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Study Offers More Proof That The MMR Vaccine is Safe, says AMAC

Posted on Friday, March 15, 2019
by AMAC, John Grimaldi

MMR Vaccine Safe proofSocial media, aided by Russian propagandists, is spreading disinformation about the pros and cons of vaccines

WASHINGTON, DC – A teen who defied his mother and got himself vaccinated told the Senate Committee on Health last week that social media duped his mom into believing vaccines are dangerous.

Meanwhile, it is being reported that the Russians may be using robots to sow dissension in the U.S. by spreading anti-vaccine propaganda via the internet.  The American Journal of Public Health reported that a study they conducted showed there is credible evidence the Russians seek to “weaponize” the anti-vaccine movement in America and elsewhere.  “Russian trolls promoted discord” by disseminating false anti-vaccine messages via social media, the Journal concluded.

And, the World Health Organization reports that there has been a 30% increase in the numbers of measles cases worldwide as well as a reappearance of measles in countries that had been in the process of eradicating the disease.

The Association of Mature American Citizens [AMAC] says that 18-year-old Ethan Lindenberger of Norwalk, OH told the Senate Committee on Health that instead of heeding the advice of credible authorities such as the Centers for Disease Control [CDC], his mother turned to Twitter and Facebook.  He said “the information leading people to fear for their children, for themselves, and for their families is causing outbreaks of preventable diseases.”

Lindenberger’s testimony came a day after the Annals of Internal Medicine published the results of a massive Danish study of 657,461 children provided strong evidence that the MMR [measles, mumps and rubella] vaccine is safe.  “The study strongly supports that MMR vaccination does not increase the risk for autism, does not trigger autism in susceptible children and is not associated with clustering of autism cases after vaccination.”

The study was conducted by Copenhagen’s Staten Serum Institute from 1999 through 2010.

AMAC noted that the lead investigator of the study, epidemiologist Anders Hviid, went so far as to declare emphatically that “MMR does not cause autism,” according to NPR.

Dr. Hviid told NPR that “the idea that vaccines cause autism is still around despite our original and other well-conducted studies.  Parents still encounter these claims on social media, by politicians, by celebrities, etc.”

AMAC says that all the empirical evidence shows that the MMR vaccine is safe.  In addition, the vast majority of pediatricians urge parents to get their kids vaccinated.  Yet, the CDC reports that vaccination rates for American children have dipped.  “It is possible that the dip caused a recent resurgence of measles in Washington State.”

Washington declared a state of emergency after 70 cases of measles were reported in in Clark County where a disproportionate number of residents are openly against vaccinations.  Things got so bad there that more than 800 students who may have been exposed to the disease and do not have proof of vaccination have been told to stay home.

Meanwhile, there have been more than 260 cases in New York State, including 133 cases in New York City where the anti-vaccine movement has a foothold .

It should be noted, says AMAC, that just days ago a young student in New York City went to school despite the fact that he had the measles and wound up infecting 21 others.

“There’s plenty of scientific evidence that the MMR vaccine works and no empirical proof that it can cause autism.  But, hearsay can be powerful, especially if it is being surreptitiously amplified under the state sponsorship of Russia.  It has the effect of spreading confusion when it comes to making decisions, especially decisions that impact the health of a loved one.  So, we recommend that if you have doubts, you should ask your doctor about the pros and cons of having your child vaccinated.  In fact, the National Vaccine Information Center provides a list of questions that you should put to your physician, questions that may aid in making a decision.”


The Association of Mature American Citizens [AMAC] [], with 1.7 million members, is a vibrant, vital senior advocacy organization that takes its marching orders from its members.  We act and speak on their behalf, protecting their interests and offering a practical insight on how to best solve the problems they face today.  Live long and make a difference by joining us today at

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Dan W.
Dan W.
5 years ago

Let’s count how many Russian trolls spread disinformation about this article.

Edward wright
Edward wright
5 years ago

So, basically. If one has adiffering opinion based on 20 yeaes of research, they are automaticslly a “Russian Troll”. Brilliant, certainly save the trouble of actually thinking!

