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A Must Watch: Trump Legal Team Makes Statement for Election Challenges

Posted on Thursday, November 19, 2020
by The Association of Mature American Citizens

legalPresident Trump’s legal team led by former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani and supported by attorneys Sidney Powell and Jenna Ellis made a compelling presentation of the case they intend to present in court at a Capitol Hill press conference. Ms. Ellis also steadfastly informed the attendees that the team would not try the case in the media and described their presentation as an “opening statement.”

Citing numerous sworn affidavits in Michigan and Pennsylvania and illegal votes counted in Wisconsin, among other evidence, the team believes they have a bounty of proof with which to make their case for systemic election fraud. Sidney Powel also referred to a statement from a whistleblower at election software vendor Smartmatic citing how the software has been designed to rig elections.

The Trump team was confident and undaunted and repeatedly said how they would “not be intimidated” as they make their case. They also took the mainstream media to task for ignoring the election fraud story for the past two weeks while repeatedly reporting that President Trump had no evidence of fraud. Giuliani went so far as to say that the evidence in possession of the team is the kind that wins cases.

AMAC is pleased to present the recording of this press conference and strongly encourages you to invest the time it takes to watch it. This is information that should be shared as far and wide as possible.

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3 years ago

The stigmata came down the sides of his head showing GOD IS BEHIND HIM. Can’t believe libtard heathens laughed at that. I cried and cried with joy. The Lord has come to save us. His intentions could not be more opaque.

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
3 years ago

Cant wait to see copies of evidence in news other, &then actions in court. Yes

3 years ago

I am not throwing money to either party because they are both bad.75 years of corruption is catching up to US.Truth comes from past generations of which I have been listening to most of my life.It really started when the first boat landed here in the once great USA.True history is coming out now.

3 years ago

Please advise me on the name of the hair coloring so I don’t get it I have never seen hair dye run down

3 years ago

I agree with and believe they are right, in corruption and fraud, but, its time to present the evidence to the public and the courts, if they want to keep their base and gain new support !

3 years ago

I have never been more depressed and fearful in my life.

I watched that entire news conference and felt comfort for the first time since election night.
Then I looked at the headlines – The Dems are already going after Kavanaugh to investigate him and put his seat in jeopardy. Then they are worried about Barrett’s ability to be a fair judge – her religion might cloud her judgment. If the election is not proven to be stolen, this is just the beginning.

And Republicans are leaving Trump in the lurch. Joni Ernst, Collins, of course Romney, and Ben Sasse are all mocking and deriding Trump for harming the nation and continuing this fight.

Fox News is getting weaker in many of its opinions. A few still seem to fight. But Laura in her opener said we can work with AOC. There is an assumption there that the election is over. And why would we want to work with her?
Why is Laura overlooking all of those good conservative women who greatly outnumber the Marx Sisters? They could be stronger than AOC despite the Dem slim majority.

National Review is not recognizable. Buckley’s website offshoot of the magazine is awful. The articles are so often anti Trump and they are so proud of themselves for being “objective”. This saddens me so much.

If this election is permitted to stand, they will go after our guns, tyrannize us, violence will continue, the lying news media will be emboldened, and Communism will reign, Obama will be the shadowy figure in charge of it all and Hillary will get her revenge and America as a free country will be no more.

If they are allowed to steal our election, for sure, they will have no problem – now that they know how to do it – they will steal those two senate races in Georgia.

David B.
David B.
3 years ago

This was possibly the most important news conference of the year! Godspeed to these potential Heroes to the Cause!

3 years ago

With overwelming Common Sense compelling evidence, it wouldn’t make sense for Justice Roberts to not accept bringing this before the Supreme Court. I wouldn’t want to be in his position though because no matter what his decision his life will be in jeopardy. Let’s see what he decides to do. The Progressively Communist Democrats will go completely nutz if he decides yes and they will riot, but if not, I fear we are heading for Civil War!

3 years ago

excellent article I watched the whole news conference and its compelling! Lord let the real truth come out!

