Trump Raid: A Shameful Abuse of Power

Posted on Wednesday, August 10, 2022
by AMAC, John Grimaldi

This is my take on the beginning of an early, ugly — very ugly — start of the 2024 Presidential Election cycle. If I am right, it is a shame that will hover over us for many election cycles to come. Whether you like or dislike President Donald Trump, he served in office honorably and no one can take that away from him. That is a fact.  Rather than give him the respect he deserves, the current administration seeks to defame him. Their latest attempt? Raiding President Trump’s Mar-a-Lago home. Joe Biden is afraid of him; he fears that Mr. Trump might easily earn another four years as president. The indicators are on his side.

Thus it is a grievous, unprecedented attack on a likely opponent that has ever been attempted by a political rival.  Biden’s use of the FBI to denigrate President Trump is a downright slimy way to run for office. The man is not only senile, he is a clear and present danger that cannot be ignored. What he did — ordering the FBI to be his accomplice — exposes the fact that either he suffers from dementia or that he deliberately used his office to disgrace Mr. Trump, Biden’s potential and powerful rival in the 2024 election. Either way he is the loser. Never has a president resorted to such chicanery, to such underhanded trickery this far in advance of a reelection campaign. He gives senior citizens a bad name.  We sixty and seventy year-olds should be ashamed of this old man’s penchant for power.

Were the optics of Biden’s DOJ and FBI raid on President Trump’s home at Mar-a-Lago, FL  intended to suggest that he is some sort of a criminal? As Senior Editor Matt Vespa at writes it “looked as if the Democrat-run Department of Justice had been unleashed against the top political opponent of the opposing party. Then, we learned that agents were combing the grounds for papers relating to the preservation of documents under the auspices of the National Archives. Are you kidding me? They unleashed an army of federal agents to find those 15 or so boxes that allegedly weren’t turned over after the end of the first Trump presidency. That’s rich—and pure propaganda. No one believes that.” Perhaps Biden was “unleashing the Justice Department’s full force to find something that could bar the former president from running again.”

Newsmax took to the air waves with a panel of guests to unravel the truth about what the raid was all about. Congresswoman Claudia Tenney [R-NY] was among them and she called the raid an “abuse of power…These are just like show trials; these are all about the perp walk. They don’t care if they ultimately get somebody arrested or indicted and then convicted of anything. This is about humiliating and embarrassing people to get that perp-walk effect, get the media, get everyone against the person and then it’s almost impossible for them to have any kind of trial.”

Congresswoman Tenney wasn’t the only one to express concern over the Biden FBI surprise. Note the repeated suggestion that Biden “weaponized” the Department of Justice and the FBI:

Senator Ted Cruz [R-TX]: “The FBI raiding Donald Trump is unprecedented. It is corrupt & an abuse of power. What Nixon tried to do, Biden has now implemented: The Biden Admin has fully weaponized DOJ & FBI to target their political enemies. And with 87K new IRS agents, they’re coming for YOU too.”

Ronna McDaniel, Republican National Committee chairwoman: “Absolute power corrupts absolutely.  Countless times we have examples of Democrats flouting the law and abusing power with no recourse, including Hunter Biden.  Democrats continually weaponize the bureaucracy against Republicans. This raid is outrageous.”

Kari Lake Arizona Republican gubernatorial candidate: “This is one of the darkest days in American history: the day our Government, originally created by the People, turned against us. This illegitimate, corrupt Regime hates America and has weaponized the entirety of the Federal Government to take down President Donald Trump.”

The Justice Department and FBI declined to comment, according to an ABC News report. They were speechless.