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The Parasitic Nature of the Left’s Attack on American Children

Posted on Friday, April 21, 2023
by Tammy Bruce

Attempts to legitimize the destruction of the nuclear family continue apace. This time the monstrosity of the argument is presented in virtual Technicolor glory by New York Magazine. In a featured opinion piece titled “Children Are Not Property” by Sarah Jones, a senior writer for the magazine’s politics coverage treats readers to an argument that is so predictably absurd some have wondered if it is actual satire or even written by artificial intelligence.

But sadly no, we must presume that Jones actually sat down and wrote the screed declaring parents threaten the well-being of children and somehow a bunch of strangers unrelated to children are a better alternative to raise and influence the most vulnerable among us. After the public school/teacher’s union debacle with our children and the continuing obsession with teaching them to be racist and transgender, you will be forgiven if you laughed out loud spurting that milk you were drinking through your nose. You’re not alone.

Jones writes: “Like any piece of property, a child has value to conservative activists. They are key to a future the conservative wants to win. Parental rights are merely one path to the total capture of state power and the imposition of an authoritarian hierarchy on us all. So it’s no surprise that children have long been a fixation to the right wing.” Moreover, as the New York Post reported, she bleats “’right-wing Christians’ have embraced the parental rights movement in a bid to mold their children how they choose, ‘much like any domesticated animal.’”

I didn’t know the environment in which Jones was raised, but in her screed against parents she confesses, “There is no way to control a child forever. My parents learned that much. I hid books from them and discovered different ways of thinking through literature and furtive online searching. In relatively short order, I became an atheist and a socialist…” Surprise! Said no one ever.

Newsflash for Jones, parental rights are a fixation for…parents. Not everything is political. It’s actually called “instinct” and “responsibility” transcending partisanship and yes, even faith. No matter the bizarre insistence by the left, loving and protecting your children is human instinct and a virtue informed for millennia. It is one of the instant, and most important, instincts for all living creatures.

The arguments by the left that children don’t belong to their parents but to the “community” is an old, tired, and dumb idea. Not so long ago, Hillary Clinton tried to normalize it with her “It Takes a Village” book and soft argument that children belong to everyone. What has to wonder if Clinton’s friend Jeffrey Epstein used that argument on occasion.

Of course the irony of this argument is missed by the writer. While Jones condemns the idea that parents have a special and unique bond with and have a right and an interest in instilling their values in their children, the argument here is not that little kids should be thrown unattended into the woods to fend for themselves. No, she and the left argue that adult influence should be transferred from parents to uninterested state agents.

Like everything else spewed by the left, this is not just idiotic, it’s dangerous and destructive. It’s also very revealing of the left’s lack of confidence and illustration of their own parasitic nature that they are reduced to attempting to take and control the children of society. This is only necessary when you represent something that repulses every civilization you attempt to consume.

The overall attempt by the American left to convince people that children are better off with strangers should be viewed as an attempt to legitimize the psychological and eventual physical kidnapping of children by the state.

Totalitarian societies throughout history have resorted to state-based kidnapping in order to maintain power. From Stalin, to Hitler, to Cambodia’s Pol Pot, Romania’s insane Ceausescu, and even most recently with the Russian kidnapping of Ukrainian children for transfer into Russia, the left always needs brainwashed foot soldiers and the only way you get that is when you start with children.

We know this anti-parent and anti-family obsession is nothing new, but we must take note that this renewed effort is public and blatant. The fact that this putrid piece of garbage showed up in a magazine that, while liberal, still has some respect in American culture, should raise a giant red flag that this craven mission has now metastasized even further into the national conversation. Several people at a major American magazine saw this article and thought it would be fine to publish and that it would be fine to be associated with it.

The good news is the vast majority of Americans reject this madness and understand the dangerousness of it. It is a very few people strategically placed in certain public cultural elements, like magazines, newspapers, legacy media, and education, that move along these little improvised cultural explosives in an attempt to make it appear as though this is a natural, accepted argument.

Nothing of course could be further from the truth but it is important to recognize that all it takes is a few people in strategic positions to destroy a country. The Germans learned this, the Russians learned and perhaps are learning it again, as have the North Koreans, the Cambodians, the Cubans and so many others who were taken to the cleaners and then to the wood-chipper by a few well-placed disturbed leftists whose mission is to destroy everything that is good.

