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Pelosi Oversees Attempt to Re-Open Pipeline to Fund Overseas Abortion on First Day

Posted on Monday, January 7, 2019
by Outside Contributor

Pelosi speaker NancyNew Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) said no to the border wall — but yes to tearing down the one between taxpayers and abortion. That was the state of play on Day 1 of the 116th Congress, a rude awakening for any American who cares about the sanctity of life. And while Pelosi may have the U.S. House, she doesn’t have the White House — a fact the president was quick to point out.

When the Democrats’ first act in the majority was to try to re-open the taxpayer pipeline to overseas abortion groups Wednesday, the president let them know where their bill was headed: nowhere. In his first Statement of Administration Policy of the divided government, President Trump made it quite clear that the only thing the Left would get out of their legislation to overturn the Mexico City Policy was a veto. In a shot across the new speaker’s bow, the White House issued this warning:

“The administration opposes passage of H.R. 21, the Consolidated Appropriations Act 2019… and H.J. Res. 1…[which] includes $700 million more than requested for the United Nations, including restoring funding for the United Nations Population Fund. The bill would also undermine the President’s Mexico City Policy (Presidential Memorandum of January 23, 2017), which prohibits the funding of foreign nongovernmental organizations that promote or perform abortions.”

And President Trump wasn’t the only one airing his frustration about the direction of the new House majority. Conservative members across the board went to the mat to fight the abortion language, even going so far as offering a motion to recommit — which is one of the best weapons the minority has for protesting a bill (or part of one). Essentially, it gives the Republicans one last chance to recommend changes to the language — which, in this case, meant stripping out the Left’s push for international taxpayer-funded abortion.

A lot of motions to recommit fail, like this one did. But it does make a powerful statement of opposition from Republicans — and, in this case, two pro-life Democrats: Reps. Dan Lipinski (D-Ill.) and Collin Peterson (D-Minn.). Obviously, House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) pointed out, when Nancy Pelosi said they would have a “pro-choice gavel,” she meant it.

“Earlier today,” McCarthy said, “Speaker Pelosi quoted a prayer by Saint Francis: ‘Lord make me a channel of thy peace.’ Hours later, Speaker Pelosi and House Democrats voted to allow foreign aid money to be used to perform and promote the violence of abortion overseas… Instead of handing taxpayer money to international abortion advocates, Speaker Pelosi should heed the words of the Pope named after Saint Francis: ‘Every life counts: from the beginning to the end, from conception to natural death.'”

Elsewhere in his caucus, pro-life conservatives took their message to the House floor in passionate speeches about the signal this kind of bill sends. “What a shame it would be if the very first action of the 116th Congress is to send foreign aid to fund abortion overseas,” Congressman Mike Johnson (R-La.) said. And yet, that’s exactly what its majority did — to the disgust of Reps. Jim Banks (R-Ind.), Virginia Foxx (R-N.C.), Vicky Hartzler (R-Mo.), and so many more.

“We should have had a debate about [this bill] and how it funds China’s coerced forced sterilization and forced abortion policy,” Congressman Andy Harris (R-Md.) fumed. “Is that what the United States is about? Sending money for forced abortion? That discussion belongs in committee and added to a bill under the dark of night with no debate.”

More than anything, the Washington Examiner’s Phillip Wegmann writes, “This shows exactly what kind of speaker Pelosi will be. When President Trump negotiates with Pelosi, he will be sparring with a shrewd negotiator and a champion of the abortion industry.” Fortunately for pro-lifers, Donald Trump isn’t new to the negotiating table. And when it comes to making a deal, there are some things he hasn’t compromised. Unborn life being one of them.

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Lillie Mae
Lillie Mae
5 years ago

She should never have been given that job again, she is mentally unfit, or just unfit period.

5 years ago

Overseas = abroad; oversees = manages. On the other hand, she might as well have sent the money for the wall “overseas.”

5 years ago

Shame on her! She’s going to have lots of ‘splainin’ do do!

5 years ago

Way past time for us to pull out of the UN.

5 years ago

Really? Pelosi quotes st. Francis, and turns around and advocates abortion?…just who is the real immoral person here?

5 years ago

The precious gift of life. I read an article a few weeks ago entitled When Life Begins… You can find it, just search for “When human life begins American College of Pediatricians March 2017”. This seems to get down to the activity that takes place at the joining of the first two cells at conception. Amazing to say the least. Whether in our country or some other country, life should not be taken for just any ole reason. There are options that any mother can choose, but choosing to murder a child is not one that should be encouraged nor paid for with our tax dollars.

Larry Ralston
Larry Ralston
5 years ago

Conservatives, we must hold onto our MAGA hats. The ride over the next two years is going to be bumpy, full of potholes, and very exasperating for us. Let us ensure that the Conservatives we voted into office keep that BACKBONE required (shown when they were campaigning) to both maintain and push forward our conservative agendas. Let us also hope that the extremely bad behavior of those on the extreme left move the more “centrist” Democrats a bid to the right.