Jackie W
Jackie W
5 years ago

Just read the insert that comes with MMR. Obviously it is not without risks. My son had severe reaction immediately following his MMR. Fever of 106 and covered with measle rash. Emergency room at a Children’s hospital stated a definite vaccine reaction.

Mrs. Lee
Mrs. Lee
5 years ago

The article mentions Washington and New York as having a high incidence of measles outbreaks. The article does not mention that Washington and New York are both sanctuary states. Think about it. I believe you missed the mark on this story, AMAC. I’m disappointed in you.

5 years ago

You have got to be kidding. I’m ashamed of you AMAC.

Joel Dorfman
Joel Dorfman
5 years ago

More lies from CDC to try to alter the truth that vaccines cause injuries snd the MMR is one of the worst culprits. Why not talk to the Drs and immunologists who have also demonstrated the danger of vaccines to the health of our children. Very disappointed in your pro pharma stance. From the people who said Vioxx was safe and Opioids no problem of addiction.

5 years ago

There isn’t a day that goes by that I don’t read about some sweet little ‘normal, healthy’ baby that gets their MMR shot and is dead within 2-3 days from what is being labeled “SIDS”. There just are not that many healthy babies that die from SIDS and the correlation to the shot is obvious to anyone who wishes to think for themselves.

5 years ago

If vaccines are so safe why are manufacturers protected from all liability from their vaccines? They don’t get this from other drugs. The vaccine injury fund set up and paid for by American taxpayers has had billions of payouts over the years. I know of people who’s children have been permanently injured post vaccine. I’ve know healthy babies that developed seizure disorders post vaccine. The adjuvants in vaccines are toxic and cause altered immune responses and encephalopathy. A more rational vaccine schedule that starts vaccines later and spaces them out would be the rational and scientific approach to use. We have an American control group “the Amish “ that don’t vaccinate. Their autism rates have not risen like the general population. Vaccine do cause harm and can protect but they need to be used carefully and wisely. They are like all medications. They have risks and benefits. How is it that the mentally ill can refuse medications but the informed public are too stupid to make those decisions for themselves and their families. I’m a retired nurse. This information has been available to the public about vaccine risks long before the internet existed. I first heard of the risks back in 1976. That was when vaccines were fewer and parents could rationally discuss the needs of their individual child with their doctor and decide accordingly. This labeling of the public as ignorant and uninformed is as bad as Hillary calling us deplorables just because we disagree.

Cindy M
Cindy M
5 years ago

I worked in the field of early childhood special education for 33 years working with autism and severely cognitive impairment children. I saw firsthand how many children were typically developing and then got their vaccinations and their development stopped and they either immediately lost skills or started losing skills and never regained them. One has to ask what ingredients are in these vaccines, how many doses of different vaccines are given to an infant/child at one time (my grandson was supposed to get 9 doses of vaccinations at 15 months) and finally, why are their so many more allergies and autoimmune disorders happening?

Hans Kasper
Hans Kasper
5 years ago

Since 1986, there has been a vaccine court in America where if you have been harmed by a vaccine that you can claim for damages. The Supreme Court in 1985 decided that you could no longer sue a drug company who manufactured the vaccine for which you were harmed. Since 1986, the vaccine court has paid out $4 billion dollars in damage claims. If vaccines were safe, why has this court paid out that much money in damages? It is now more well known that people with certain DNA mutations are more susceptible to harm or death caused by the vaccines. In addition, mercury, aluminum, formaldehyde, animal DNA, and fetal DNA are included in some of the vaccines. I would encourage you to look on Facebook at the National Vaccine Information Center’s page for more information and determine for yourself the safety or harmfulness of vaccines. We should all remember since 1986 that no safety studies have been done on vaccines in double-blind, controlled tests thereby making us the guinea pigs. In journalism, it is good to report on facts rather than opinion which can be biased.

