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Abortion Issue is Roaring Back – Watch Closely, Now Through 2020

Posted on Monday, February 25, 2019
by AMAC, Robert B. Charles
Photograph courtesy of MTA New York / Patrick Cashin

The pervasiveness of abortion in America is getting a second look.  As left-leaning Democrats push for up-to-birth (and in Virginia after birth) killing of a child, Republicans are re-staking a moral claim for the opposite – preserving life of the unborn child.   The issue is becoming – along with all-out government control of the medical, transportation, energy and other sectors of government – a wedge issue in 2020. 

As if entering a time tunnel, old and long-settled issues – like the immorality of killing children, moral bankruptcy of the Soviet Union, Cuba and socialism – are returning.  The specter is at once scary and awakening.  History is never, it seems, over.  It is easily forgotten, along with the most basic elements of moral compass.  What one generation taught, the next forgot – and forgets to teach.

So, on the numbers, here is what is happening on the abortion issue.  Facts are worth knowing, as they affect 2020 and beyond.  First, on the plus side, trend data indicate that, even as 25 percent of babies conceived in New York are aborted each year – a shocking number – national trends are downward.  

The Wall Street Journal, for example, reports 2014 saw “14.6 abortions per 1,000 women ages 15 to 44, the lowest rate observed in the US since 1973, when abortion became legal in all states.”  Sadly, 2014 still saw 926,200 abortions.   

Similarly, a 2016 New England Journal of Medicine report indicated that 2011 was the lowest year for “unplanned births since 1981,” with an 18 percent drop from 2008.  Anecdotal and political assessments suggest other trends – including public disapproval of late-term abortion – are also turning south.

But what is actually happening, and why is this likely to become a major issue in 2020?  On demographic data, one could assess that disapproval of abortion (especially later term abortion), approval of non-traditional and unmarried child-bearing, public reinforcement for adoptions, rising contraceptive implants and intrauterine devices, and other indicia are producing fewer abortions.  

One could also assess that, as in other areas of social, societal and public policy, there is a growing polarization on this issue.  Just as there are growing numbers of militant socialists, advocates for increased government intrusion into private lives and personal liberties, there are a growing number of vocal pro-abortion (at any time) local, state and national leaders. 

While still a minority, they continue to lurch leftward – with New York Democrats openly cheering a late-term, legalized kill law, signed by Democrat Governor Cuomo, and then Virginia Democrats cheering (or not vocally opposing) Virginia Governor Northam’s defense of killing a newborn, as long as doctor and parent agree and infant is “made comfortable” prior to the “procedure.”  The horror of this ghastly turn to the totalitarian left is not often reported, but the facts are a matter of record.  They are arresting, and will stay that way through 2020.

There is more returning abortion to center stage.  The Trump Administration’s Health and Human Services Department – with congressional Republicans – has methodically reviewed prevailing regulations.  Most recently, they resolved – again according to a Wall Street Journal report – that “health clinics that provide on-site abortions, or refer women to the procedure, are set to lose millions of dollars in federal family-planning funds,”  pursuant to a new rule that requires a “separation” – both physical and financial – of grants for health care and facilities performing abortions.

This change is significant.  While likely aimed at Planned Parenthood (which many in Congress view as an oxymoron), the rule tailors Title X funding toward clinics that discourage abortions.  In effect, the rule allows clinics that do not perform or support abortions, as a matter of medical practice or conscience, to be protected – while still supporting other types of important health care services.   Advocates of the rule – particularly in context of recent pro-abortion laws – observe that abortion is neither health care nor family planning, so does not fit within the strictures of the law. 

Not surprisingly, while this rule harkens back to Ronald Reagan and more traditional definitions of health care, families, and planning for families, it is being abruptly challenged by those in the Democrat party who believe all taxpayers should be docked – or that is it is fair to dock all taxpayers – to support abortion services nationwide.  Expect this issue to surface in 2020, as a left-tilting Democrat field emerges.

