What 2022 Is About – Truth

Posted on Monday, July 18, 2022
by AMAC, Robert B. Charles

These are trying times, that require we stand for truth. Some Democrats believe abortion protests, more spending, transgender sports, fear of COVID, and climate change will save them in November. Americans – of all stripes – are tired of that view, angry about the disconnect, no accountability, overreach. They are also tired – deeply disappointed – in Congress and Biden.

Lest you think this talk, the June 2022 national polls show Congress with an 84 percent disapproval and Biden at just 33 percent approval. These are shocking numbers, an already low Democrat majority and Biden in record-low territory.

For Democrats, this is not the worst of it.  Three other factors are eye-popping. Truth again is key. First, these are not one-off numbers. The slide has been constant from at least last August. 

Second, minorities are moving away from Democrats – dismayed by their stands, rediscovering the “American Dream” long championed by conservatives, opportunity not outcomes, prosperity not dependence, freedom not restrictions, rights not loss of rights. Democrats are seen as a party of “elites.”

Third, most of the policies Democrats pushed are not only unpopular, out of sync with the population, but hard to reverse. Bumbling on energy, inflation, border, and crime are big errors.

By shutting down much of the US energy sector, energy prices have soared, with the price for everything that travels. Price inflation jumped again with federal overspending, as annual taxes cannot keep pace with three trillion in new debt.

Halting energy independence was destined to be a disaster – even if done in favor of wind and sun.  Renewables are decades away from added impact, with 60 percent of the power grid run on fossil fuels, some nuclear. Biden’s plan was pure folly.

Similarly, damage continues to be done daily by “open borders,” illegal aliens freshly clothed, fed, and flown to cities and towns across the country. This is morally, politically, and legally wrong, but continues.  Reversal might close the barn door, but even that would be late – and there is no hint that Democrats want that door closed.

Crime is punishing all Americans, and urban minorities more than suburban and rural communities. The affront is so obvious, with Democrats glibly attacking, undermining, and defunding police, that everyone sees the folly here, too.

So, what is ahead? Beyond the foregoing, we see a rise in “parent power,” broad concern over election integrity, national security, foreign policy, educational standards, every right in the Bill of Rights, speech, and worship to gun ownership.

Of enormous concern also is accountability for wrongdoing, whether Biden family ties to Ukraine and China, prosecutions for graft, congressional insider trading, character assassination, or 2016 to 2020 “Russia collusion” falsehoods.

Oddly, Democrats – and some Republicans – do not seem to understand popular will, what average people value. They object to street riots, rank activism for disruption, and political violence, but are also hard-pressed to accept January 6th riot was another “Pearl Harbor,” or compared with billions in riot destruction wrought in 2020’s reckless abandon.

Americans appreciate rule of law, sanctity of their institutions, fair-minded justice, but many are dismayed at tens of millions being spent by Congress rehashing January 6th, as Democrat leaders push street action against High Court Justices, do not enforce protecting laws, undermine law.

One might even ask whether choosing not to protect the Supreme Court Justices, while pushing illegal action at their homes, endangering their children, against these men and women in person – does not amount to a “slow motion insurrection,” aimed at toppling or reversing by decisions.

Here is the chief concern – for the rest of 2022. The more desperate a political party gets, the more radical their agenda becomes, until they win by force or vanish. Think about the last century, pre-war Germany, pre-revolutionary Russia, even times in the 1800s in America.

Desperation, a radical turn, delegitimizing established institutions never promotes good government, civil order, electoral integrity, popular contentment, or a republic’s future. Yet that is where we are, with national leaders stepping away from norms, laws, history, and language.

What does this cause us to expect, be most concerned about? Just this: 2022 is a year of consequence – big change one way or the other. The nation will either return to leaders who respect individual liberty, equal opportunity, free markets, borders, and civic protection, as well as a stable currency, use of our blessings, respect for institutions, rights, and life – or not.

This year is a turning point, arguably carrying historical significance, as 2024 will. The key is staying alert, engaged, knowing your heart, recalling common sense, identifying absurdities, being prepared for surprises.

Desperate political actors may try to upset the apple cart going into November. Or they may wait, aiming to act after November 9 and before January 3 to instate liberal causes by executive action, ending the filibuster, pushing bills in a lame duck session, trying to resurrect Roe v. Wade by legislating away Dobbs, or suddenly putting four new justices on the Supreme Court.

Main message: Be ready. These are times that call for reason, peace, respect, and rationality, but encourage emotion, overreaction, distraction, and anti-democratic behaviors. Quoting Thomas Paine: “These are the times that try men’s souls…but he that stands now, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman.” May we all stand – for truth.

URL : https://amac.us/newsline/national-security/what-2022-is-about-truth/