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Creating Anti-Trump News from Nothing

Posted on Monday, August 31, 2020
by AMAC, Robert B. Charles

trumpCreating anti-Trump news – from nothing – has become a cottage industry.  Expect more before November.  Here is the latest – a huge story on CBS, parroted across other networks, with the headline:  Bush, McCain, and Romney alumni “endorse Biden, joining Republicans Bucking Trump.”  The unspoken reality flips the headline.

Here are the facts.  Three “alumni” letters were ginned up – two signed by McCain and Romney staff, a third by “Bush alumni” opposing Trump.  But stop – and be a critical thinker.

First, no one who called McCain their boss – the guy who saved Obamacare – or works for Romney – who voted for impeachment and feels he should be president – would endorse Trump.  Not in the cards, no news there.

But what of Bush 43 alumni?  A closer look shows a total of 230 former political appointees for George W. Bush signed the letter.  To be clear, since there were roughly 4000 Bush political appointees, 3770 of 4000 did not sign the letter.

Put differently, for each anti-Trump Bush appointee who signed, 17 did not.  That ratio looks pretty good for Trump. But peal the onion back another layer.

Of 230 Bush 43 alumni who signed this anti-Trump letter, most were never for Trump – and ironically, as the Republican National Convention illustrated, many others not earlier with him now are!  Moreover, most signers are low-level staff, not Senate-confirmed appointees. Obviously, they did not get Trump team jobs, and that must have been disappointing.

Sample the fare – and it tells you all you need to know.  Among top signers, you have a former Bush Ambassador tied to the mainstream media – former employee of the Washingtonian, US News and World Report, Atlantic, and New Republic, former columnist for the Washington Post.  His bio indicates a family member works for CNN.  Would you expect him to endorse Trump?

How about the retired foreign service officer and Ambassador – like other retired federal workers – who carried over into Obama.  Most have credentials that hardly come up conservative.

Or take dozens of others, which open-source searches reveals have been reflexive signers on anti-Trump petitions, from amicus briefs to advocates of “Russia collusion” and Obamacare.

In short, the story not reported – becomes an endorsement of Trump, not a non-endorsement.  Many of these signers are lifetime liberals, denizens of the “Washington swamp,” vocal Trump critics who held posts and took positions at odds with conservative priorities.

Is it any surprise that others hoping on Trump jobs who did not get them – are now against him, or that protest his effectiveness?  Or that they are eager to be on record for a possible Biden job?

In many ways, these lightweight, anti-Trump letters indicate Trump’s mission is not yet complete – a rethink of how Washington does business, need to reduce the “federal job entitlement class,” pulling more thinkers, doers and patriotic citizens from the Heartland.

While some signers are self-styled “policy wonks,” others are venting spleen for what they did not get, seeking Biden jobs, or just pleased to see their name in print.  The gist of these letters is simple:  Washington’s self-promoting establishment remains at large.

The only reason for a obscure former federal employees, nominally Republican, to be clanging anti-Trump bells is that they think they are smarter, more clever than those who serve. These letters mean absolutely nothing – in context.

In sum, they are feather preening, fluff and puff, of which we have seen more than enough.  They confirm wannabes wannbe, swamp waters run deep, and creating anti-Trump news – from nothing – is a cottage industry.  Long sigh.  Expect more of this nosh before November.

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Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
4 years ago

Been doing this since campaign days to date .
Fake media all the time.
Trust OAN, NewsMax, FNC, talk radio.
Love to turn tables on Dems X 100

4 years ago

Here we go, MORE lies and distortions by useless democrats and fake news media!!
What clear thinking person could NOT see how evil self serving and dishonest these groups are??

4 years ago

Turn the tables on them and post all the names of the people stupid enough to support Brain Dead Biden and their Socialist agenda. If they think Biden is the answer, then they are a lost cause. Socialism/Communism is NOT a fraternity they want to join. If they do they need to go live it in any one of the other countries and try it out.

Michael Ruppert
Michael Ruppert
4 years ago

I’m afraid many are caught up in the mitt R omney school of conservatism.

Art A
Art A
4 years ago

Nice job Mr. Charles. The media has nothing better to do than carry water for the Democrat Socialist Communists. I am not sure if this rises to yellow journalism but it sure is close. Too even give credence to people connected to RINOs like McCain and of all people,Romney, is dishonest “reporting.” You made a great point in that those who signed these “letters” were greatly outnumbered by those who did not. I believe that it is a given that the amount of pure venom and negativity will only increase in the coming weeks. Hang on. The wildest part of the ride is beginning.