Third, most informed voters know that the US Supreme Court decided Roe v. Wade, which curiously found and then sought to articulate a non-textual constitutional right to abortion, under the rubric “penumbra of privacy.”  Not surprisingly, as more legislatures seek to stop abortions – through “heart beat” and related bills, the polarized state level debate is producing radical new pro-abortion bills. 

In a world where you can count on little, here is something to count on:  This contest for ultimate constitutional understanding, whether our US Constitution contains a right to kill a child in womb or not, will reach the Supreme Court.  The penultimate question is:  What court will it reach?  And that question is as likely as not to be determined by the 2020 election.

In other words, for reasons near and far, factual and legal, constitutional and regulatory – a genuine storm is brewing.  It surrounds the idea, practice, physical and moral impact, legal definition and true nature of an eight-letter word – abortion.  That word will, sooner or later, fall before a nine-member court, the highest court in the land – for final adjudication.  And the composition of that court will be decided, in all likelihood, by the 2020 Presidential and Senate races. 

So, there you have it.  The abortion issue – already pervasive in public conscience, profound and persistent in our private ones – will make its way to the US Supreme Court.  Count on that.  The Trump Administration – and splintering, radical, left-leaning States, too – are assuring the issue rises to that level. 

And so, just looking ahead, recent weeks have been significant.  They animate debates now, but they also cast a long shadow forward – to 2020 and beyond.  Abortion is again a wedge issue, and the wedge is acute, the differences sharp, getting sharper.  The US Supreme Court – who will sit on it – becomes ever more important, to both sides.  This issue is on a fast-track to defining moral compass of left and right, Democrats and Republicans, in 2020.  It rivals the socialist turn by Democrats, and will bring many to the polls.  Stay tuned.

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Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
5 years ago

The Dems pushed this day 1 with Taxes on the rich & then NGD, Watch God Judge IE those supporting abortion at all levels. VOTE VOTE.

5 years ago

MERDER means nothing to LEFT leaners That’s a question they will have to answer for someday

5 years ago

The Bill of Rights says clearly that every individual has the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. A child that is born and one second old UNDENIABLY qualifies as an individual with that right. Elected officials that do this have chosen rebellion and insurrection against the Constitution, and by law (US Codes) are to removed from office and prosecuted. They are now choosing to murder individuals with rights. Who’s next to be eliminated…. before people wake up? Please contact your congressman and senator and demand that our laws be upheld!

5 years ago

Murder is murder whether upon birth or inside the womb. The democrats just want to ease their conscience in doing so, however, they have no morals anyway but will meet their maker on the other side!

5 years ago

what is NGD?

James Ryan
James Ryan
5 years ago

Absolutely an excellent article.
Well researched and clearly written
Keep up the good work

Bo Dalton
Bo Dalton
5 years ago

How insipid and low can Democrats become? During my time “In-Place” 85 years I have witnessed four instances where a baby was killed or abandoned immediately after birth and in all instances the participants were reviled, charged, outcasts , and in two of the times executed !! These new type Democrats are so depraved they should be executed !.

Sari Weatherwax
Sari Weatherwax
5 years ago

Let it be known exactly which congressmen & women voted for FULL BIRTH ABORTION. (NOT 1’st trimester; not even PARTIAL birth abortion. Make clear that these are infants, fully developed & OUT of their mother’s womb. “Infantiide” is Greek to many, so call it what it is: Murder of a baby. Name names….Included are Dems. in congress who are running for President. This is NOT about Roe/Wade….It’s about murder on demand! Thank you.

Michael Javick
Michael Javick
5 years ago


5 years ago

This is ridiculous, it is murder and anyone who aborts a baby should be arrested and tried. How in he world could a governor allow a newborn baby to be murdered? Once you can see the baby inside the mom, you should NOT be allowed to abort, and if done, it is murder as previously stated, afterall, they are giving permission to kill a human being, so why should they not be accused of murder.

5 years ago

Two sets of laws. A moral set and a civil set. When moral and civil laws are
cohesive, society is harmonious. When moral and civil law are at variance to each other, or one completely ignored, society fragments into discord. Our civil leaders need to be guided by a moral code to govern responsibly and pass laws that benefit ALL society. The unborn to the weak and feeble. All are precious in the sight of God the Creator and Redeemer. When this happens, “Murder by Sanction” will cease. Man is NOT God. Never will be.