Jean Longmire
Jean Longmire
3 years ago

I knew the moment I received my mail in ballot in the mail which was mandatory in New Jersey and also received a ballot for my Mother who passed 10 years ago and a ballot for my husband who passed this year that voter fraud would be a easy task. No doubt in my mind that every state would be doing the same. President Trump hasn’t had one day even before he won the election of nonharrassment so why should the election be any different? The hate is unbelievable in this country toward him. Remember all the hate for Jesus and the execution of him? This is the same deal only another time in history. Jesus turned out to be the good guy and so will Trump. It will never get in history books like Jesus in the Bible because we seem to have pushed history under the rug like it never happen. Our youth don’t have to learn history so they are ignorant to what America is all about or how many people from day one have died to protect our freedom and theirs. All they hear are the far left screaming in their ear free this and free that. I am grateful there is a Trump team to bring all this wrong doing to light even though it won’t be heard by the stupid of which there are millions. We will probably never vote again cause your vote won’t count anymore. It will just be all set up for someone to win and screw you people. Wait and see and start writing it down folks all the things that won’t exist in our lives anymore. There will be much more violence going on so no one will leave their homes anymore because of that fear. And it will all esculate to no rights or freedom period! Wait till at least 70% of your paycheck goes to the government and say goodbye to your house, your car and everything your own. We will all be equal in the far left government except of course them! It will be do as I say not as I do which is already happening. God Bless the America we know because it’s about to be destroyed. Amen!

Texas Resister 64
Texas Resister 64
3 years ago

YouTube played this news conference, but did so with their usual left-wing “Biden won” message below it. Then after the conference, they killed the video. We need to remember things like this.

Matthew Gabor
Matthew Gabor
3 years ago

I was very impressed with the news conference and the fact that CNN and MSLSD did not cover it live on their channels speaks volumes. Fox News pushing for evidence does not help the matter! By revealing evidence too soon can sometimes jeopardize a case by giving the Dims a chance to cover their tracks! Federal law enforcement agencies take a long methodical approach to building cases against criminals so they seldom ever lose a case in court. This is a Landmark Case that is very complex, needs a complete investigation but a quicker conclusion. It does not help when The FBI does not investigate The Bidens! It is difficult at best to trust anyone to honestly investigate this election fraud. God is still in control and we need to keep praying and keep our Faith!

3 years ago

Everyone with any common sense knew that President Trump won the election. The left has been planning on trying to steal the election for 4 years and it is about time they got caught. They should all be in jail for lying and breaking the law.

3 years ago

If we have “released the Kraken” then lets go— let’s see the evil exposed— and be ready to fight and not waver.. we are fighting for our future.. I believe God has heard our heart cries and is going to move mountains.. let not your heart be troubled.. Now He who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above anything we can ask or think..we thank you Lord..
Unity? — you can not have unity with evil…

3 years ago


General Patton
General Patton
3 years ago

Yeah–it would be nice if Justice Roberts grew a set of testicals! I worry the Dems are blackballing him, they have something on him?

Sam Fuller
Sam Fuller
3 years ago

Go Team Trump !

3 years ago

Should the SCOTUS get a lawsuit about election fraud (which will be proven) they should rule that the electoral college votes for that state not count. That not only will punish the demoncRATS but will eliminate all fraudulent votes for biden,

Christopher Hittner
Christopher Hittner
3 years ago

This is so incredibly important. This fraud has to be exposed, to literally save our system of liberty. Without this effort our votes will never count. The rats have grown!!

3 years ago

Thank you AMAC for keeping us informed.

3 years ago

In addition to my earlier comment re thanking AMAC for keeping us informed, just remember all you readers out there that “God has not given us the spirit of fear, but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind”. 2 Timothy1:7. Say this scripture every day and see what happens. You’ll chase the fear away as fear comes from evil and we want the power, love and sound mind to be working in our lives. Thank you again AMAC for allowing the freedom to speak.

