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The Green New Deal Calls For Net-Zero Carbon Emissions in 10 Years. It’s Utterly Insane.

Posted on Tuesday, February 12, 2019
by Outside Contributor

Green New Deal Ocasio CortezIt took a century to build the nation’s electric grid, but if the goals of a resolution, H. Res. 109 sponsored by U.S. Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) and Sen. Ed Markey (D-Mass.) are reached, dubbed the Green New Deal, anywhere from 62 percent to 82 percent of the grid would need to be replaced within ten years with so-called renewable energy, as the plan calls for eliminating coal and natural gas electricity generation — and nuclear, which does not even emit carbon.

All consumption of natural gas and petroleum for home heating in the winter and making hot water would have to cease and all homes would have to somehow be refitted with electric heat generation and boilers.

Every car and truck in America that runs on petroleum would have to be replaced with electric vehicles. It would be the end of the internal combustion engine.

Every building in America would have to be “upgrade[d] or replace[d]” to be net-zero carbon emitting.

Or else, scarce carbon sequestration technology would have to be rapidly deployed to reach the resolution’s goal of “net-zero emissions” by 2030, outlined in a summary distributed by Ocasio-Cortez and reported by NPR.

It’s nothing short of a revolution.

The U.S. emits about 5.1 billion metric tons of carbon dioxide every year as of 2017, according to the U.S. Energy Information Agency: 45 percent from petroleum, 29 percent from natural gas and 26 percent from coal.

Of the portion of emissions devoted to natural gas, 1.47 billion metric tons a year, only 506 million is from electricity generation. The rest is from heating homes in the winter, making hot water, cooking food and the like.

The Ocasio-Cortez summary states, “The Green New Deal resolution [is] a 10-year plan to mobilize every aspect of American society at a scale not seen since World War 2 to achieve net-zero greenhouse gas emissions and create economic prosperity for all. It will… Move America to 100% clean and renewable energy.”

The summary outlines getting to net-zero emissions by 2030: “IPCC Report said global emissions must be cut by… 40-60% by 2030. US is 20% of total emissions.  We must get to 0 by 2030 and lead the world in a global Green New Deal.”

So, to reach the goal, carbon emissions must be reduced, and whatever cannot be reduced must be sequestered, to the tune of 5.1 billion metric tons every year. And then there’s the rest of the world — another 30 billion metric tons a year or so — which of course the plan fails to specify how much of that the U.S. will have to subsidize, too, in order to reach the critical goal of cutting emissions in half globally.

Nor does the plan explicate how we intend to persuade the rest of the world to commit economic suicide, too, for that matter. What if China and Russia won’t comply?

As for nuclear, although the resolution did not actually mention eliminating it as an electricity source, the Ocasio-Cortez summary did, stating, “the plan is to transition off of nuclear and all fossil fuels as soon as possible.”

As for how much that might all cost taxpayers, the Green New Deal has a radical idea: Print the money and otherwise utilize command-and-control socialism. According to the Ocasio-Cortez summary: “The Federal Reserve can extend credit to power these projects and investments and new public banks can be created to extend credit. There is also space for the government to take an equity stake in projects to get a return on investment.”

So, probably trillions and trillions of dollars.

As a part of the plan, apparently air travel and cow flatulence will eventually be eliminated too but not immediately, per the Ocasio-Cortez summary: “We set a goal to get to net-zero, rather than zero emissions, in 10 years because we aren’t sure that we’ll be able to fully get rid of farting cows and airplanes that fast, but we think we can ramp up renewable manufacturing and power production, retrofit every building in America, build the smart grid, overhaul transportation and agriculture, plant lots of trees and restore our ecosystem to get to net-zero.”

With no planes, apparently, we’ll all have to use high-speed trains when we travel and I suppose boats to get overseas.

It’s utterly insane, and so naturally, Democratic presidential hopefuls including Sens. Kamala Harris (D-Calif.) and Cory Booker (D-N.J.), Kirsten Gillibrand (D-N.Y.) and Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) have all signed onto the resolution. Another 67 House members have signed on, too.

It’s an albatross now, with the 2020 election right around the corner.

As if all that was not enough, the Ocasio-Cortez summary of the resolution — which was revised on the New York representative’s website — was then pulled off of the website altogether on Feb. 8.

Maybe it was too honest.