5 years ago

Why is our government not stopping this it is Murder abortion is Murder at anytime but this is absolutely disgusting our Government should be stoppiing this Prosecute these animals these vile evil animals have no right to exist eradicate immediately our nation our children our future is at risk time to eradicate our nation from this immoral evil Now today if our government doesn’t defend our weakest then it’s time to remove the government

5 years ago

Abortion is murder, premeditated murder!

paul g
paul g
5 years ago

Hitler was a amateur compared to planned parenthood

5 years ago

Why aren’t the mothers who are getting these abortions, especially live birth abortions, charged with murder?

5 years ago

So, I guess if we are going to allow murder of new born children, who have the same rights to life in the Constitution that politicians have, maybe we can abort Cuomo, the homo! And who knows, maybe the whole DNC’ommunist Party can be next. What a disgrace to humans! This just tells you how evil the left is. And also remember how giddy they look after the vote like they have actually accomplished something. Remember that when you vote next time and None of them deserve to be there.

5 years ago

Does anyone care whether there is a father involved who might want to raise his child? What will be the next state to go this route? Maybe California will make it okay to murder your child up until the age of 2. The poor mother didn’t realize what a burden her child would be. The terrible twos can be difficult and can interfere with a career or a new man. It’s her body, right? It’s her choice, right?
What about seniors? Once we get used to killing babies, it gets easier to widen the scope. Are they too old to make a difference? Are they burdensome? When will we legislate removal of them due to the costs of maintaining them? Who gets to pick the age of a person to legally murder? I, for one, am glad that my father is not around to see the country, for whom he fought and loved, has deteriorated to this level.

5 years ago

I have decided to stop using the word “abortion” and instead use either “infanticide” or “murder”. In the womb or outside the womb it is murder. Soon we’ll be seeing the white government van pull up to the front door and two people will come to the door to give you the shot that will take you off of Medicare and Social Security permanently. What will they call that?

5 years ago

Seems that many Democrats have lost their collective moral minds. What are they thinking? This is 1st degree murder of an infant. Think about it when you vote in 2020.

Sonya Odom
Sonya Odom
5 years ago

This is murder. No gray areas to be discussed or justified. You go to jail for murdering a human being, infants are the most innocent and vounerable among us. They deserve our protection.

Todd Taylor
Todd Taylor
5 years ago

God forgive American for what it has become. This isn’t a political issue it is an issue of life and death. We must protect the unborn and born child; they are all gifts from God.

Thomas H
Thomas H
5 years ago

True to their rebellious roots, liberals are never satisfied with their latest gains. In all areas, they continually cross their own red lines into yet more depraved territories, cheered every step of the way by their “unbiased” media. Unless the right starts encroaching into it, the MSM will even have many here convinced to sit out the 2020 elections, giving control of both Houses of Congress, as well as the Presidency, to the left. Their decades-long control of the Supreme Court will then, by necessity, follow.

5 years ago

Ashamed to be from NYS..if there was a way to cover our plates we would. What our Governor and Assembly has done is pure murder. From the minute of conception this is a breathing living child. Still can’t believe our state did this…and they are against Capital Punishment. Does not make any sense. We will all answer to a Higher Power someday., would like to see an explanation to this.

Roger Davis
Roger Davis
5 years ago

Liberal author Ginette Paris said (or wrote) that each abortion is a sacrament to the Greek Goddess Artemis. So whether they realized it or not these Democrats are idolaters. And in Exodus 21 God shows how he values life in the womb even if the baby is killed by two men fighting and hitting a woman. Those favoring abortion are going to be surprised when they die unless they repent.

5 years ago

How do the Dumbocrats reconcile late term abortions with charging people for killing a mother AND unborn baby.

Todd Taylor
Todd Taylor
5 years ago

How is it that we do more to protect dogs and cats in this country than that of an unborn child? I am all for animal rights but what about the rights of the unborn child; are they not more important than cats and dogs?