3 years ago

I’m always puzzled by “no proof of systematic voter fraud”. So, if there’s fraud but it’s not systematic, that’s just A OK? This sounds like not only systematic but completely life changing for all Americans. Would anyone have thought we’d have Venezuelan machines being counted in Germany? By countries that either hate us all on principal or hate Trump because he’s called them out about not paying their bills and supporting us. Who authorized that and why aren’t they in prison for treason? And a really BIG question is why didn’t we know about this ahead of time? What are our Republican politicians doing that they don’t have time to assure the elections in their states are above board? And what is the press doing that they have NO curiosity about this and are unwilling to get off their big lazy behinds and investigate who is doing this to us. This can’t stand!

Hal Lemoyne
Hal Lemoyne
3 years ago

❤CHRISTrumPence and all his/our honorable US TRUMPlican Lawmakers successfully US 2020 Elected/Reelected Landslides
Amen & Amen❤

Brenda Blunt
Brenda Blunt
3 years ago

I pray that the outcome is Mr. Trump winning.

Glenn Riquito
Glenn Riquito
3 years ago

Do a google search for “communist goals as read into the congressional record”. This country was warned DECADES ago, but nobody listened. I pray to Almighty God that it isn’t too late.

3 years ago

I believe it is time the Democrat party be tried under RICO laws, they are acting like a mafia and the orders are being passed down from the top! This prosecution needs to be done on a national level.

John A. Fallon
John A. Fallon
3 years ago

MSM is actively working to mislead the people, even fauxnews is IMMEDIATELY removing comments in favor of the fight for JUSTICE and letting socialist/dem trolls fill the comment sections with all the LIES they have been spreading since TRUMP was elected, truth will not be allowed, I want to know what happened with the DURHAM investigation? it has disapeared,
evidently justice will also not be allowed, everyone has seen the video of chinajoe bragging about forcing the firing of the investigator into his sons criminal dealings, “WE THE PEOPLE” should be DEMANDING that charges be brought against these treasonous dirtbags and put them in prison where they belong!.

3 years ago

IF I were TRUMP I would never give in to these crooks and thieves and pursue this until hell freezes over/Also the TUMPSTER should think about any way to harass the election officials in every state because of these fraudulent vote counting computers// Never give Biden the benefit of a hand shake or any info on anything until this is rectified because 75 million people will not work with him to begin any term//also if I could I would not stay in the White House or help Biden with any transition info<but I would slam a door in his old/old/old face//

Leon W Krauss
Leon W Krauss
3 years ago

The Trump Team can not reveal it’s evidence because that means the media would have access to it. What do you suppose the media will do with that evidence? This is why the Trump Team is smart enough to fight this easily-winnable battle in the courts rather than with public opinion. Their evidence will be so overwhelming that the courts will have no recourse but to throw out all these mail-in votes and us deplorables will then rightfully have the President that we voted back into office for four more years. Better yet, with Trump continuing as our duly-elected President he will make it a priority that this corruption can not possibly be used again in the 2024 elections! Thank God for “delivering us from evil”!!

Bill Brown
Bill Brown
3 years ago

The Communists (DemocRats, Media, Entertainment, Education, etc.) industries have finally met a Nation whose Constitution STANDS-UP against their “dirty tricks”!!  Now, if our Supreme Court (thank Our Lord for the newest Supreme Court Judge) and true Americans STAND-UP, the United States of America will not become the United Soviet States of America!!!  Join the Trump Movement – The American Revolution 2.0!!!  Become a Counter-Revolutionary!!!  Stand-up for Our Republic!!!!  Remove Every DemocRat!!!!!

Bill Brown
Bill Brown
3 years ago

Too much talk and too little action by the so called Republicans and anyone who claims there is no proof of Fraud is a LIAR!!  No one is TAKING ACTION on the ONE valid and factual Constitutional Issue!!  Re Mark Levin, none of the “Batch Mail-In Ballots” are valid!!  By Our Constitution, only each State’s Legislature can determine the voting requirements/rules/processes for voting in each of the “several sovereign States”!! No ruling by any Court can set voting procedures.  Courts can reject voting processes but only the State Legislatures can establish procedures!!!  TAKE THIS FACT to the U.S. Supreme Court and the Counts in all states with “Batch Mail-In Ballots” will significantly CHANGE!!!  Join the Trump Movement – The American Revolution 2.0!!!  Become a Counter-Revolutionary!!!  Stand-up for Our Republic!!!!  Remove Every DemocRat!!!!!