Joan H
Joan H
5 years ago

So ONE Epidimologist is interview and AMAC agrees that enough info was obtained to declare MMR vaccine is safe?! Also, this “specialist” ONLY claims Autism isn’t caused by the vaccine. What about SIDS, ADD,ADHD, and so many more diagnosis’s. AMAC never asked the “specialist” just what exactly makes up the vaccine solution. You would be SHOCKED to know what is being injected! If you are going to get into public health care education you need ALL of the facts.

5 years ago

Yeah, probably only in DC will a teenager have more credibility than his mother who most likely is twice his age and has 10x the experiences; especially in this area of life.

5 years ago

Since when did an 18 year old kid who defied his mother become a subject matter expert? Talk about desperate! If we lined up every eighteen-year-old who defied their parent would we not include practically all 18 year olds? And if we included every human being who defied their parent would we not get the majority of all human beings on the planet? That means we’re all experts then, right?!

George Trachtenberg
George Trachtenberg
5 years ago

This (and most vaccines) are not safe or necessarily effective. Do your research and find out the real truth. Also from what I have been able to find, most area with outbreaks of what we always called usual childhood diseases are found in regions where there is a significant population of illegal aliens.
Too bad you are drinking the cool aid and not getting someone who know how to do research to find out the real truths.

Vaccines are nothing more than a large money making venue.

Tom Rine
Tom Rine
5 years ago

shame on you telling us how safe vaccines are try reading the insert the come with them trll you how un safe there aer

5 years ago

If there are no injuries from vaccines, why is there a board, set up by the government, to pay those who have been injured? And remember, a study can be designed, and data manipulated, to support any hypothesis…
Disappointed in this article….

B Cornelius
B Cornelius
5 years ago

Please AMAC…educate yourselves!!! The ingredients in the vaccine are harmful. is a useful source of the truth–a non profit (not influenced by pharmaceutical companies). Hopefully you will issue information on the “other” side of the story.
B Cornelius, RN

5 years ago

Still dont trust a lot of the vaccines…not confident the “other” ingredients (animal fluids) and preservers (mercury and other) are safe. Who says the Danish Doctor isn’t part of the scam?

Working in the animal care field, why suddenly do animals have Diabetes, Heart Disease and MANY other human-like conditions? It’s now being proved the annual vaccs of our animals is over dosing and having a deteriorating effect to their health.

5 years ago

It is very annoying to read about the deception that all immunizations are safe. There are thousands that have been injured from vaccines not just from the MMR. Just because this teen (thank God) didn’t see a reaction doesn’t mean others haven’t been injured. We don’t know why some are affected and some aren’t but to say any immunization is safe and ignore those who have been injured is false and misleading. The problem is not necessarily the vaccines but the toxins they add to preserve them like aluminum, formaldehyde, mercury, etc. Some also have aborted fetus tissue which cause other issues. They don’t really know the long term problems that could arise from injecting other’s DNA into our bodies. Big Pharma is too greedy to take out these toxins because it costs them more to make preservative free shots. Read the drug insert, the side affects can cause the very disease you are trying to prevent and they cannot guarantee you won’t get the disease! I am not anti vaccine I am anti injecting toxins into my body or my family. It should be a choice not forced. Research for yourself. Many of these so called outbreaks are from those who were vaxed. The truth Is coming out despite the coverup. Several have come out stating the research was fixed in favor of the safety of the shots. What about those parents who had video of their child before MMR and after that WON their case because they proved it caused their child to have Autism. Be careful unless you like playing Russian roulette with yourself and your children. My son was injured from vaccines as a child and let me tell you it is real and it has not been a fun life for him or us. It’s only through Gods grace that we have survived this long. AMAC as a conservative resource I would’ve hoped you had done your research better before you post a story like this. It’s all about the money not the safety of our children.

5 years ago

How could 21 vaccinated get measles. This is another a fake news story . What would the Russians have to gain. No wonder nobody believes the press.

5 years ago

So a kid suddenly became an expert in immunology, defied his mother and got vaccinated – And the Russians robots have been spamming the web with anti-vaccination propaganda to destroy America -lol.