Silas Longshot
Silas Longshot
5 years ago

There is a public list of these baztards who voted down this murder prevention motion to save LIVE BABIES when they survive an abortion attempt. Then the GD lying shats get up there and claim this prevents their all glorious ‘women’s health rights’, which is utter bullshat. The more the public finally notices the abject cruelty and basic murder of the unborn babies, the more the shocking reality sinks in of just how gruesome this form of murder truly is. Most liberal women have no concept of what the procedure is really like as videos by pro-life people have shown them shocked and weeping at the end of a film about how it’s really done, totally changing their minds about abortion.

Frank S.
Frank S.
5 years ago

I just watched a new movie that came out on Redbox, Gosnell: The Trial of America’s Biggest Serial Killer. In case you forgot, Gosnell was an abortionist in Philadelphia who was convicted (I believe in 2013), in part, for killing numerous (100s to 1000s) babies in late term abortions, some still alive outside the womb. If this movie doesn’t enrage you, shame! Coincidentally, I received a email yesterday from the Family Research Council asking for donations to fight abortion. This is a reputable group, and I urge you to visit their website and consider contributing financially. My wife and I just became monthly “Silver” contributors. As the article says, there is an approaching fight for the future of our country. We must do whatever it takes to push back before its too late.

Roger M Doran
Roger M Doran
5 years ago

And this is just the beginning of a very dangerous slippery slope. There is no set time for the baby to be free of being ‘aborted’ after birth. Right now it might take up to an hour for the parent(s) to decide whether or not the child is to survive. The door is open for the parent(s) to decide a day, week, or even a month later that the child is too inconvenient for them! In an extreme scenario this could lead to the ‘aborting’ of a child who is in kindergarten because the parents are undergoing some form of hardship that would be eased by or done away with altogether if the child was no longer present. You might be saying to yourself that this is ridiculous, that this could never happen. Well that is what I thought about legalizing infanticide, and look what happened!!!

Roger M Doran
Roger M Doran
5 years ago

And this is just the beginning of a very dangerous slippery slope. There is no set time for the baby to be free of being ‘aborted’ after birth. Right now it might take up to an hour for the parent(s) to decide whether or not the child is to survive. The door is open for the parent(s) to decide a day, week, or even a month later that the child is too inconvenient for them! In an extreme scenario this could lead to the ‘aborting’ of a child who is in kindergarten because the parents are undergoing some form of hardship that would be eased by or done away with altogether if the child was no longer present. You might be saying to yourself that this is ridiculous, that this could never happen. Well that is what I thought about legalizing infanticide, and look what happened!!!

5 years ago

I think abortion is a self-defeating issue.. I say this because it obviously takes a heavy dose of unconscionable thought to allow for it.. Everyone has a conscience even though leftist would deny this as imperceptible so unscientific.. However, they put themselves to sleep at night and the only way leftists can do this is with a balanced conscience.. It would seem to balance things out they rely on their opponents to do most of the leg work and balancing acts for them. When conservatives as a group learn to draw the line – and this is mere psychology – and say know mentally more than audibly leftists are bound to cave in to the preponderance of their own consciences… and lose conviction, and energy for this issue…

5 years ago

The issue of abortion is getting pretty close to as boring as Brett Favre, “Retiring and then Returning” to play football

Hal Lemoyne
Hal Lemoyne
5 years ago

Please will some awesome mortal politicians please stop

helping abortionist kill defenseless human babies

and please connect a death sentence to both the murderous mother and her abortionist doctor

this will be a great help to stopping all the senseless murderings
Amen & Amen!!!

5 years ago

I would support that the very first full term abortion provided, means that provider is promptly executed for murder! That would be what it is so you cannot just pass a law legalizing it because people can’t seem to keep their legs together. Really time to take a serious stand here!

5 years ago

What’s next? What if we all vote to terminate excommunicated catholic cuomo and consider it just an extremely late term abortion by popular demand? What’s wrong with that?

5 years ago

All big Pharma has to do is make Plan B more affordable for those who can’t afford it. Then there wouldn’t be very many abortions boom problem solved

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