Bill Brown
Bill Brown
3 years ago

The entire DemocRat/Communist Party, the News Media, the Entertainment Industry, and the Education Industry are FRAUDS and have been for at least 50+ years!!!  Join the Trump Movement – The American Revolution 2.0!!!  Become a Counter-Revolutionary!!!  Stand-up for Our Republic!!!!  Remove Every DemocRat!!!!!

Bill Brown
Bill Brown
3 years ago

The vast majority of Mail-In Ballots were not approved by their State Legislature and are therefore not Constitutional!!! Get this issue to the Supreme Court and America’s battle is WON and the cheating DemocRat/Communists LOSE!!!  Join the Trump Movement – The American Revolution 2.0!!!  Become a Counter-Revolutionary!!!  Stand-up for Our Republic!!!!  Remove Every DemocRat!!!!!

Bill Brown
Bill Brown
3 years ago

If you believe in Socialism or any system other than Free Market Capitalism, you have been BRAINWASHED!!  For Socialism to exist, “the elites” must, by necessity, forcibly take (e.g. taxes) what everybody earns and dole it back-out to match their version of equity!!  And, of course, “the elites” “earn” the right to keep “their share”!!  Through generations of Socialism, Communism, that impossible mythical state where there will be no need for Government because all People have become “enlightened,” is achieved!!!  Join the Trump Movement – The American Revolution 2.0!!!  Become a Counter-Revolutionary!!!  Stand-up for Our Republic!!!!  Remove Every DemocRat!!!!!
The vast majority of Mail-In Ballots were not approved by 

Bill Brown
Bill Brown
3 years ago

In the 1930’s, Adolph Hitler: “Heute Deutschland, Morgen die Welt!” (Today Germany, tomorrow the World)!!  Today, Chuck Schumer in the same year he threatened OUR Supreme Court: “Today Georgia, next we change the World!”  The Leaders of Socialism never cease to be corrupted by its EVILS!!!  Join the Trump Movement – The American Revolution 2.0!!!  Become a Counter-Revolutionary!!!  Stand-up for Our Republic!!!!  Remove Every DemocRat!!!!!

Bill Brown
Bill Brown
3 years ago

Another LIE has been sold to the American People!  No, Citizenship in America does NOT automatically grant the right to vote!  By Our Constitution, only each States Legislature has the power to set the procedures and rules for voting for Federal Elections!!  All of the Representatives at our “Constitutional Conventions” wanted requirements for earning the right of voting but none of the Representative could agree on what requirements, so it was left to each State’s Legislature!!  Join the Trump Movement – The American Revolution 2.0!!!  Become a Counter-Revolutionary!!!  Stand-up for Our Republic!!!!  Remove Every DemocRat!!!!!

Michael Sullivan
Michael Sullivan
3 years ago

Present the proof. Quit with the bull.

Bill Brown
Bill Brown
3 years ago

At this moment, the only thing that is certain is that the majority of Americans have been brainwashed by the Mass Media, the Education Unions, and the Entertainment Industry!!  Fact, the DemocRat Party has become the Communist Party in America!!!  The “ole line” Republicans have also become Communists!!!  No voter who has not been brainwashed “could possibly vote DemocRat”!!!!  Trump Republicans are TRULY become the only Americans left!!!!!  We must be ready to “Take-up Arms and FIGHT!!”  Join the Trump Movement – The American Revolution Version 2!!!  Become a Counter-Revolutionary!!!  Stand-up for America!!!!  Remove Every DemocRat!!!!!