Larry W
Larry W
4 years ago

INSANE, How can Republicans support Biden? These traitors would risk ruining our country and our childrens futures with socialism just because they don’t like Trump. The Lincoln group and the bush-romney kin are selfish, egotistical cry babies. If they don’t like Trump then stay home and shut your mouth. Don’t give aid to the socialist party of Biden/Harris !

4 years ago

Nothing like a disgruntled rejected person with an axe to grind to get their fifteen minutes of fame. “Look at me I’m somebody.” Best to see what you are supporting, or the last state may be worst than the first.

4 years ago

It’s a shame that the Main Stream Media resorts to this type of reporting to create this perception that many don’t like him. But the simple fact is President Trump has been effective in his efforts to improve conditions for all Americans. Overall, I think President Trump is doing and excellent job protecting America.

El Ey
El Ey
4 years ago

Love your last sentence, Patriot Will!!
God bless America!

Josephine pooley
Josephine pooley
4 years ago

Such garbage! 4 more years! Let’s drain the swamp completely!

Scott Berg
Scott Berg
4 years ago

People better wake up” I was just watching Fox news this morning and after there’s a national intelligence committee meeting with extremely sensitive ” classified ” information and within less than an hour from that meeting the most critical part of the meeting have already been leaked” they have a pretty good idea who these scumbags are, what I’d like to know ” and what all of you should- want- to- know ” is why are they still in Washington I’ve looked every which way but loose and I can’t find any other definition than treason ‼️

Just Me
Just Me
4 years ago

Just another ploy by the Demoncrats and the Main Stream Media to attempt to sway the election to the liberal and socialist agenda. They will do anything to put their puppet candidate into power. They have been attacking Trump since he first announced his candidacy for President for the 2016 election and have not given up since but only increased their attacks and attempted to instill fear into the voters minds. The end of the violence in our cities would end and Covid-19 would disappear once their puppet candidate would get elected.

4 years ago

Gives new meaning to the expression “nothing burgers.”

4 years ago

I agree 100%!! If they’re so anti-capitalism and hate America so much, why don’t they move to one of the Socialist countries. Good riddance!

Bill Brown
Bill Brown
4 years ago

By CDC of 8/22/2020 the number of persons who died from COVID-19 without other complications was 9210, not 161,392.  The Communist News Media claims are intentionally inflated by over 1600 percent!  Stop listening to the Communist News Media (CBS, ABC, NBC, Cable news, etc.)!!  Bad information is dangerous and worse than none!!!  Become a Counter-Revolutionary!!!  Stand-up for America!!!!  Remove Every Democrat!!!!!

Bill Brown
Bill Brown
4 years ago

Antifa and BLM are guilty of murder and are trying to destroy our Government and make us a Communist Country!!  The Democrats and the Swamp are tied to the fundraising of both of these terrorist/Communist organizations!!!  Become a Counter-Revolutionary!!!  Stand-up for America!!!!  Remove Every Democrat!!!!!

David Spade
David Spade
4 years ago

The naysayers are a miserable lot. They think they pretty sharp, but they are just very unhappy people with cold hearts or hearts of stone. They go to sleep at night hating someone, maybe hating themselves. There is a clear distinction in the political divide in this country: There are those who understand the greatness that this country can yet achieve, and there are those who can’t think of anything but tearing down the country for their own selfish motives and want to see Marxist influence in every part of life in the United States.

Alicia Leaving Liberals
Alicia Leaving Liberals
4 years ago

Some of us have been watching television since it first came out. Television was NOT invented for our amusement and pleasure. Television from the ‘Get-Go’ has been a ‘brainwashing and propaganda tool’. Television ‘journalism’ is a farce. There are no ethics with television ‘journalism’. There is NO real ‘journalism’ with television ‘journalism’. The television news is heavily censored. Just last weekend, there were significant events that took place in Europe and England; and very little was on the news about any of it. The only way to get some news is on the Internet.

4 years ago

I keep getting texted and voicemail messages that say I am a democrat, do I plan to vote for Biden. I have never been a Democrat. I reply No. Then ask why:”I cannot vote for a puppet being used by former presidents and incompetent secretaries of state. I cannot vote for liars, and murderers as dont need blood on my hands.” No replies come after that.
Where are these false voter notions about being a Democrat found?