Rebecca Drummond
Rebecca Drummond
5 years ago

This from the woman who said she “loves the ‘werd’ (pronounced by Miss Nancy that way)” meaning the “Word of God.” She’s certainly something saying that fighting illegal immigration is immoral.

Dj Zitko
Dj Zitko
5 years ago

Thank you for speaking out to save the lives of the unborn!!
Please continue to stand strong against the policy push from the left.
We are so blessed to have a God fearing President who will veto the attack from the progressive/socialist left

5 years ago

Tax payers don’t need to pay for any abortion, especially those overseas. Nancy Pelosi is an evil, wicked, poor excuse of a Representative and should have never been made Speaker of the House.

5 years ago

Pelosi is morally corrupt!

5 years ago

Pelosi shame on her… she needs to head the words of that prayer… get off the high horse and start doing what the PEOPLE elected them to do not what those POWER HUNGRY MONSTERS WANT..get rid of ABORTION … BUILD THE WALL/ BARRIER AND start acting like CIVIL acting adults not like school kids on a play ground.. by the way Nancy don’t you LIVE IN A GATED AREA… WHY NOT GET RID OF YOUR WALL… WHAT ARE YOU HIDING BEHIND????????

5 years ago

What has happened to our country?

David Paul Freshour
David Paul Freshour
5 years ago

She is morally bankrupt and unfit to serve our Nation!

5 years ago

WHO wrote this? Overseas????? What is that? Is she really overseas doing this or is she Over seeing the matter???? Duh. Who wrote this one??? Is Pelosi Catholic or not? If she is, she’s headed for hell!

Barbara S.
Barbara S.
5 years ago

the hate this woman shows towards the American people who are not democrats is just unbelievable…what kind of woman is she anyway? how did she get so hateful and spiteful? her own daughter said of Nancy Pelosi that “my mother could cut your head off before you even knew you were bleeding”….what kind of people elected to government positions are we really dealing with….very sick and demented….for sure….
I suggest Nancy remove the wall around her estate, and that of every other top democrat,if it’s 4th century technology like one of them said on Fox today….also remove all walls and barriers around any and all government buildings in DC they occupy during their sessions…feel the love like we do…..but only the buildings they occupy…not our military bases or hospitals etc….this is sheer and evil utter political trash directed toward the American people, mostly who voted for Pres. Trump…how many lives of innocent citizens and police do we have to loose….this woman Pelosi never extended her condolences to the family of Officer Ronil Singh, he was a husband and new father, K9 partner and all round good man, became an American citizen the right way….and gets killed….and the illegal lives and will be given every protection under the sun….this government is being run by sham artists, on the left and the right…..RINO by name….I do have hope tho with some new members, military heroes used to the fight….we need them now more than ever……pray for Pres. Trump and his family, what the democrats are doing is just sinful… sense, no feeling….just my thought…

Tom Evans
Tom Evans
5 years ago

I’m amazed this women who intelligence perceived is = to two piss-ants had an estimated net worth in 2009 of $58 million. Her estimated net worth in 2018 now is at $125 million. How was all that money made? Dubious governmental perks? With all her Nancyism sayings I do believe she borders on lunacy. Oh Well, we can just pass the abortion bill and read about later.

Phil Jarinko
Phil Jarinko
5 years ago

HEY nancy ,, ( notice I use lower case for her name, yes there is meaning to that ) you push abortion, yet if one of your granddaughters when with child gets felony assaulted and looses that “tumor in the womb” as a result,,, I’ll bet you will push for MURDER charges against that felon ?????? One more thing, you probably think you are quite intelligent with more grey matter between your ears then most people, but I have a feeling that it is not that color at all !

Judy Hoffman
Judy Hoffman
5 years ago

Anyone truly surprised?

Phil Jarinko
Phil Jarinko
5 years ago

Looking at that picture of nancy, along with her statements it’s appears that her botox treatments have gone to her head!!!

5 years ago

For one or two things, Pelosi also quoted St. Thomas Acquinas wrongly and to quote St. Francis is wrong because they really don’t know if he even wrote it. Lastly, Christ said give to Ceasar what is Caesar’s and give to God what is God’s. There are differences and it seems like Pelosi obviously takes the Bible verses out of context and makes them pretext to rationalize her quest for power while not ever really caring about the children of God. Real care does not include murder of the innocents!

5 years ago

I am appalled at Pelosi. We should NOT be paying for taxpayer abortion neither here or overseas. May The Almighty God show her the error of her ways and undo this atrocity.

Ertis Crumpler
Ertis Crumpler
5 years ago

I can’t belive Americans are so stupid as to vote for any democrat. Now we will never get anything done in Washington with a Demo House and a Conservative Senate. Wake up people.

Jay Heath
Jay Heath
5 years ago

I’ M not going to be a contributer to this kind Democrat run and hide like you did several years ago. You use precious time holding of work at home and running with your tails between your legs to Illinois. What does this tell our young people and new electors in how we should run our government meetings. I think all Democrats should be written up that had any thing to do with the run and hide techneq. Shame on the ones that can’t stay and negotiate like educated Paid elected individuals. Jay [email protected] Republican


Germán Rivera
Germán Rivera
5 years ago

This is why we need to continue our prayers to take this person out of house presidency. Is there a way that the democrats that did not vote for her can be added to the Republican and get her out? How a person can be so hypocrite, to pronounce St. Francis name and vote to kill innocent babies!

