The Latest Democratic Meltdown: Parental Rights

Posted on Thursday, March 10, 2022
by Tammy Bruce

AMAC Exclusive by: Tammy Bruce

Every day there seems to be some special meltdown of the Democrats. Having spent some time as an organizer for the left, I can tell you all of their efforts are spent on thinking of new ways with which to manipulate and cancel all of us into oblivion. Plain and simple: they do not mean well.

The latest drama comes courtesy of a common-sense Florida bill ensuring parental rights regarding their 5 to 7-year-old children in schools. While needing to pass legislation stating the obvious does seem strange, but the Democrat and leftist hyperbolic reaction confirms how necessary it is.

Gay, Inc., as I call the organized left masquerading as gay civil rights activists, has declared this simple defense of parental rights and children’s safety as a “Don’t Say Gay” bill, which is a lie. Fox News reports:

“The bill, officially named Parental Rights in Education, states, ‘Classroom instruction by school personnel or third parties on sexual orientation or gender identity may not occur in kindergarten through grade 3 or in a manner that is not age-appropriate or developmentally appropriate for students in accordance with state standards.'”

And even more threatening to the left’s agenda, “The legislation additionally requires schools to inform parents if there is a change in the student’s services or monitoring related to the student’s mental, emotional, or physical health or well-being… and requires parent approval before children from kindergarten through third grade participate in a ‘well-being questionnaire or health screening’ and that parents have the option to opt their children out across all age groups,” reported Fox. 

In other words, it forbids sexualized instruction for 5 to 7 year-olds and requires parental involvement and consent in events and situations beyond the normal curriculum. This transcends partisan politics, protects children from strangers talking to them about sex, and affirms parental rights and control over their children.

The left has, for decades, worked to destroy that special and natural family relationship. This bill is so threatening as it exposes the agenda and serves as a template to stop that egregious and unacceptable attempt to destroy that legal fact and human necessity.

At no point does the bill single out gay people or homosexuality. Yet the gay political establishment, for some reason, has constructed a completely false narrative, a hoax, if you will, making it all about an attack on gay people.

It’s ironic, considering the gay civil rights movement in this country relied, in part, on Americans’ decency and empathy, leading to an understanding that gay men and lesbians are responsible citizens, good neighbors, best friends, and loving family members.

As we know, the Democrats and their enablers may claim to represent certain constituencies but somehow manage to make everyone’s lives worse. Whenever they can reverse social success, they’ll do it. That also means trying to destroy the progress we’ve made on so many issues by obsessing on keeping us suspicious and estranged from each other, no matter the issue. It’s beyond time we take a stand against the Democrats and the left using our children as pawns in their little political games.

Christina Pushaw, Press Secretary for Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, responded to a question from USA Today about ‘experts’ saying the bill is anti-gay and that she is somehow a homophobe because she expressed how this legislation would protect children from sexual predators. She shared on Twitter her answer, “If these historians assumed I meant LGBTQ people when I referenced “groomers,” that says more about the historians than it does about me. Why would these experts wrongly assume that all child predators are all LGBTQ? The fact is that groomers can be of any sexual orientation; many are straight. It’s completely inappropriate for adults—of any sexual orientation or gender identity—to instruct 4-9 year-olds about sexuality and gender theory in school… This should not be controversial. Just let kids be kids.”


A few weeks ago, I wrote about the ongoing effort by Democrats and the left to use the public school system to erase parental rights. This came to light when California moved to allow minor children to consent to the COVID-19 vaccinations on their own, not only without their parent’s permission but with the outrageous requirement that parents not be informed by the school system about what their children were doing.

California has been steadily eroding parental rights for over 20 years on everything ranging from abortion to birth control and medical care for sexual violence. Many other states are following suit. I contend the most threatening aspect of the Florida bill is the reinforcement of parental rights in their children’s lives at school and the requirement for parental consent regarding their children’s activities and instruction. The left is loathe to admit this, so their fallback will always be accusations of racism, sexism, or homophobia. Or all 3 is possible!

Marxists understand in order to take control of this country; you have to destroy its culture and systems. The American family is the strength of this nation and provides hope for the future of the world. And that is unacceptable to the ogres on the left.

American parents have been radicalized throughout these two COVID years. They learned what was happening in school rooms. They saw an outrageous “Critical Race Theory” curriculum and were stunned by assertions that parents had no rights. The school boards of this country found that attitude would not stand.

Leftist and establishment operatives know the Florida bill could and should be a template for this entire nation. The slandering of everyone involved in an effort to frighten other states out of this effort to protect children and to reinforce parental rights.

American parents have already been called terrorists. Conservatives and classical liberals who refuse to conform have already been labeled as bigots or racists in the last few years by an increasingly desperate left-wing of American politics. But don’t be fooled or frightened. The Democrats have such contempt for us they think we will throw our children into their political volcano simply to avoid being bullied. Those days, if they ever existed, are over.