George D.
George D.
5 years ago

Very disappointing to read this rubbish from AMAC. Big Pharma at work. The government has paid out over 4 billion dollars of our money to families that have had vaccine injuries they could prove, which is a very difficult process after the fact. The amount would be much higher if there was any justice in the system. Some cases of measles happening – big whup! Anyone old enough to remember – everyone got measles, got over it, and then had immunity. Never heard of anyone having permanent damage, but I’m sure there are some issues with it. Just never knew anyone. (((I wish I could say that about autism, which is now rampant.))) And then when their kids had measles, it was like a booster shot for the parents. We need to get government under control, but that aside, I’m ashamed of AMAC.

Sondra Harris
Sondra Harris
5 years ago

I understand that the MMR vaccine, by itself, is probably not dangerous. The major problem, I think, is the massive amounts of vaccines that are being given – many grouped together and given at the same time, many given when a child is very young. We have run into that in dogs. They were originally given vaccines to protect them from diseases that would kill them – distemper, hepatitis and leptospirosis. But, then, there were many new vaccines given to “protect” them from diseases that don’t kill them. They would be getting individual vaccines too often, so the drug companies grouped these vaccines into packages of 7, 9 etc. Then, we ethical breeders of purebred show dogs began to notice that their little bodies couldn’t take and process all that was being hammered onto their little immune systems. Death, disfiguration, etc. began to occur. We now are back to giving vaccines of ONLY diseases that would kill them. That seems to be what is happening today with our children. Also, what else is being placed into the vaccines to give them longer life (the vaccines, that is)? We are not being told any of that. One last thought. As a child I was exposed to, and did get, things like measles, mumps, chickenpox. etc. – the childhood diseases that we got one at a time, our immune systems took care of us and we moved on. Why must children be “protected” from anything and everything – things that are uncomfortable, but not deadly? We built our own immune systems and continued. I did get polio and smallpox vaccines. But, not at the same time. I had reactions, but my body was able to fight them. We are so hysterical about the children getting anything. I imagine they are working on a vaccine for the common cold as we speak. This hysteria is ridiculous. It really must stop.

Phyllis Poole
Phyllis Poole
5 years ago

I am very happy to read so many sensible facts about vaccines. Talk to someone with a child with autism. I believe. They would now choose to have had their child have measles than autism
I had measles and so did my siblings and all of our children. But now the big pharma wants more profit so they push their harmful wares on anyone gullible enough to “buy” into their fear tactics without telling the dark other side of the story !

5 years ago

Maybe they should start looking at the number of vaccines given to children in a short period of time. The number of vaccines had increased at an alarming rate.

Phyllis Poole
Phyllis Poole
5 years ago

I know of a clinic for natural medicine which has injections to rid the body of metals in their system which is causing them health problems. Their clients improvements are proof of what big pharmas injections can do in time to people

5 years ago

Extremely disappointed in this articel AMAC. This looks like more propaganda from the CDC than a realistic article on vaccines. People who deny there are issues with vaccinations and believe the intensity/number of immunizations to young children is not dangerous have their head in the sand. There are too many injuries from immunizations to ignore this issue.

5 years ago

Sorry as a health consultant, the only vaccination I see of value is that for pneumonia. The chemicals still used and with new nasty ones are not safe in any sense of the word. Tetanus when needed. However, the mix vaccines for babies, toddlers and children are NOT safe at all nor is the flu shot which we saw led to pneumonia and may dying. Also, with illegals bringing in new and older diseases, we do not have the immunity against them so shots here ain’t gonna help at all. The children’s vaccination have caused different health conditions, and some even die after those usually pushed. I don’t rely on information from TV nor computer. I studied medicine and am well aware of the fact that when we were young we had one or many be two SINGLE shots, but today there is a range of 69+ pushed on children and/or some adults. I have even begun to think that perhaps some of the shots pushed for adults may lead to dementia which is now rapidly increasing in America. I grew up with elderly relatives and all were mentally fit until they passed away in their 80’s and 90’s. Also if some are vaccinated against every thing, how come they are afraid to be around those who have not and yet that is what we are also seeing. Supposedly vaccinated you are safe! So bunching different chemicals together for any one at any age is a real health concern. Children should be playing outside in dirt, sand, whatever to build their immunity. Adults need to be outside doing whatever as well and not glued to either cellphones (which contain radium so we have a lot of illnesses and people don’t realize it probably is the exposure to radium on cellphones and tablets), tablets or TV but get a life. Cut out certain foods such as pizza which ain’t a meal by any stretch of the imagination, no more sodas, no more cereals, sodas, cookies, cakes, etc. because of so much sugar and most of these items contain a sugar that stays way too long in the body leading to more and more diabetes. Stop using chemical cleaning products in the home/office/mobile home, etc. as these also affect the mind and health, such as bleach. There are options in all of the above, but brainwashing that vaccinations, crap food, chemicals in the home can cause are ignored.