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Frank Vitovitch
Frank Vitovitch
5 years ago

AOC Is Mindless and insane. Yet she still seems to gather followers. We can only hope our country never turns in her direction

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
5 years ago

NGD Dislikes :
ALL Jobs Unionized?
Basic Income for those unwilling but can work?
More Govt
Renovate all bldgs?
No $$$ Incentives to adopt Green Tech?
No Innovation seen
& No Trains can X Oceans unless U see movie TransAtlantic Tunnel??
& boost regulations & then NGD never goes anyplace.
Redo Plan
or GOP offer Free Market NGD & total revamp?
& take input from Public.
No mention of EV chargers anyplace BUT clean air by 2040??
Add your own 2

5 years ago

I will take these people more seriously if they voluntarily stop personally emitting CO2 and methane. Yes, I mean PERSONALLY stop emitting those greenhouse gases. If they stop, then I will take them seriously.

Jim Panzer
Jim Panzer
5 years ago

I am not as much afraid of her lunacy but rather the people that elected her, which may support such insanity. Electric cars: The EU is currently (bad pun) struggling with the the problems of banning internal combustion engines. Automotive internal combustion drive trains are way more complicated than electric car drive trains and require significantly more labor to produce and maintain. The EU has estimated that the net job losses from switching to electric cars is around 20 million lost jobs. Since the US is significantly more dependent on the auto industry our job losses would likely be significantly higher. Apparently this is way too complicated for her and Bernie to comprehend.

5 years ago

The Green New Deal is insane. But insanity is the order of the day. The ‘New Normal’ if you will. Insanity is spreading throughout America, and the world for that matter. Logic, reason, propriety, decency, meaningful discussion. All being wiped away. Feelings replacing prudence. Personal offence being used to end freedom. Evil touted and promoted over righteousness.

If this is our future, then we have very little time left.

5 years ago

Unreal. Do these people pushing for this not realize that by making this happen that it costs money to do this. Everyone will hurt from this because not only will everyone have to spend money to change things but the cost of everything will be out of control. Prices on everything will go up because retailers and such will want to try to recoup their money from changing everything. I just cant believe that some people dont have better things to do with their time, like maybe try to stop crime, or homelessness. Not enough forethought is going into this. Sometimes change isn’t worth it. This is just my opinion.

Richard in Tucson
Richard in Tucson
5 years ago

They should have done some basic thermal engineering balances before they opened their mouths. I guess real science doesn’t make sense to them. Total all the potential kW that could be produced by all conceivable green energy sources in the US. Subtract the current kW required today by this nation. What is the result? A net shortfall. At best green energy can supplement part of our energy consumption by NEVER fulfill the need. Oh and one small matter, it’s a matter of fact that metals cannot be refined and fabricated without the use of carbon and a high temperature fuel source.

5 years ago

I just wish the press, including you, AMAC, would just stop giving these nuts publicity.

William White
William White
5 years ago

These people are complete and total morons!

5 years ago

What about modern farming practices with pesticides and tilling, bet she doesn’t have a clue about this emitting CO2.

5 years ago

Immaturity at the highest level!

5 years ago

The whole Demoncratic Party is just plain NUTS!!!

5 years ago

AOC is a puppet with strings being pulled by the communist. She is Absolutely, Out of her mind Crazy.

Diane Tyson
Diane Tyson
5 years ago

Moronic, yes. Totalitarian, yes. Our future? Quite possibly. “Progressives” don’t mind how long it takes. They will keep proposing until it is so familiar that people will embrace it. And at the rate our government schools are disencouraging young American students to actually think, it won’t take long.

5 years ago

Are they that stupid that they need carbons for plant life. Scientist consider 99.9% of all organisms on the planet to be carbon based life. In other words if the morons eliminate all carbons they eliminate 99.9% of life. How dumb can they be they come up with a stupid idea and run with it never looking at the problems it will cause.

5 years ago

We can try to get greener. I’m in favor of solar, wind and nuclear. We still need oil and gas but less of it. what we have here should suffice for what we need and no more importing. They say we have to most oil and gas of any nation here. This AOC has declared herself a Communist. She has no idea what goes on. They have asked here questions on the news and they get a blank stare back because she has no idea what to answer. NJ has some of the strictest regulations on emissions and that helps us breathe better and live better. We get all the Stinky and smoggy air from the West. Air blows West to East. proven fact. From that polluted air, you get cancer, asthma, allergies. Coal CANNOT BURN CLEANLY IN THE MARGINS OF ECONOMICS. It was tested and found to be so expensive to burn it cleanly that it was dropped. Electric cars are out. you must readapt your home to have a plug, you need to find charging stations. in the future this may be the way to go but it will take years to get there. Even the price of the vehicles scares folks. Right now a cross over would help many
to burn both gas and electric. Many cannot afford new cars.

To install solar is SO EXPENSIVE. to have a completely electric home is outrageous in utility bills. We have people on SNAP and at the food bank doors.
She is insane and so are her followers. We had government workers on the lines. Automation is coming into our factories etc. all those folks will be out of jobs.

