me that the Republicans will once again lay down to the demands of the democrat socialist party. Our situation is desperate and there doesn’t seem to be strong representation to advocate for the people or for common sense

3 years ago

There is more Pork in this than the biggest pig farm in the USA

DJ Champion
DJ Champion
3 years ago

Almost every dollar in this bill has a bungee cord on it returning it to these disingenuous pols. It’s called laundering. Much easier to do if there is no accountability on the receiving end.

3 years ago

To quote Ayn Rand: “When you see that in order to produce, you need to obtain permission from men who produce nothing – When you see that money is flowing to those who deal not in goods, but in favors -When you see men get richer by graft and by pull than by work, and your laws don’t protect you against them but protect them against you – When you see corruption being rewarded and honesty becoming a self sacrifice – You may know your society is doomed.”

3 years ago

Impeach joe biden.

3 years ago

Yes, people have a right to know that very little of this bill actually goes to covid relief. All the pork to pay back donors to the Biden campaign should be eliminated. One of the reasons Trump was so great and everyone is threatened by his leadership style is that he is not beholden to special interests and therefore does what he thinks is right for country and citizens without having to cow tow to special interest groupsl

John Earley
John Earley
3 years ago

This bill is going to pass. And the fake money will be spent. We will see great sorrow until these terrible people are voted out of office. But with all of the parents who for bragging rights have payed or just urged their children to go to a prestigious collage we will now have to contend with several generations of indoctrinated persons.

3 years ago

How sad another GIANT WASTE OF BORROWED MONEY That has little to do
with covid relief. We are now spending to put our great grand children in debt.
The dem-o-rats really believe that money comes from a printing press.

3 years ago

If you wonder who the expert Biden is referring to at Moody’s, that is Mark Zandi. He writes as a “economic expert” to promote Democrat policies or trash Republican policies. Never mind that he has been demonstrably wrong in nearly every politically inspired claim during his infamous career. Has anyone else noticed that almost everything Biden reads on the teleprompter to us is used to support some false testimony to the American people?

3 years ago


3 years ago

They just hope citizens don’t bother to check out ALL THE PORK in the bill! What does all that have to do w/the crisis the country is living???? No bailouts for states that do not run their states correctly & anything else that IS NOT CRISIS related!And WHY is there still money in the last bill that has NOT been paid ???? Use that 1st before wanting more that we will end up paying for !!!!

3 years ago

The Democrat Party is a criminal enterprise that has effectively stolen America, and I mean that literally.. Robert, thank you for your reference to Ayn Rand. Her works, along with Dinesh D’Souza’s should be required reading for all K-12 students. Now let’s primary out all of our Rhinos and take back contgrol of our party..

Ed J
Ed J
3 years ago

The Demshevik inmates are truly running the entire asylum as this bill indicates and this bill is only one of many such disasters that will be enacted by the Demsheviks over the next several years. This run-away train will effectively devastate our country on so many levels.

They have no effective way to pay for this gargantuan disaster on any kind of pay-as-you-go basis. Where will the money come from? More borrowing from China, higher taxes for most Americans, and rampant inflation that will devalue the dollar thereby making any sort of “future” payback easier because today’s borrowed dollar will be paid back in “cheaper” dollars later on.

Brenda Blunt
Brenda Blunt
3 years ago

Excuse me, but the American people are the ones that pay for all of this!! There should be no pork spending of any kind! If Congress wants to fund pork interests, then they can pay for those projects out of their personal money!! The taxpayer bank account is closed!!

Linda K Hudak
Linda K Hudak
3 years ago

Things will never change as long as the socialist party is at the helm. We so need Trump back again.

3 years ago

Biden doesn’t care about America. America is not first but last.

Rita F. Silva
Rita F. Silva
3 years ago

I have always said that the law that we need above all others is one that does not allow anything added to a bill that is not directly related to that bill. In other words, NO MORE PORK!

Therese Brezin
Therese Brezin
3 years ago

put it all together with an https://

Phillip Brock
Phillip Brock
3 years ago

When you have a checkbook that you don’t have to balance, the spending goes unabated. The people who pay for the garbage in this bill should be the ones complicit in stealing the election, shingles all the way up to the SCOTUS majority. Also, I place a lot of blame with Republican “leadership” who didn’t support President Trump when they were in control of executive and legislative branches. Now, the rest of us honest, God-fearind, patriotic Americans get saddled with this debt for generations to xome

Brenda Axtell Axtell
Brenda Axtell Axtell
3 years ago

WAY TO MUCH PORK ! What does museums , the arts, and underground transportation have to do with covid relief bill ???????

Therese Brezin
Therese Brezin
3 years ago

I have posted the internet address for the new bill if you want to look at it. I’ve done it twice, once in it’s entirety and once “broken up” . AMAC made it “Awaiting for approval”. If anyone wants to see it without waiting try going to budget (dot) house (dot) gov (slash) sites (slash) democrats (dot) budget (dot) house (dot) gov (slash) files (slash) documents (slash) S%20Con%20Res%205%20Bill%20 Final.pdf
Maybe this will help. change the (dot) to a “.” and the (slash) to a “/”. I hope this one makes it through.

3 years ago

Why can’t someone step up to plate & make it a rule that the only things allowed in this bill must be related to Covid-relief and healing this nation. Getting people back to work & opening all schools are a goal , otherwise all of the extra frills are harmful. I remember that the first two bills had $millions to Kennedy Center in New York & why???

Rich Skulina
Rich Skulina
3 years ago

I have jut perused this “Rescue Plan” bill and conclude that it is not possible for anyone to read and understand it completely in any reasonable time frame regarding its final vote. Thanks for providing the PDF reference.

3 years ago

Why not make a list vs in paragraphs? Then I could repost on my FB page so people can see it.

3 years ago

Keep spending money we don’t have and we will be the next Venezuela!

3 years ago

Calling all Republican officials to say “NO”

3 years ago

Too much Pork, should Not Be Passed by any lawmaker!!!

3 years ago

Back in the toilet. They want to fill the swamp back up. Trump must of Drained it good. And I think Biden will flush it, on us this time. It’s the great reset.

3 years ago

We must owe more money than we can ever pay back . We will fall if we don’t slow down.

3 years ago

Do any of these politicians care about the debt we are accruing for many generations to come? That plan needs to include only what is necessary for the relief of our people who have been suffering because of all the rules/shut downs/regulations, etc. This new administration loves to spend the peoples’ money with no regard for We the People!!!

3 years ago

He is going to take us down economically and then let our enemies come in and clean up the spoils.

Phyllis Howell
Phyllis Howell
3 years ago

so sick of this lying puppet.

3 years ago

Leave it to Pelosi and the other demonrats to include all their little ‘special interest items’ in a bill that is suppose to HELP the people and the country. I doubt ‘Dementia Joe’ even has a clue as to what he is signing.

3 years ago

JoeBama administration… nothing new except for destroying this Great American Experiment.

3 years ago

There is only one relief bill needed; reopen everything.

Hal Balthrop
Hal Balthrop
3 years ago

The Republicans should vote “Nay” on this bill and the Democrats will vot “Oink” on this bill.

Virginia S Mosholder
Virginia S Mosholder
3 years ago

The bill is not needed as is. The Dems seem to be spending without any regard for the financial burden that will be created. I keep here Republicans are all for complaining about these actions but what are they doing to actually stop them? I hear a lot of jibber jabber all around me but I’m not seeing any actions?

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