Phyllis Poole
Phyllis Poole
5 years ago

Do NOT get the flu shots promoted by big pharma!!! A person in my family got one and later got a strain of the flu which was much worse than the shot prevented She had problems getting well. Her doctor said the shot only prevented a mild strain of the flu and actually prevented the cure of the much worse ones!
My feelings is most health problems are from bad nutrition and good nutrition is needed to cure the problem, and will. There are many books on the subject and the internet is abundant with which foods have which nutrient Who needs a doctor anymore unless you break a bone!? And even then if it’s in good placement don’t use it !!!!! and it will heal itself!! No need for surgery …

5 years ago

Oh and just in case you have not been paying attention, did you notice all those who got the measles in the latest “out breaks” have all already been vaccinated against the measles?

How is that vaccine working when you get the measles anyway? Now go and educate yourself by looking at a statistical chart showing the natural decline of the measles BEFORE the vaccines even started.

5 years ago

God’s design for life included a pretty good immune system. Vaccines are not part of His design. When man tries to play God the results are not pretty. I suggest that we work with God and try to keep our immune systems strong and healthy, instead of destroying them with poisons.

By the way, germs do not normally make people sick. Unhealthy immune systems make people susceptible to sickness. Destroying the immune system with vaccines results in all kinds of diseases, allergies, etc.

5 years ago

I disagree. I know parents whose children got autistic directly following their shots! And what’s the big deal with measles anyway. get it once and you are immune. We all got them as kids, and it was no big deal.

5 years ago

Now who is acting like a Russian troll? I’ve read more than half the comments. No one agrees with this article. That includes me.
Tell me, how many of those infected people had been previously vaccinated? It always amazes me that those figures are never released. Also, since when do these minute cases of “outbreaks” make for an exciting story? Did you do the math? How many billion people live in this country? There were 260 new cases (compared to what? Repeat cases?) in New York state with the population of 8.623 MILLION people in 2017. That equals .00030137%. ARE YOU STILL SCARED BY THE OUTBREAK???? Seriously, safe the drama for Broadway.

Sandra D.
Sandra D.
5 years ago

I also am very disappointed with AMAC’s response regarding this issue. I am very pleased to see that my fellow AMAC members have “done their homework” with respect to vaccines. The drug companies stand to lose billions if people are not convinced that vaccines are safe and effective. That is why they brokered a deal to be protected from liability. Even as a senior, I refuse to submit to any vaccination including the ever present “flu shot”. As long as there is a question as to safety, people should always have a choice. Unfortunately my grandchildren no longer have access to public education because they are not vaccinated. My perpetual question is ” If your children are vaccinated and their vaccines are effective, what do they have to fear from an unvaccinated child?”

5 years ago

Was AMAC paid off by big drug companies – congress ?

Clifford kruger
Clifford kruger
5 years ago

Mrs Lee”s comment stole my thunder about { sanctuary } states and diseases. If you leave your borders wide open to every illegal alien who wants to just walk across and invade our country bringing their diseases and God knows what and knowing that they will be protected in Washington and New York with my taxes is criminal !! I”m on a fixed income ,tring to just get by myself,, sorry but I cant afford to pay for me much less Illegals who shouldn’t be here.Looks like AMAC drank the World Order,Big Parma kool aid.All these years we thought you were on our side,,, obviously judging from your pro Pharma article we were wrong ! Hopefully a lot of similar thinking members will join me in cancelling our memberships. Clifford

5 years ago

Not going to renew my membership with this organization again after reading this crap article. They certainly appear to be in bed with Big Pharma rather than its members. Enough said.