5 years ago

It’s a good thing AOC has charisma and good looks, because there’s absolutely nothing going on upstairs!
IT’S ALL NONSENSE, OF COURSE! Please, Alexandria, go back to school….oh no, not there….Pick up a textbook….no, not there either….Maybe she and the other 70 or so proponents of this very flawed resolution should speak with experts in the private sector to find out what might actually work or what we can work TOWARD instead of setting the whole country on its head. But then, doing that would shake loose the change from our pockets….smart girl!

5 years ago

Our educational system has been run by the left for way too many years. Let us get rid of the Dept of Ed and turn it all back to the states as our Constitution calls for. Else we will end up like Venezuela, Zimbabwe, Cuba et al.

5 years ago

The left has been directing our school cirriculum for way too long. We must abolosh the Dept. of Ed. and let the states direct the schools or we will surely end up like Cuba, Zimbabwe and Venezuela. Our Constitution does not call for a federal directed education system and we need to stop this foolishness now.

5 years ago

how about ridding human farts, or maybe needless babbled from dembos as they burn up oxygen at a higher rate when speaking creating a higher carbon foot print

rl horner
rl horner
5 years ago

Easier to replace idiotic congresspersons than the current fuel status.

5 years ago


David T.
David T.
5 years ago

All or at least many of AOC’s goals are admirable, but her timeline is not. These need be accomplished in a sane and sensible way, not by government mandate. The greatest and most successful discoveries and inventions come from the private sector and universities. When the government throws money at things the outcome is rarely positive, does Solyndra ring a bell. This is a goal present in varying forms in industry today and should be watched as the jobs created as new technologies are implemented will continue our employment growth. To do this willy nilly will bankrupt many and will not be successful. The underlining motive in this plan is union controlled new workplaces, controlled by the government. Better to incentify students to do better, we’ve thrown money at teachers for years and like government workers you cannot weed out the slackards and unsuccessful. Incentify students and perhaps parents from kindergarten forward, not only for college but trades, because when it is sensible and that day will come folks with a trade background will be very successful.

Pete from St Pete
Pete from St Pete
5 years ago

AOC uses her pretty face and perky personality to get the press attention that only shows how stupid she is. Ed Marky has been around a long time and should know better.

5 years ago

AOC is the product of the dumbed down education system that has overtaken the USA. Nothing in, ignorance out.
God help the USA>

5 years ago

We are starting to see the “Dark” side of socialism so embraced by the democrats and the younger generation who have been brainwashed in our schools to think socialism is a the way of the future. The 2020 presidential election will either keep us a free, democratic republic or start us down the road to socialism.

Michael Cozzi
Michael Cozzi
5 years ago

Leave it alone don’t change anything

5 years ago

THIS kind of stupidity from the MORONS in the “Democratic Party?” is what will eventually ignite the next Civil War!!!!!!!!

5 years ago

Personally, I hope to the Almighty that they keep coming up with ideas like this and the voting public recognizes them for what they really are, unicorn herders.

Donna Smith
Donna Smith
5 years ago

Absolutely insane! We are in major trouble if this ever gets going!

Caryn Jaeschke
Caryn Jaeschke
5 years ago

Dumb as a box of rocks! Just like the nitwits that voted her in.

Stephen Dwyer
Stephen Dwyer
5 years ago

Way to go NY between Cuomo and this child you have shown the way to trying to overthrow the US . What a crock of BS. There are consequences for electing idiots as you have so vividly proven.

Alan Wolfson
Alan Wolfson
5 years ago

The left can’t beat President Trump’s success with Capitalism. So their only choice is to counter with Socialism. They paint Socialism as the panacea to all economic troubles, and make great use of the word “free.” These tactics are reminiscent of Hitler wooing the Germans to a better system for Germany.

5 years ago

I want to see her do away with truckdrivers. We deliver most of the goods in the country. This seems like one of the most hairbrained ideas the democrats could come up with.

5 years ago

Every one of these idiots is nuts – Cortez, Markey, Harris, Booker, Gillibrand and Warren!

5 years ago

The Green New Deal is merely the Democrats using the bogus Climate Change agenda to rationalize the complete government takeover of the entire economy. Virtually every aspect of this “new deal” has been tried and failed in numerous countries around the world over the last 30 years. However, since Socialists never admit defeat, they just keep trying to pitch the same failed ideas to people over and over again by dressing them up a bit. In this case, they are using the environmental hoax of Climate Change to hide their real intent. If actually implemented, this Green New deal would completely collapse this country’s economy within 12 to 18 months and cement China as the sole economic and military superpower on the planet.