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Rob citizenship
Rob citizenship
1 year ago

Great article Tammy, you defend civilization, common sense, the law of nature, the will of God, and the rights of the parents and the children. This issue points up the idea that not only a two country mentality is taking form but a two planet mentality actually. As you mentioned how the parental rights that involve instinct and responsibility, in connection with loving and protecting their children apply to all living creatures. It is good that you covered the history of how similar distorted views about the state interfering in family rights , the strategy used by totalitarian regimes , has been done before. Those of us who respect everything that is good —love , kindness, fairness, liberty, joy , everything that is part of values of Faith, Family and Freedom , we are all strengthened , encouraged , and wiser for what you wrote. Well Done , Tammy, Well Done! In the spirit of Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness
May God help in the defense of families everywhere .

1 year ago

There are positive signs, chief among them the move to private schools and even better, home schooling. However, only a minority is motivated enough to do either. The majority will continue to allow their kids to fall into the hands of people just like the ny magazines writer. I live near a very wealthy area. The school district there has just completed bathroom remodeling to, you guessed it, unisex. Each time the left enacts anti parental freedom moves the reaction gets weaker. In the 70s there was strong resistance to busing. In the 80s sex ed was questioned. In both cases, people ended up shrugging and going along. A remnant of properly educated young people are going to face a radicalized cadre of atheist socialists like the author. The stakes couldn’t be higher.

1 year ago

Thank you, Tammy, I wish your articles were required reading for liberals (lol, like that will happen!). My father left Germany at age 18 because he didn’t like what he saw happening with Hitler’s youth groups. He certainly never regretted that decision, and would be aghast at what’s going on in the U.S. Sarah Jones is a nut case.

1 year ago

Welcome to turning the US into a China copycat.

Pink in the hole
Pink in the hole
1 year ago

Bring it on you pink pill right wing transgender lol

Your crazy woman
Your crazy woman
1 year ago

I’m worried about any kids this writer has.
one call to CPS and she loses em I bet lol

David Millikan
David Millikan
1 year ago

Why is the picture for this article have 5-6 girls and one White boy with his face covered up? Definitely discrimination against the White boy. Picture is definitely pushing boys out so they don’t exist which is the democrats narrative.
How about an even amount of both boys and girls in the picture instead of playing politics with a picture for your article.

1 year ago

When “it takes a village to raise a child” the child becomes the village idiot.

John Riley
John Riley
1 year ago

Once trash like this is published it will then become a source to be quoted as though it were truth. The bully pulpit of the press has become the bullhorn of garbage and lies.

Karen Alexander
Karen Alexander
1 year ago

As usual if we take the time to think about what conservatives and parents are being accused of we can see it is the very thing that the liberal left is actually attempting and in more and more situations actually achieving. We conservatives need to stand up and defend and protect the most precious resource our country has, our children. When is the last time you attended your local school board meeting? I will be attending mine on Monday, how about you?

1 year ago

Jones must be writing about her abysmal upbringing. My parents raised me to use the brain God gave me and to think for myself. Half the tripe reported is just that—-bloated and questionable snd needs to be thrown out the window.

1 year ago

(Cross post from Comments on Intelligencer site.)

From Jones article: “… the home is often no refuge but a place of domination and abuse.”

“Often?” How does Jones define “often?” What’s the purpose of this? Bringing up one’s own childhood issues? Putting those poor misguided parents on their place? (Smugly.)

Really, the piece is full of misinformation and wishful thinking. Pulling examples like Rushdoony (most of the conservatives I know do not even know who this guy was) and the abusive Pearls (who I know of as a person with a counseling background [LPC] and an apologetics bent for tracking aberrational Christian practices) is pursing the sterotypical, cartoonish, poorly informed cariacature of conservatives.

How about I write an article that uses examples like the lesbian couple who drove their SUV with 6 adopted kids off the Pacific Ocean cliff to illustrate how the “state” does a terrible job keeping children safe?

This is a disturbing piece for <i>New York</i> to publish because it is so off the mark.

People’s children do not belong to the state anymore than they are “property” of anyone. What a bizarre concept. And the mindset and motives of most conservative parents I know does not include “control” as Jones presents it.

I feel sorry for her that she had what appears from her writing to have been an unhappy childhood she had to escape, and has to as an adult, get “payback.”

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
1 year ago

No good thing ever began with “don’t tell your parents” especially when it’s living in a communist village.