4 years ago

The media is fake and hopefully will destroy themselves with lies and more garbage and the public realizes the difference// on this article about Bush /Romney/Mccain///MCcain was the biggest RINO ever to get to the swamp of DC and was a prisoner of war //Not a war hero, but a weak old man// Romney is a mormon and the weakest person to represent the REPUBLICAN party in any election that ever existed in this country and is a disgusting failure of a man and his wife should be ashamed of this phony// last the Bush clan=Voted for george and his father and now i would throw the scum bag out of my house/Every time I see this jerk it makes me want to puke/Hope he gets his just due in the end// My thoughts on 3 big time losers//

Ed J
Ed J
4 years ago

So, what’s new? Only that the Swamp continues to metastasize and the Swamp Denizens continue to bloviate their blithering nonsense. Unfortunately, many of the low informed voters won’t make the distinction between “fact” and “fiction” and will soak up this false narrative as “truth.” On the brighter side, let’s hope this represents that the Demsheviks are just running more scared than before and are desperately grasping at any straws they can to try to win this election. Let’s hope that President Trump not only wins the election outright, but wins it by a substantial landslide.

4 years ago

Just think what you could do if you had the national fake news media covering for you? Like Joe and son, you could become rich beyond your wildest dreams! Nobody would give half-wit Hunter a job like China and Russia – that is, unless they were bribed! Bribed with the sale of American jobs and preferential treatment! The democrat party is considerably more corrupt than the republican party for this very reason – the fake news media! Folks, it’s only going to get worse! Vote out all democrats! Trump 2020!

4 years ago

It concerns me that so many Republicans are trying to defeat Trump. Some were pretty high up in WH administration, high positions. Some of written book on Trump & so has his niece. The Republicans are not for Biden but are against Trump & why?? I like to hear both sides of story.

4 years ago

My observation, FOX news is all Trump okay & CNN is not for Trump as much. Same, this AMAC board is pro Trump no matter what happens & AARP is a mixture of both Trump & anti-Trump. Each citizen has choice to vote for whom they consider best candidate for job.

David L
David L
4 years ago

I knew this was coming. It was expected. I really do not care how Romney thinks or his alumni. I have come to dislike him and his politics. I do not care about what anyone prints or says in the media. The media can no longer be relied upon for the truth or for fair minded journalism. When the time comes to vote I will vote the way I choose and I do not need anyone to tell me how to vote.

Bill Brown
Bill Brown
4 years ago

IF YOU LOVE YOUR CHILDREN, find an alternative to Public Education.  It destroys individual thinking!!  Charter and Parochial Schools can be OK but Home Education is best although it may require lifestyle changes.  EACH OF US MUST CHOOSE!  “IF YOU LOVE YOUR CHILDREN…”

Bill Brown
Bill Brown
4 years ago

When Trump/Pence wins this November, the Democrats will start riots everywhere they can!!  Be a Counter-Revolutionary!!!  Be ready to defend your Family and your Neighborhood!!!!  Stand-up for America!!!!!

Bill Brown
Bill Brown
4 years ago

It is time to STOP covering-up for the FBI and the rest of the Swamp!!  They are how Antifa and BLM, etc. are getting organization and logistics support!!!  Stand-up for America!!!!  Remove Every Democrat!!!!!

Bill Brown
Bill Brown
4 years ago

Stop using deflecting and hiding words as “Socialist” and “Marxist”.  Tell it as it TRULY IS.  Use the correct word: COMMUNIST!!  We are in the middle of a Communist Revolution!!!  Stand-up for America!!!!  Remove Every Democrat!!!!!

4 years ago

Trump personally creates the media frenzy, otherwise why would he attack USPS and Social Security in the same week?

4 years ago

I used to think they made this up but now I believe he gives it to them. His stupid tweets that never stop. It goes on and one and one.
He gets facts wrong, then denys he said it. He lies as he said he’d Never touch Social Security and he’s taken off the FICA tax. that funds the SS fund. He said if eleccted; there won’t be another FICA tax. And what will he do with all the MILLIONS invested in high yield bonds under SS.????? That is 100% OUR money not the government’s. no they don’t have make up anything. Just repeat what he says.

