What’s The Matter With Young Voters?

Posted on Friday, December 2, 2022
by Outside Contributor
Young Voters

Analysts are trying to figure out the 2022 midterm elections. How did Democrats win so many races when polls predicted the exact opposite? How did candidates linked to Joe Biden survive in a time of high inflation, open borders, violent crime, and cultural decay?

The answer may lie with our kids and grandkids.

This year, Americans under the age of 30 cast an estimated 1-in-8 votes. That share is in line with past elections, but what isn’t is how much their support did for Democrats this year. As every age group over 45 went big for Republicans, voters under 30 overwhelmingly favored their opponents.

Take John Fetterman, for example. Experts predicted he would lose after people realized how much his stroke debilitated him. But today, Fetterman is Pennsylvania’s Senator-elect – thanks to the 70 percent of young voters who threw their support his way.

No wonder CNN gushed, “Democrats would have gotten crushed without young voter support.” And Joe Biden credited voters under 30, saying “I especially want to thank the young people of this nation.”

So, all this begs the question: what’s the matter with young voters?

It surely can’t be that our kids and grandkids like high-priced gas, food, or rent. It’s also impossible to believe they think gang violence, fentanyl deaths, and social division are good things. Nor is it conceivable that these advocates for equal rights favor government restrictions on what people can say, post, or do. So why are they voting for candidates who are making these things happen?

The answer is revealed in According to Plan, a new book by bestselling author and investigative analyst Kevin D. Freeman. Host of BlazeTV’s Economic War Room, Freeman asked these questions and more. And what he uncovered is shocking: the so-called “elites” have worked long and hard to make sure young voters support politicians who don’t have America’s best interests at heart.

Exhibit A can be found in our nation’s schools. Sixty years ago, American students consistently ranked at the top of international comparisons in math, reading, and science. But since then, their performance has plummeted to truly dangerous levels.

This decline isn’t due to a lack of resources – in fact, more than $4 trillion has been spent on K-12 public schools over the same time period. Instead, the Left took control of our schools and made them “woke.” Where once American kids were given a productive and patriotic education, they are now being subjected to political indoctrination.

According to the Department of Education, more than 40 million Americans today are so poorly schooled they would have trouble reading this essay. So, what have they been taught? That America is evil and in need of what Barack Obama called “transformation.”

Armed with Critical Race Theory, “educators” tell our kids and grandkids that America is systematically oppressive and racist. Citing the infamous 1619 Project, they teach that America was founded not for liberty but to sustain slavery. And they pound into students’ heads that, since all Americans are either oppressors or the oppressed, the only solutions are to discriminate against whites, embrace Comprehensive Sexuality Education, and change the 3 Rs from reading, writing, and arithmetic to regrets, recrimination, and reparations.

In short, our schools are failing the children they are supposed to teach. Those who graduate (or, increasingly, drop out) are poorly equipped to lead successful lives. And a great many of them fall prey to politicians who say soothing words but, in reality, support an America-weakening agenda.

As Freeman’s book makes crystal clear, all of this is indeed according to plan.

But we have the power to fight back. The good news is the damage that’s been done can be reversed, and our nation’s future can be saved. Doing so will require all of us to resist what students are being exposed to. And it will depend on us teaching our kids and grandkids since their schools obviously aren’t.

AMAC wants to help, so we have arranged with Kevin Freeman for all AMAC members to get an extra copy of According to Plan you can share with your family. Simply go to amac.accordingtoplanbook.com and use the promo code AMAC to have two copies of According to Plan rushed to you for the single-book price of just $17.76.

Join the fight today!

Buy the Book Now!

URL : https://amac.us/newsline/society/whats-the-matter-with-young-voters/