1 year ago

… one psy-op right after another, the CIA people do yeoman’s work keeping Main Street America, at each others’ throats –

Steven Soerens
Steven Soerens
1 year ago

Jones has zero examples of when the State abuses children, but that’s because she defines ‘abuse’ differently from the rest of us. She should place herself entirely in the hands of this benevolent State which she worships.

1 year ago

The first sentence made me flinch. I do not think the author realizes that the “nuclear” family was the first phase in the destruction of the family. First isolate that which you wish to destroy, and then once it has lost half it’s resilience, attack. A multi-generational family has the ability to pass on tradition, values, and security through generations. A nuclear family only gives the parents a couple short and hectic decades to impart those things. Growing up in a multigenerational family the child learns many valuable lessons by example and through the families discussions of family events.

The first phase was to make the young dependent on the state through schooling, and the old through SSI. Break the generational pact where parents raise children and then children care for elderly parents, with everyone teaching the very young. Encourage urban development and apartments or suburban housing where generations are separated. etc.

There is a lashback with the home-schooling movement, but I think a multi-generational movement is also required if it is not already too late. The family (not nuclear family) is the building block of society and key to the survival of Western Civilization.

Word of Truth
Word of Truth
1 year ago

Just like the typical Leftist, they accuse others of doing the evil that they are actually doing.

1 year ago

Read The Children’s Story by James Clavell.

1 year ago

Beware, the modern Left read the dystopian novels of our youth not as cautionary tales, but as instruction manuals in the corruption of morals and values; the destruction of ideals and principles; and the perversion of our public institutions.

1 year ago

How many of those “uninterested state agents” come running when a young child wanders off at the mall or when he has an adverse reaction to a drink in a can? Whose adrenaline levels rise sky-high when that happens? An uninterested state agent or a parent?

Tammy Bruce is saying the words that many of us feel. What right does the liberal/socialist movement have to take our parental rights and obligations away from us? The most basic of all freedoms–to raise and enjoy our own families–is at great risk with policies and methods espoused by the likes of this Sarah Jones.

Sure, there are dysfunctional families, bad things happen, and some people make terrible parents. But in the grand scheme of things, our culture moves forward. Most people overcome adversities met earlier in life and move on to become productive adults and loving parents. It’s part of being human; there are no guarantees that everything will work out just fine. The challenges we meet every day mold us into stronger, more adaptable beings.

This country is moving in the wrong direction at break-neck speed. When people like Jones and most of the MSM have a microphone before them, they can say the most ridiculous things in the name of “journalism”. Repeated over and over again, people begin to buy into their crap, and social media create memes and influencers…and then we’ve lost another generation.

Part of our problem is mobility. Children go to college and then settle a few states away, so they lose the advantage of close proximity and the family influence that comes with it. Young adults still figuring things out are then susceptible to those influences from the screaming, conjuring left. Not all, granted, but with loosening ties to family and the community they were raised in, they sometimes look for stability and relevance not in family ties, their high school buddies, or maybe religion, but to the icons of social media and progressive Democrat sensibilities. And look where that got us. Another step toward disassociation from all that is normal and good.

Thomas McCawley
Thomas McCawley
1 year ago

“Like any piece of property, a child has value to conservative activists. They are key to a future the conservative wants to win. Parental rights are merely one path to the total capture of state power and the imposition of an authoritarian hierarchy on us all. So it’s no surprise that children have long been a fixation to the right wing.”

About as pure a piece of projection by as ‘socialist activist’ of the goals and tactics of the ‘left wing’ as I have seen recently. Their indoctrination of other people’s children is their path to power, and they don’t care how much harm they do is achieving that power.

Timothy OConnor
Timothy OConnor
1 year ago

There’s a second irony in a Democrat accusing others of treating children as “property” when you reflect on the parallels between abortion and slavery. It’s confusing, though, with the earlier political roles now reversed (think of the Lincoln-Douglas debates). Today, those who defend the absolute value of the individual and who refuse to see humans as chattel defend states rights. 

1 year ago

Yes, right wingers and Christians (and every other biological parent) choose to “mold their children how they choose”. Children are malleable and learn, so who better to influence them than parents? The idiots on the left? Somebody will teach them. When the State does so, they do an extremely poor job of it, evidenced by the “leaders” :mentioned in the article. Or perhaps our public school teachers who feel they have total control of children, but disappear when they do damage? Where is that teacher who convinced your child to “transition” next year, or in 10 years? That teacher is long gone, having forgotten the child, but parents are still there, fixing what has been broken

Don Draper
Don Draper
1 year ago

According to divorce laws in every state, children ARE property to be divided. Perhaps it’s time that parents started suing for damages done to their property by liberal pervets and idiotic left-wing educators. It could open up a whole new area of law, and therefore lawyers should come a-running to support it.