5 years ago

I too am a retired nurse. In my opinion, the problem here is that there is a regimen schedule that is to aggressive for many infants. We are living in a time where you are either all in or all out. For vaccines or against them. As parents, we need to look at which vaccines are a priority and which are not. Yes, some vaccines may pose a risk to some infants. Ask yourself, do the risks outweigh the rewards? Do thoughtful and complete research. Question whether the vaccination schedule is to aggressive. Make informed decisions based on facts not overpowering feelings.

Matt scott
Matt scott
5 years ago

I’m a new AMAC member and very disappointed that AMAC is part of the “vaccines are safe and effective” propaganda machine. You sight a single study, an 18 year old rebellious boy, and disease outbreaks in “sanctuary” zones. Case closed? I smell a controlled opposition organization here. I am NOT a Russian nor am I an AARP member. I am not the one that puts thimerosal (mercury) and aluminum in your vaccines.

5 years ago

I wondered how long it would take before AMAC started to go the same path as AARP. Now I know…….sigh.

5 years ago

Wow! I am shocked that this organization would print such an obvious leftist article! Sure blame it on the Russians again! If I see another piece of trash article like this again Amac, i will withdraw my membership! You should be ashamed of yourselves for printing such garbage! Or maybe you want to be like AARP now?

5 years ago

This is one area where I don’t agree with AMAC. I’ve read too much from reputable sources that the vaccine regimen for children not only includes TOO MANY vaccines TOO SOON but also that the vaccines may contain lead, mercury or other toxic substances which are dangerous for the human body. Ditto for flu, pneumonia, shingles vaccines. If I was a parent with babies or young children, I would opt for the vaccine schedule advocated by naturopathic physicians or at least ask for single dose vials which do not contain preservatives.

George Elvove
George Elvove
5 years ago

Vaccines are neither safe nor effective. The community of parents whose children have been damaged by vaccines is not going to be silenced. There were a total 1,179 claims of vaccine injuries and 82 claims of vaccine related death paid out by the VICP (“Vaccine Court”) for Measles, MMR, MMR-Varicella, and MR vaccines since 1988. Total VICP payouts for all vaccine injuries as of 3/1/19 were made in the amount of $4,099,185,250.92. So the truth is that there were far more deaths from measles vaccines than from community acquired measles since 1988.

We have solid scientific proof now that the aluminum adjuvants in vaccines are causing autism and brain damage in babies and children.
After the pharmaceutical companies that manufacture vaccines were granted immunity from civil liability by the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act (NCVIA) of 1986, Big Pharma has been acting irresponsibly by putting multiple inadequately tested products on the market. Their efforts are supported by the CDC, FDA, HHS, AMA, the American College of Pediatrics, American Academy of Family Practice, and the mass media, all of whom profit financially by supporting them. The incidence of autism spectrum disorder is now 1 in 36. Before passage of the NCVIA in 1986 the incidence was 1 in 2,500.

In my forty years of practice as a family physician, my completely unvaccinated patients were the healthiest group. It is difficult to believe that there has never been a study done of completely unvaccinated children and the incidence of autism in that community compared to the general population!

You are taking a similar approach with the vaccine issue that the progressive elites are taking with respect to immigration, climate change, and health care. They care little about the people that they govern. They are interested only in increasing their power, influence, and wealth. Your contention that Russians are responsible for the science that proves the dangers of vaccines is as believable as Hillary’s contention that she lost the presidential election because of Russian interference. California the state which champions “A Woman’s Right to Choose” regarding abortion, has made it mandatory for all children to be fully vaccinated to attend school. What happened to informed consent and a “Parent’s Right to Choose” what medical treatments their child gets? This is another major intrusion of big government into our personal liberty.

