Why Walking With a Buddy is a Great Idea! Plus, Six Bonus Tips!

Posted on Wednesday, January 12, 2022
by AMAC, D.J. Wilson

Walking is a healthy, low-impact, and free activity that can be enjoyed every day. There are many advantages to walking daily. Not only is it beneficial for muscles and bones and cardiovascular and pulmonary health, but walking can serve as a weight-loss mechanism and mood booster. While it is totally feasible to walk solo, there are many great reasons to walk with a partner. Let’s explore a variety of reasons to have a “walking buddy.”

These are some of the many great reasons to walk with a partner. Whether for exercise, walking the dogs, pushing babies in strollers, or simply spending time outdoors, togetherness can make the activity immensely more fun. No matter where you walk, whether on a sandy beach, a country trail, a suburban neighborhood, or a city block, the experience is generally more profound when enjoyed with a friend.

Six bonus tips:

1) Before engaging in exercise, talk to your doctor to decide what type of activities are right for you.

2) When walking for exercise, find a walking partner who shares similar goals with you. It’s important to keep a similar pace so that you each reach the maximum level of activity desired.

3) Wear appropriate walking shoes (no flip flops, heels, or ill-fit shoes) to minimize falls.

4) Be sure to stay hydrated and wear sunscreen as necessary.

5) Invest in a cell phone holder for walking so that you can safely carry your cell phone for emergencies.

6) When walking near high traffic areas, wear light clothing, stop, look, and listen before crossing the road, and cross at designated crosswalks.

URL : https://amac.us/blog/lifestyle-and-entertainment/why-walking-with-a-buddy-is-a-great-idea-plus-six-bonus-tips/