James Kennedy
James Kennedy
1 year ago

The war on children is at least as old as Moloch, and children continue to be beyond their numbers the victims of violence. We kill them before they are born. In some places in America we set them aside to die on their own. They are at risk everywhere. Sadly, one of the surest ways to risk a child’s well-being is to replace his birth father with a different father. The current projection of sexuality onto children–yes, often by their parents–can take place only after the great religions have lost their power. Abraham and the Angel were part of that religious-mythic power. So was the Christ child–and Herod’s slaughter. Where life is not sacred, children don’t have much of a chance–and the demonic takes over–the technologic demonic in our case. I am not talking about the child mother at risk or forfeiting the mother for the child or all the truly difficult challenges around pregnancy and child birth. I am not talking about perversions of religion–and any religion can get that way. I am saying that the religiously grounded sense of the sacredness of life in a religious family is one powerful way to fight back the demonic and death.

Pat R
Pat R
1 year ago

To the leftist, especially activists, if you don’t tow their line you are indispensable. Children are no different to them.
As Thomas McCawley stated below, Sarah Jones’ piece was the epitome of projection.

1 year ago

No one uses children as pawns as much as lefties.

1 year ago

If the left wanted to engage in population reduction without resorting to the tactics of the likes of Stalin, Pol Pot, Mao, etc., what would they be doing differently? The answer is right in front of us. Like these evil leaders of the past, they want the planet to themselves, to rule over it completely. History repeats of course, because people have short memories. Our modern era is no different; Stalin, et all are all here with only the names & faces being different.

nyc exile
nyc exile
1 year ago

However the vast majority of the New York commenters to this tripe strongly object to the author’s premise.
There is hope!

1 year ago

Go Mama and Papa Bear! God and Natures Order is even understood by birds, bees, and other wild creations. Many humans do not understand these most basic rules and truths. They also do not understand that others are not obligated to support them. Teach our children to love and be proud of America and to hold their freedom dear! The parasites will just stay miserable.

Jim Halloran
Jim Halloran
1 year ago

I have not read the Communist Manifesto. I must assume this idea of the state raising your kids ought to be prominently mentioned in that document.

Rita Joseph
Rita Joseph
1 year ago

I wish the pro-abortion advocates would apply this truth that children are not property to pregnant mothers demanding abortion.

o accord mothers the ‘right’ to abort their children is to allow them the most pernicious of all the powers attaching to the alleged rights of ownership and domination—powers of life and death. 

The pseudo-right to abortion stands in direct contradiction to the long, hard-won tradition of human rights and freedoms, a tradition forbidding that any one human being should have ownership and disposal rights over any other human being, no matter how small or dependent or troublesome or unwanted.

Total dependency of an unborn child for nine months on her mother does not translate into awarding her mother a total lethal control over her child’s little body.

In general, total dependency of one human being on another (and there are hundreds of millions of heroic cases where sole carers love, cherish and totally support a family member for many decades, not just for a short nine months) does not authorize the carer to exercise a totalitarian power to have her dependant medically or surgically exterminated.

The child’s temporary residence in the mother’s body does not give the mother absolute ownership rights over the child.

Sharilyn Botkins
Sharilyn Botkins
1 year ago

This article disputes all that the Bible teaches about parenthood and the rearing of children. America needs to wake up and fight this demonic , satanic attack against our children before it is too late. If God be for us, who can be against us?

1 year ago

… principle objective of the gay community, top-down control over public education, for which to conflict our children, by imposing systematic sexual ambiguity. They know, they can’t get you. So, they’re making a grab, for your children –

1 year ago

The left is targeting children like they target the defenseless unborn, claiming it is in their best interest of the child or the unborn. Still don’t understand how death is in the best interest of the unborn child or how changing a child’s gender is in their best mental interest. Until America gets down on her (can I say her?) knees and humbles herself before God the decline of American families, values and mores will spiral down and to condemn us all. No God, no peace. Know God, know peace. Peace is the knowledge of God that surpasses ALL human understanding. Getting everything a person wants does not make them rich in any way. And thinking that America can do it better than other countries that had already tried socialism, progressivism or whatever you want to call it, we don’t need to go there. It is evil and for non-thinking people who don’t want to take responsibility for themselves or their actions and want to be dependent on some overlord to take care of them. The benefits will soon come to an end when the master wants to absolve himself of his responsibility to those under him. I ‘m for thinking and being responsible for myself–with the help of one person, God, the Father , Son, and Holy Spirit. And He has only ten commandments, pared down to two—Love God and love your neighbor as you love yourself. I guess there are not too many of those kind out there. Expediency from ten to two. What a deal.

