The Nation's Biggest Teachers Union Says it Will Finance Effort to Promote the Critical Race Theory in Schools Across the Country

Posted on Thursday, July 8, 2021
by AMAC, John Grimaldi
Critical Race Theory, virginia classroom

WASHINGTON, DC, July 8 — “In my judgment, Critical Race Theory [CRT] is cynical, ahistorical, sophomoric, insipid, and dumb as a bag of hair.” That’s what Senator John Kennedy [R-LA] had to say about the controversial and divisive efforts of progressive socialist educators to foment racial discord in our nation’s schools. He went on to explain that it “teaches that white children are born bad. It teaches that black children are born trapped — there’s almost no hope for them.”

Kennedy’s remarks came soon after it was revealed that the National Education Association [NEA] has launched a well-funded campaign to teach younger generations that America is not the “home of the free and the brave” but the home of racist white people. The NEA is the biggest teachers union in the U.S., and its CRT movement is aimed at indoctrinating the kids in 14,000 school districts across all 50 states by shaming the white children and instigating the black children.

The Critical Race Theory is not something new; it’s been around for some four decades. It has its roots in “the Marxist-oriented critical theory,” according to the Encyclopedia Britannica.

In recent years it has been co-opted by some educators as a teaching platform. Rather than being a tool to promote racial tolerance, it has grievously distorted American history and the meaning of being an American Citizen.

The NEA’s campaign to win the hearts and minds of schoolchildren has created a new backlash among parents, some teachers, and the public at large. As activist mom, Quisha King told the Epoch Times: “Truly these teachers’ unions have a lot of power and a lot of money, and they have the resources to do something like that. But obviously, parents are tired of what’s going on. We’re trying to make a difference, and we’re trying to draw attention to this thing. It’s bullying to me. It’s a bully tactic.”

You may recall Ms. King as the mom that gave the Duvall County, Florida, school board “what for” in opposition to its position on CRT. She told the board that “CRT is not racial sensitivity or simply teaching unfavorable American history … CRT is deeper and more dangerous than that.”

King is also a member of Moms for Liberty, whose co-founder, Tina Descovich, told the Epoch Times that “Parents are not standing for this. You already see them standing up all around the country, and they will continue to push back against this.” She went on to point out that “we are coming out of the worst year on record for modern education, and you would think the NEA would focus on reading and writing and math instead of trying to divide us by our skin color.”

Investigative journalist Christopher Rufo is also a senior fellow at the Manhattan Institute and a contributing editor of the Institute’s City Journal. He’s also considered to be among the most well-informed authorities regarding the CRT movement. Rufo’s revelations of CRT faults and failures have made him, some would say, a target of the leftist media, including the Washington Post, which saw fit to print a 3,000-word alleged expose’ attacking his credibility.

Rufo went through the Post’s article “line-by-line” and found fabrications, misquotes, and made-up reporting.

He posted his findings on social media and apparently got the Post reporters in deep trouble because the Post was forced to retract the story.

It was yet another example of “Fake News” that is ready, willing, and able to pull the wool over your eyes, notwithstanding the importance of the truth. And the truth about the Critical Race Theory is that it is a misguided, misrepresented, and critically dangerous concept for our children and for the future of America.

According to Rufo, the truth is that: “I’ve been on the front lines of this battle. My investigative reporting has exposed critical race theory in American education, with disturbing firsthand reports about public schools forcing eight-year-olds to deconstruct their racial identities, telling white teachers that they must undergo ‘antiracist therapy,’ and encouraging white parents to become ‘white traitors’ and advocate for ‘white abolition.'”

John Grimaldi served on the first non-partisan communications department in the New York State Assembly and is a founding member of the Board of Directors of Priva Technologies, Inc. He has served for more than thirty years as a Trustee of Daytop Village Foundation, which oversees a worldwide drug rehabilitation network.