Vote NO on Proposal Number One, New York!

Posted on Saturday, October 19, 2024
by Outside Contributor

The Truth Behind Their Lies

For anyone who knows me well, you know that it takes tremendous circumstances for me to call someone a liar. I loathe when people twist truth or hide behind smoke screens. In fact, it’s one of the driving forces that stokes the fire in my belly and keeps me fighting on the front lines to defend our rights, our freedoms, our Constitution, against power-hungry politicians and their corrupt government bureaucrat cohorts. True enough. However, I rarely use the word “liar” to define them and their ilk. I would normally say they are deceitful or sly or untruthful, etc. But, now they have crossed the line, and I absolutely refuse to allow this abhorrent fraud to sway voters. Gloves are off. Game on!

If you’ve been following my work the past several months, you’ll know I have been a very vocal opponent of a proposed amendment to our NYS Constitution called “Proposal Number One” (or “Prop 1” for short). The cowardly politicians that put this proposal on our ballots for us to vote on are slyly calling it the “Equal Rights Amendment,” but in reality, it will dilute and/or abolish many of your rights. It is the greatest Trojan Horse of our time. Why are they cowards? Because they don’t have the courage to tell you what Prop 1 is really about. So I will…

If Prop One passes, it will unleash a massive tidalwave of chaos upon our citizenry, upon normalcy, and upon all that we hold dear in our society. In other words, life as you know it will no longer be the norm. If Prop One passes it can lead to:

Who are “they,” you may ask? They are the political elites who run New York State. The radicals that call themselves “Democrats” but in reality the members of that political party have been replaced with extremists who want to reshape our society in the likes of socialism on a good day, and communism every other day. My normal disclaimer applies… this is not about a political party. It is not about left or right, Democrat or Republican. This is about who we are as a nation, as a people, as a society, as communities, and as smaller family units. They want to destroy it all. It is time to see the forest for the trees, and stop them, before it is too late!

Let me share with you a couple of undeniable FACTS about this Proposal Number One. Then I will expand further below:

The Ballot Language:

Let’s start with what language you’ll actually see on your ballot (either at the bottom, or on the back of the ballot). This is it:

Proposal Number One, An Amendment

Amendment to Protect Against Unequal Treatment

This proposal would protect against unequal treatment based on ethnicity, national origin, age, disability, and sex, including sexual orientation, gender identity and pregnancy. It also protects against unequal treatment based on reproductive healthcare and autonomy.

A “YES” vote puts these protections in the New York State Constitution.

A “NO” vote leaves these protections out of the State Constitution.

Sounds warm and fuzzy, doesn’t it? Well, it’s not when you realize the negative consequences of how this will play out in real life, if it passes.

What’s worse is that voters will not get to see that actual proposed change to our Constitution. They only get to see the above summary which is of course a total sham, as it doesn’t even give the whole story, nor does it have any mention whatsoever about paragraph b of the proposed amendment (which will allow the government to legally discriminate against you if they say they are doing so in the name of reversing past discrimination or trying to prevent future discrimination). Totally criminal!

Here is the language that will go into our Constitution if this Trojan Horse passes on November 5th:

Concurrent Resolution of the Senate and Assembly proposing an amendment to section 11 of article 1 of the constitution, in relation to equal protection

Section 1. Resolved (if the Assembly concurs), That section 11 of article 1 of the constitution be amended to read as follows:

§ 11. a. No person shall be denied the equal protection of the laws of this state or any subdivision thereof. No person shall, because of race, color, ethnicity, national origin, age, disability, creed [or], religion, or sex, including sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, pregnancy, pregnancy outcomes, and reproductive healthcare and autonomy, be subjected to any discrimination in [his or hertheir civil rights by any other person or by any firm, corporation, or institution, or by the state or any agency or subdivision of the state, pursuant to law.

b. Nothing in this section shall invalidate or prevent the adoption of any law, regulation, program, or practice that is designed to prevent or dismantle discrimination on the basis of a characteristic listed in this section, nor shall any characteristic listed in this section be interpreted to interfere with, limit, or deny the civil rights of any person based upon any other characteristic identified in this section.

   §  2. Resolved (if the Assembly concurs), That the foregoing amendment be submitted to the people for approval at the general election to be held in the year 2024 in accordance with the provisions of the election law.

Explanation – Matter in underscored is new; matter in brackets [ ] is old law to be omitted.

The “Abortion” Lie

Take another look at the ballot language above, and then look at the actual language that will go into our Constitution if Prop 1 passes. Can you point out for me where it says “abortion” in there? Anyone? No, you cannot… because it doesn’t say it anywhere! Now, you might say, “Well, it says ‘pregnancy outcomes’ and ‘reproductive healthcare and autonomy’ and those are the same thing as ‘abortion’.” But, are they? I’m not really convinced that they are. However, for argument’s sake, let’s pretend those terms do mean the same thing as abortion – where does the language say that your right to have an abortion, or ‘pregnancy outcomes’ of your choice, is protected? Hmmmm. It doesn’t say that anywhere! All it says is you cannot be discriminated against for your ‘pregnancy outcomes’ or your ‘reproductive healthcare’, etc… That, folks, is very different than having your right to that service/decision/treatment protected.

In case you aren’t following me, let me give you crystal clear examples of what I mean. Let’s look at the language being used by some other states that actually do want to protect a woman’s right to an abortion. You will see just how different their language is, and how (purposely) convoluted and deceiving New York’s is in comparison. Here are the proposed constitutional abortion amendments for several other states:

There are others, but I think you get the gist.

I have two questions for you:

  1. Do any of these say you cannot “discriminate” against a woman for having an abortion (or exercising “pregnancy outcomes”)? No, they do not.
  2. Do all of these employ the word “abortion” in their proposed change to their constitutions? Yes, they do.

Case closed.

By the way, New York has some of the most lenient abortion laws in our nation. Here, you have the right to have an abortion up until the day of birth pretty much. So, this propaganda that this amendment is needed to protect abortion is just that, propaganda.

Why are they doing this? Why advertise this as being about protecting the right to an abortion, but then not use the word abortion and instead have 12 new protected classes that you want to slide into our Constitution under stealth cover? Well, the main reason is because the radical politicians pushing this Prop 1 know that abortion is a trigger for their base, so they are using it to try to get their voter base out to vote.

Are there other wizards behind the curtain here? I’m certain there are, but that’s a discussion for another day. All you need to know right now is that these politicians are lying to you, New York, and you need to rise above their deceit, and see the truth beneath their lies… and vote NO on Prop One!

Take Action!

You can help defeat this beast. Here’s how:

1 – Flip over your ballot and vote NO on Proposal Number One if you live anywhere in New York State!

2 – Click on these Tweets below and re-Tweet each of them!! Make my posts go viral so every New Yorker knows what they are really voting for, or against:

    3 – Come to an event to learn more. I’m speaking all over the State. More events being added daily, find a full list HERE.

    Bobbie Anne Cox is a New York attorney, practicing for 25 years. Best known for recent victory striking down NYS “quarantine camp” regulation issued by Governor Hochul and her DOH. Motto: “Knowledge is power!”

    Reprinted with Permission from Substack – By Bobbie Anne Cox

    The opinions expressed by columnists are their own and do not necessarily represent the views of AMAC or AMAC Action.

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