5 years ago

I live in New York and I am not one of those “brain dead “ people who are guzzling the Koolaid being spilled out of the mouths of people like AOC. The problem is that this kind of thinking creates mob thinking and mobs attack those who don’t agree with their thinking and not just with verbal words. The only way to effectively eliminate these individuals who have been elected is to get them voted out but we don’t have any viable candidates to run against them. The “blue wave” controls the money.
The hope is that with that mass exit of the big rich dissatisfied with the lack of ability to take 100% of their properties taxes to reduce their federal tax liability, we might see a more positive response from those of us who bear the burden and don’t want our taxes wasted.
Yes, going Green is a great issue but it also has to be practical and reasonable in costs for everyone not just the rich. The only ones who think that socialism and going green is great have spare change to cover the costs, both of which will make them richer. AOC won’t admit it, but she’s getting a hidden income to promote her vocalization of radical issues. She’s the perfect example of a person who only speaks rhetoric and never has solutions.

Gail coury
Gail coury
5 years ago

Insane, scary thinking people!

5 years ago

“we aren’t sure that we’ll be able to fully get rid of farting cows and airplanes that fast”- while I admit to doing my part in getting rid of the cows one steak at a time, I’m still not supporting Ocasio-Cortez…or Sens. Kamala Harris, Cory Booker, Kirsten Gillibrand and Elizabeth Warren either. How on earth did any member of this “tribe” (Sorry, Elizabeth) ever get elected? Everyone with the IQ above that of a goldfish must fear for the future of America.

5 years ago

Hollywood is contemplating a remake of “Dumb & Dumber” (D&D part II), and they’re asking AOC to play both roles.

Martin Steed
Martin Steed
5 years ago

It’s our own fault, folks. WE allowed out children and grand-children to be indoctrinated by leftists in academea , and entertainment. I remember watching a show with my daughter, now 50, called Captain Planet. Each week, the good Captain saved civilization from the eeeeeeeeevil corporate CEO(s) who’s only objective was to destroy the environment. Our kids have been taught that drug makers want to kill their customers. Those of us who drive an SUV do so ONLY because we want to destroy the planet. The only “good” CEOs are the heads of the Tech Giants because they supported Hillary and hate Trump. AND, they support abortion. Sadist part is that kids like Cortez and her age group and younger really do believe that those in MY age group (76 this summer) knowingly destroyed our planet and IF we don’t find a way to colonize Mars or the moons of Jupiter and Saturn, human life will die out. Oh, and it’s all the fault of the US. The BIG polluters like China, Russia, and India don’t count. It’s US! You may laugh at this stuff and think it’s so silly that nobody could possibly believe it. These kids really believe it. And the old line socialists like Bernie and Markey are more than willing to jump on board. Ten years from now, this could pass, maybe less.

cecil welch
cecil welch
5 years ago

Trump stated that AOC’s Bill is like a failed High School term paper! And, He’s right!

5 years ago

She is a complete Idiot, how do people elect these Socialist into office. Are they also that stupit I guess they are.

5 years ago

AOC-stupid and probably stoned is no way, even for a socialist, to go through life. Go get a real job.

Dean Eickman
Dean Eickman
5 years ago

How do these entities even get into the AMERICAN system.It is mind boggolling that this misfit even got any attention at all.I am assuming that a majority of voters have not one clue about what their voting for or the way their vote will effect AMERICA.I really think that the biggest majority of voters are voting for a free ride.What they don’t realize or really don’t care about is that nothing is free,someone has to pay and most likely it will be the AMERICAN taxpayer that is already way overtaxed already.

Thomas H
Thomas H
5 years ago

Elections have consequences!

Paul DAscenz
Paul DAscenz
5 years ago

This is an insane idea. The Automotive industry has been around for over 100 years. The idea of restructuring this industry in 10 years isn’t feisable.
Her ideas, aren’t rational. I refuse to follow her plans.

5 years ago

She’s an idiot, as are those that follow her. Over Population is one of our biggest problems. Ever seen the movie “Solvent Green”?

5 years ago

I live in Alaska. There are places in Alaska without electricity so without oil, propane or wood, how are people supposed to stay warm or travel without combustion engines – dog sleds?? Cortez shows how little she knows about all of the USA?? She needs to educate herself before she opens her mouth and show how ignorant she really is!!

Gerri Daniels
Gerri Daniels
5 years ago

With all the changes AOC wants to have done, I trust she rides a bicycle every place she travels. If she is using trains, planes, cars, SUVs, then she is doing the complete opposite of her planned changes. I cannot believe how someone like this got elected . Maybe the Republicans should start an investigation on her and her background, including who financially backed her campaign. Something is fishy here!

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