Trump Attempts Social Media Return as he Ramps Up Bid for Presidency

Posted on Friday, January 20, 2023
by Tammy Bruce

Some good news seems to be on the horizon. Former president Donald Trump told Fox News Digital that his team is asking Meta, the parent company of Facebook and Instagram, to reverse their ban and allow him access to both social media platforms.

The New York Post obtained the letter sent by Trump campaign counsel to Meta leadership asking for the accounts to be unlocked. It read in part, “[W]e believe that the ban on President Trump’s account on Facebook has dramatically distorted and inhibited the public discourse. We also believe that a continued ban would basically constitute…a deliberate effort by a private company to silence Mr. Trump’s political voice. Moreover, every day that President Trump’s political voice remains silenced furthers an inappropriate interference in the American political and election process.” With all we know now, it’s clear this was and is the point of the ban.

Back in November, Elon Musk reinstated the Trump account on the Twitter platform. It was disappointing when, at the time, Trump and his representatives noted that he wasn’t interested in going back to Twitter, that his platform, Truth Social, would be his sole interest.

This was concerning as any campaign for the presidency must utilize all access to the American people, including being on Twitter and Facebook. His interest in returning to Facebook is a very good sign that he and his team understand the importance of being on those platforms especially for a man against whom legacy media will do all they can to limit or distort his message.

With the “Twitter Files” revelations, courtesy of Elon Musk’s commitment to transparency, we have begun to comprehend the extent of government collusion with the old regime at Twitter. It is now undeniable that the suppression of information, suspension of individuals, and censorship of ideas was not well-meaning or meant to help improve the American experience.

Part of what we’ve learned is many of the censorship decisions made by Big Tech were at the behest of the FBI and others with a partisan investment in controlling information and silencing political opponents. Naked political malevolence informed the Twitter censorship environment, and we should presume that the banning of then-President Donald Trump from Twitter and Facebook fit into that category.

Hopefully, with the GOP-led the House of Representatives planning to investigate the issue, we will learn the extent of the collusion between federal law-enforcement agencies and social media. This is not a shallow errand, but an investigation into what many argue was an effort to disrupt and even subvert an American election via control of social mass media.

When asked for his response to the Twitter Files revelations, Speaker of house Kevin McCarthy told Fox News, “We’re going to do more than just subpoena them. We’re going to change the course of where the FBI is today. Every day we learn something more…” Either we do it now, or it will never get done.

Holding the FBI and the bureaucratic establishment accountable for what they’ve done is key, and Trump returning to social media is one way the American people can be assured that malign political interference with our constitutional rights will no longer be tolerated.

Trump always had a special impact on social media due in large part to his transparency, policy ideas, and engaging the American people as his partners to bring our nation back to greatness and prosperity. Part of his 2016 campaign and his presidency was about elevating the forgotten man and woman. After just two years of the Biden administration, we have learned just how aggressive the Democrats and the establishment itself remain committed to squashing the voice and relevance of ordinary Americans.

No matter the pretexts they use, Trump’s influence and impact is the reason he was banned in the first place. With all that we have learned through the Twitter Files, it’s clear that action taken at the behest of the FBI and other allies of the Democrats was meant to punish a political opponent and destabilize the information flow to the American people. All of this is geared to keeping us in the dark and unable to assess information with clarity and transparency.

Trump’s other social media crime was his elevation of ordinary Americans by re-tweeting comments by regular Americans, promoting books by the well-known and by those just starting out, and linking to articles from a wide variety of sources beyond those approved by the establishment. Using social media, Trump brought the platforms back to their original promise: elevating the voices of the forgotten man and woman in real time. Elon Musk, thank goodness, is now continuing that mission.

The goal of the left has always been to isolate people, to keep us from gathering and participating in society, to make sure we do not find out that our opinions matter and that we are not alone. Their desperation is so great they have been reduced to smearing tens of millions of Americans as terrorists or bigots. Their effort to keep Trump from being able to reach the American people speaks to their commitment to strangling not just our freedom of expression but freedom itself. This is why Trump’s return to Twitter and Facebook matters—it’s a shout from the highest townhall mountains that we are a free society, that the voices of ordinary Americans and their defenders matter, and it serves as a blow to the tiny tyrants who are on a mission to “fundamentally transform” our country.