1 year ago

I’m tired of these liberals trying to take our children away and put them into some weird, perverted, warped since of reality!! Leave the children alone to be children and leave your warped sexual attitudes out of our schools!!!! You can be as perverted and warped in your own house but don’t invite my grandchildren over to your house. And I don’t think you can teach my children or grandchildren anything worthwhile so stop telling me that you know better than I do what’s good for me and my family!!!

anna hubert
anna hubert
1 year ago

Does the writer have family and children of her own or is she men and children hating whatever gender she chooses to be

Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
1 year ago

It’s time for a revolution by conserveties. Kyle L.

1 year ago

The destruction of good = evil

1 year ago

The huge surge in home-schooling along with the growth of private schooling combined with
the huge spotlight now shining on the failure of unionized public schooling is the clear proof that
parents have taken over. This will take a few more years but in years to come public schools
as they are today will no longer exist. We allowed a great system to be demolished which shows that we will lose other valuable institutions such as churches if we don’t react quickly. We are now at this point in schooling today because the nation did nothing in the 60’s-70’s-80’s while the left
destroyed our schools.

Donald Hoe
Donald Hoe
1 year ago

God entrusted us to raise His children on earth and I will protect them and teach them Godly principles. It’s time to raise up and stand up to people like Ms Jones and fight their playbook of destroying our families and our great country.

Steve Greenwell
Steve Greenwell
1 year ago

Children do not “belong to” parents, in the sense that parents don’t own them. However, they are their children’s STEWARDS. This is part of the package deal also called the marriage covenant. This is the original design. Any damn government that tries to wrest this responsibility from the parents will suck at raising them.

1 year ago

Amazing thar the marxist democrat party and joebama have even one supporter.
They attack ALL the vulnerable citizens in Our Country , babies (even in the womb) , adolescents ( through the schools) , seniors ( through inflation, sub standard health care, reducing social security),
Women (through fabricated gender ridiculousness, men in their sports), industry ( with the sellout of America to made up green initiatives), and allowing China to steal and spy on us,open borders ( allowing criminals and drugs to ruin hundreds of thousands lives) destruction of our energy independence, weakening our military. Ignoring veterans and mentally impaired, and fleecing taxpaying Cirizens for their own corruption.

1 year ago

Our generation, you and I, our generation were happy to be, did not know, or realize safety issues, we did life with common sense and logic! We did not get caught up in the safety protocols and scrutiny of what can hurt you…We lived! Granted hindsight taught us much! hahahah

NOW, we have softened the playing field too much for kids! While these major safety changes have proven effective in keeping one from harm…we are overprotective, over scrutinized, and oversensitive to life!

Being responsible individuals seems to be governed by rules regulations and restrictions. I get that, but we got toooooo sensitive about everything!! How we speak, what we say, how we say it, are criticized every moment of the day!

My father’s famous expression was, “Get the hell out of here!” He used it for all situations! We did not get offended, carry on, or fought back. We laughed or left the room! hahahahahahah.

Life was simple…

Not overly pre-empted by others social rights, religious freedoms, or social justice….Yes, we have cleaned up a lot of disease, riots, and human consumption of carcinogenics, for sure! But it left us totally vulnerable for more and more pressure on being socially packaged by government rule!

I get that things have improved our lives…but our simple logic and responsibility has been somewhat taken away! Change….Hmmmm…just consider the consequence of not having change! Yikes! But with every choice is a response we have to live with! Change does effect our moral conduct in time…we become, privileged people, over needy, and unresponsive to GOOD Practices of Being just kind to each other. We LOST something along the way, or did we GET something along the way? Ahhh, Balance not right wing or left wing! A bird uses both WINGS to fly correctly and free…RIGHT?

1 year ago

It all comes down to the lefts disdain for God.

1 year ago

I would not call Tucker Carlson of FOX as Left……but as of yesterday, he will not be able to rant about charging child abuse against parents that wanted to protect their children by wearing masks to avoid Covid.

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