5 years ago

Mentally unfit for the position for sure. What a crappy example of American values – and just think, she will try to influence all the newbie’s in the house…. GOD HELP US.

Donna Schulz
Donna Schulz
5 years ago

This is the saddest thing I have ever seen. It is heartbreaking to think that the 116th Congress would think this is their opening act as an important thing to our nation. To bequeath upon the UN all these billions of dollars when the place ought to be abolished is a travesty.

Rich Schmith
Rich Schmith
5 years ago

Nancy Pelosi has been and always will be an “evil” woman!

5 years ago

Everyone knew what it would be like when the democrats took over the house. There are no surprises. Stop wasting time on useless rhetoric. Start moving in a positive direction to seal the fate of “The Swamp Dwellers”. You’ll have to recommit your “Pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.” Take the time you spend here commenting and direct your comments to the the elected officials for whom you voted. We are in a war folks! A war in which the enemies do not believe in “The Declaration of Independence and the “Constitution of the United States of America”. The government has gotten away from the Constitution. It is no longer protecting our rights. The “Rule of Law” has been abandoned. Donald Trump needs our help to drain the swamp and right the ship that made this “United States” the greatest country on God’s Green Earth. Take a stand and become pro-active in helping the President. The most recent additions to the house of representatives should be troublesome to all Patriotic Americans. I for one do not trust anyone who was sworn into office, taking their oath of office, placing their hand on the Koran. “AND LAST BUT NOT LEAST” God Bless America, and keep all our citizens and our President Donald J. Trump safe from the madness we are facing.

5 years ago

Pelosi is Catholic? Abortion is against the Catholic Church ! Since 1970, there has been over 60 million babies destroyed ! 90 percent of all abortions are for convenience ! It’s disgusting. Pelosi needs to crawl under a rock and stay there! She wants open borders down South. Why does she have a wall around her home? Why does she need a security detail every where she goes? She wants America to do as she demands but her rules don’t apply to what she does herself.

5 years ago

You will rot in hell. How would you feel if one of your grandkids was aborted? You wouldn’t care. You don’t care if babies are killed! I hate you baby killer!!!!

5 years ago

1st of many lies to come. Apparently Nanny Pelosi lied about being “transparent” in her opening speach. So much for that!

Keith H
Keith H
5 years ago

I bet this Hag, Pelosi smells of sulphur !! Is she serious ? Dumocrats Love Killing everything they can get there hands on. Can we abort her instead ? I mean seriously, she wants to abort up until birth. They are already doing that, she is sick in the head. Man, how can anyone vote for demons like this ? Worshipping Satan is only going to get you dead. There is no afterlife !! And people who support baby killers, will have no afterlife either !!!

Keith H
Keith H
5 years ago

Oh and as far as the United Nations. I think it is high time we kick that trash out of the country !! Their nothing but terrorists !! And raise that building to the ground. Then turn the land into a park or something more useful.

5 years ago

Stand firm Dear President Trump….we are proud of you and continue to pray for you and Our lovely First Lady, GOD BLESS YOU !

5 years ago

So funding for a inanimate object is immoral in this sick persons mind but Giving My money away to Kill is not. Tell me again why you haven’t called your Senitor yet.

5 years ago

Did anyone expect something good or sensible from her?

5 years ago

Why are we sending any money to China period? We also shouldn’t be sending money anywhere overseas for abortions. They next 2 years are going to be a nightmare for the country and for President Trump. Let’s hope all their senseless bills are DOA on the Senate floor.

Dottie Voss
Dottie Voss
5 years ago

I just do not understand how she got the Speaker spot. Something is so terribly wrong!! President Trump you need to fix this somehow, now, before it’s too late!!

Julia T.
Julia T.
5 years ago

I can’t believe this ?‍♀️?

John Martin
John Martin
5 years ago

Sneaky and full of dirty tricks. That is all we can expect until the next election.

5 years ago

I STRONGLY support abortions for all Democrats!

Lisa Outlaw
Lisa Outlaw
5 years ago

If you believe in prayer, please join me in prayer to have the Almighty God humble and silence her. Brokenness truly is her only hope, as she remains blinded, adverse to truth, and bent on destroying our Constitutional Republic.

5 years ago

Is this pelosi’s solution to the immigration policy? Fund abortions in other countries to reduce their population instead of limiting entry with an immoral wall. I am 71 and mourn what many of our leaders stand for in this day and age. Of course I understand that many of our own citizens would travel for these countries to take advantage of this new form of foreign assistance. Many have lost or never had their moral guidance and instead follow like lemmings the words of people who do not share their world, “politicians, liberal talk shows and news programs, and of course movie and sports celebrities.

5 years ago

I know she don’t care what any of us
“Regular” Americans think but I think she is evil. GOD will prevail over evil.

5 years ago

how unfortunate her mother didn’t have an abortion

5 years ago

how unfortunate her mother didn’t have an abortion

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