4 years ago

There will be an endless supply of made up stories against the president. The most important stories will be about how to vote and protect your vote so yours will be most apt to be counted. The follow up to that is encourage every person to vote.

Chuck Zitting
Chuck Zitting
4 years ago

All the anger, on both sides, is both saddening and destructive. How can any good come from it?

Bill Brown
Bill Brown
4 years ago

I began watching the NFL in 1955.  Through the 1960’s, it kept improving.  In the last 25 years, the NFL lost its roots.  Can’t watch more than 15 minutes without getting disgusted!!  Now, they intend to open this season with all sorts of unAmerican and American Hating so call accommodations to rich Cry-Babies!!!  Respect our Country, our Flag, and our National Anthem !!!!  To Patriots, this NFL is NOW Officially DEAD!!!!  Stand-up for America!!!!  Remove Every Democrat!!!!!

4 years ago

Just remember CBS news is the news agency that employed Danny Rather that made a fake military document about George W. Bush and ran it all over the news, remember he got his rear-end fired. I wonder if he gives a class in his reporter school he has going about how to conjure up fake military documents. Go Trump Go 2020

Jerry Todd
Jerry Todd
4 years ago

I post your newsletters on my FB page announcing I’m CA-23 Delegate , urging people who love freedom and their country to join.

4 years ago

Well, Trump sure is making all the other presidents look as worthless as they really are! No one has got as much accomplished in 3 1/2 years as Donald J. Trump!!!! MITT has always been a RINO just like our governor “DeWhine” and Kasich before him. Nothing is worse than an impostor RINO! Mitt is so bad I couldn’t vote for him! We are finding out how bad the Bushes were and are, they are disgusting!
I pray Donald gets two more terms
(Impeachment makes him eligible)
Love you and your family Donald!!!
8 more years!
8 more years!
8 more years!

4 years ago

The questionable article exemplifies just how desperate and sick Dems are, indeed they do not want to lose their political status, nor their cush Political jobs They are Desperate indeed?

JAMES alas j.b.
JAMES alas j.b.
4 years ago

Every were you go in fl. all you see is Trump sign. when you talk to people they all endorse trump. How in the hell do the demoncrats get off saying the state is for Biden? Makes me sick the fake news . What happen to honest reporting?

John A. Fallon
John A. Fallon
4 years ago

It seems to me that the constitution protects the news media ONLY when they are honest, truthful and impartial, what we are getting are lies and propaganda, I am pretty sure they are not protected, in fact they are treasoness. Remove Every Democrap(spelling intentional). and save AMERICA!

Dino Deplorable
Dino Deplorable
4 years ago

Our AMERICAN President got a lot done with no help from the dunse oc RATS and even some fake republicans were involved in roadblocks.

K. Martin
K. Martin
4 years ago

As we all know, Bush, McCain and Romney are three (among many) notorious RINOs.

4 years ago

I do hope the media continues their lies and that democrat run cities continue their chaos until the election. I do NOT wish for
anyone to be hurt but the voter needs constant, daily reminding of the abuse and violence the new left is responsible for.
As stated earlier I think as long as these obscene acts continue, Trump is headed to a Reagan-level landslide. I cannot see
how the Dem popular vote can get above 55 million vs 75 million for Trump By the way when did MSNBC change its name to

4 years ago

Watching news tonight & it dawned on me: How many people (no matter what race) would still be alive today if they did not resist police or try to run away? And on top of this, several of the fallen law enforcement would still be alive.

Harold Altman
Harold Altman
4 years ago

Mr President, all of this rhetoric from these people is simply hogwash and as they will see come election be turned against them…We have an old saying in the south…”the squeaky wheel gets the grease” and that sir is exactly what they are attempting! But, for them and Biden it is working in reverse. They are further destroying any hope for the socialist (communist) agenda ever being accepted in my AMERICA! So, I can say to these idiots …than you for your ignorance of thinking you are hurting our President getting elected for a second term… Mr President we have your back! God bless America!

4 years ago

Can’t wait for a re-election of President Trump! That way we can say bye-bye Biden, hopefully for the LAST TIME. He served under the worst president in history, so what could he possibly do for this country now? All the rhetoric coming from the Biden camp is disgusting and unamerican as far as I can see. One of the reasons people want shorter terms for do-nothing politicians is Joe Biden’s career!

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