Bill Brown
Bill Brown
3 years ago

Lincoln wanted for the slaved to be able to “eat from the work of their own hands”! The DemocRats, the RINO’s, the Media, the Entertainment Industry, etc. (That is: the Communists) want everyone to be dependent on “The Government”!! Control your own destiny!! Be free!!  Join the Trump Movement – The American Revolution 2.0!!!  Become a Counter-Revolutionary!!!  Stand-up for Our Republic!!!!  Remove Every DemocRat!!!!!

Bill Brown
Bill Brown
3 years ago

Get our Children our of Public Schools and turn-off Mainstream Media!  Become a Free American!!  Join the Trump Movement – The American Revolution 2.0!!!  Become a Counter-Revolutionary!!!  Stand-up for Our Republic!!!!  Remove Every DemocRat!!!!!

Steven Tapper
Steven Tapper
3 years ago

The evidence of systematic voter fraud on multiple levels with regards to mail in ballots, blatant fraud of using dead people to vote, the dumping of additional Biden only ballots after the election was over and the manipulation of votes due to software programming is a criminal act of election fraud. It was clear that the Democrats were stunned by the number of votes Trump was receiving that it overloaded the computer software and the fraudulent algorithms causing the media covering the election to just stop counting!

Instead of the media demanding proof of voter fraud from Trump’s team, perhaps we should turn the tables on them to provide verifiable proof that there was no voter fraud, especially in the Democratic controlled states and cities in the battleground states.

Truth is Donald Trump won this election in a landslide and if the votes hadn’t been deleted or reassigned to Biden, Trump would have had over 80 million votes, a clear mandate from the American people.

3 years ago

I believe this travesty started on the first day President Trump took office, and has been carefully orchestrated by the likes of Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, Nasty Piglosi and George Soros.They had four years to perfect their plan while drawing attention by the fake Mueller report and the fake impeachment trial.It is blatant and very obvious to anyone that wants to look at it. They went overboard with the votes for little Geriatric Joe; no way would he get more votes than Trump OR Obama! By the way, Nasty, if Trump is a Psychopathic Nut then YOU are a Psychopathic C*nt.

3 years ago

Never have I ever seen such a greedy, lying, sneaky bunch of jackasses (Democrats)! They stole this 2020 Election and we the people ought to demand the evidence, the proof and immediate punishment. Yes, Obama should be arrested and charged!

3 years ago

I totally believe there was voting fraud by the Dems. Witnesses have come forward but the bought and paid for fake news continues to censor factual information regarding this very important matter-so how will it get out to the American people. The fake news, internets and its owners are leading the socialist attempts to undermine our Constitution. All should be thrown in prison, then kicked out of our Country. With all the allegations, corruption and censorship of facts by the left and fake news why not just have another election with bilateral approved observers-Just makes sense in this all important matter. Don’t tell me it will cost money and take time. We shell out more money to foreign countries than what it will cost us and with the Virus still out there all most of us have is time.

3 years ago

I don’t think they hate Trump as it seems, or as it looks. Remember Trump use to be one of the o’ boys before God changed his heart. Many played Golf with him and were social with him. It is Christians they hate, they hate us – they hate God and Trump stands in the way for us! If you call yourself a Christian and voted Democrat …. YOU ARE NOT A CHRISTIAN!

3 years ago

What difference will it make if the courts or media refuse to accept the proof or the truth?

Bob L.
Bob L.
3 years ago

It’s good that the American public is informed of what happened, but there should be legal charges filed against everyone who participated in the corruption of this election. Make no mistake about it, this was an organized attempt to overthrow the United States of America and end our Constitutional form of government.

3 years ago

Elections alone will not solve this problem the system is rotten to the core and must be cleaned up or welcome to the USSA or Union of Soviet Socialist America sad to say but true .

3 years ago

Three great possible lady republican presidents. Condoleeza Rice, Nicky Haley, and Sydney Powell.

3 years ago

We need a second legal program working simultaneously with this one. The second team needs to find a way to declare the current
voting process in GA crooked. Otherwise, the Jan 5 vote will go dimocrat for certain. I’m certain that the 2 republican senate candidates
In GA won more than 50% on Nov 3 but the crooks rigged that result also.

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