I recommend the book “How To End the Autism Epidemic” by J.B. Handley. He is not a Russian. He is a very intelligent parent of an American child who was injured by a vaccine. This is a very scholarly and revealing examination of the vaccine industry.

Since AMAC represents older Americans, most of us have had the measles disease as children and thereby achieved lifelong immunity to measles. In the generation of measles vaccinated Americans, their immunity wears off and they become susceptible to measles infections at an older age. That is why multiple booster doses are necessary, which fills the coffers of Big Pharma. I am obviously disappointed in your biased and one-sided article, and I believe you should give equal time to the expert scientists who have done the research about the dangers of massive over-vaccination. For example Dr. Andrew Zimmerman and Dr. Richard Kelley. We shouldn’t expect to receive fake news from AMAC.

5 years ago

Some of the recent measles cases are from live measles vaccines, something to take into account.

Deborah Knapp
Deborah Knapp
5 years ago

AMAC, I am very disappointed in this article. I glanced at the links included in your article on these studies. NO WHERE does it look like these studies included any smidgen of information into the chemical content of these vaccines. In addition, statistics are not science (I refer you to by Steven Milloy). More research needs to be cited before stating globally that vaccines in general either are or are not safe. My daughter received an MMR vaccine around 1988 or ’89 (among others) and did fine. But there are others who do NOT do fine. One size does NOT fit ALL! This is one of the main problems with so called ‘public health’. This issue is not just about vaccines, but about freedom, parents’ rights, and informed consent. Informed consent is an important issue, not just in the realm of vaccines, but for all of us as we age and become more susceptible to being patients at one time or another. In addition, I’m unsure the chemical content of vaccines are the same today as they were back in the 1980’s. But I bet there are others who might know the facts about that. The informed consent issue, chemical contents of medicines, and socialized medicine are all things we need to think about and discuss. At its core, informed consent is a freedom issue, linked strongly to public health.

Bill Damato
Bill Damato
5 years ago

So if you are against vaccines are you also against flu shoots? A vaccine is actually a mild dose those diseases. It makes your body immune to them. So, yes, there is the danger of having a serious reaction. People have reactions to some anti biotics. Does that mean they should not be used by others? All those diseases and polio, TB, ETC. have been virtually eradicated because of vaccines. But yes, there is a danger in sanctuary states because the illegals there may NOT have been vaccinated. That makes it more of a risk for your kids to NOT be vaccinated. So, which would you rather have, the disease or the outside chance of a reaction to the vaccine? The problem is if you or you child gets the disease, you could be the cause of the epidemic that infects others who are not vaccinated.

5 years ago

Is this vaccine made in the USA or China – (Like All Aspirin now is)?

Joan Arbour
Joan Arbour
5 years ago

“Credible CDC” is an oxymoron. An 18-year-old kid says his mom was being duped. What teenager doesn’t think he is smarter than his parents? This 18-year-old kid, with no epidemiology experience, no credentials whatsoever except social media, who possible has just graduated (been indoctrinated) from the dumb-downed, public education system, is another progressive pawn to bring in the emotional factor. This is the second pro-vaccination article AMAC has recently published. Readers made it quite clear how outraged they were at the last article, but that seems to have fallen on deaf ears. Three stikes and your out!

5 years ago

Disappointed with AMAC. Are you in bed with big pharma. Vaccines unlike abortion should be a personal choice. I am afraid the government is going to make it mandatory for everyone to get vaccinated. Can you imagine being forced to take the shingles vaccine and flu vaccine. AMAC quit believing the CDD. They are corrupt like most government agencies. Many in CDC don’t follow their own guidelines.

5 years ago

I, too, am very disappointed in AMAC falling for the conventional medical line about the safety of vaccines–and after all the research done by scientists who know about the correlation between our GMO and pesticide use of our food supply as well as the knowledge that mercury and other carcinogens are routinely used in vaccines. When will the people wake up and say NO MORE!! We just joined AMAC but now wonder if we made a mistake.

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