The Depravity of the Left’s “Assisted Suicide” Push

Posted on Wednesday, April 17, 2024
by Shane Harris


Assisted suicide word cloud concept on grey background.

In just the past few weeks, two largely healthy women in their 20s have chosen to end their lives via medically assisted suicide, further highlighting the grotesque consequences of the left’s euthanasia push.

In the first case, a 27-year-old woman in Canada, identified in court documents only as “MV,” has just been granted access to the country’s “medical assistance in dying” (MAID) program by Justice Colin Feasby of the Court of King’s Bench of Alberta. According to reporting from the National Catholic Register, MV has no physical ailments other than severe autism.

The woman’s father has vigorously opposed the decision, arguing that his daughter is healthy and that most of her issues stem from undiagnosed psychological conditions. Feasby has also noted that MV has not “identified her medical condition or provided information concerning her symptoms and how they cause her to suffer.”

However, in a shocking example of the callousness and cold disregard for human life which underpins the euthanasia movement, Feasby said he is allowing MV to undergo assisted suicide because he “respects [her] autonomy and privacy.” This reasoning apparently flies in the face of Canada’s MAID law, which stipulates assisted suicide should only be available to those suffering from “a serious illness, disease, or disability,” who are experiencing “unbearable physical or mental suffering,” and are unable to reverse that suffering.

The woman’s father “can perhaps take some solace in the fact that he did his best to persuade [her] of the value of her life and her parents’ commitment to loving and supporting her,” Feasby wrote in his decision.

Just a few days later, news broke that another mostly healthy young woman, a 28-year-old from the Netherlands, had also decided to end her life via assisted suicide. Zoraya ter Beek, who as the New York Post reports, “lives in a small village in the Netherlands near the German border” with her boyfriend and two cats, is scheduled to be euthanized in May.

Ter Beek’s only apparent ailment is severe depression, which she says doctors have told her they can do nothing more for. The young woman, who once aspired to be a psychiatrist, says there will be no funeral and her ashes will be scattered in “a nice spot in the woods.”

The Netherlands was notably the first country to legalize assisted suicide back in 2001. Since then, the practice has become increasingly popular, with nearly 9,000 euthanasia deaths in 2022.

Canada’s euthanasia law, meanwhile, which was first passed in 2016, is one of the most radical and ghoulish on the books anywhere in the world. As AMAC Newsline reported in January 2023, “Numerous stories have surfaced alleging that doctors and even Canadian government officials are pushing euthanasia in cases where patients could be helped with basic medical care.” In some cases, disabled patients have said doctors pressured them into requesting assisted suicide by threatening to bankrupt them with medical costs.

Despite the horrific consequences of existing assisted suicide programs, other liberal governments around the world are also rushing to pass their own euthanasia laws.

Just last week, on April 11, the French legislature advanced legislation that asserts assisted suicide is “an ethical response to the need to support the sick and the suffering.” In language eerily similar to the initial defense of Canada’s 2016 law, backers of the bill claim euthanasia will only be available in “extreme” circumstances.

Assisted suicide is also available in at least some situations in Switzerland, Germany, Australia, and Belgium.

In the United States, the euthanasia push has been met with more resistance, primarily from conservatives. However, 11 states – all of which are strongly Democrat – currently allow the practice in some form.

Much like the left’s stance on abortion, liberals’ enthusiasm for assisted suicide reveals the true depravity of their ideology. Instead of helping Zoraya ter Beek with her depression or MV with her autism, the left believes that helping them kill themselves is the best path forward.

The same is true when it comes to unborn life. The modern left suggests that if a baby would be born into a poor family, or born with special needs, or born to a teenage mother, he or she is better off not being born at all but rather killed in an abortion clinic.

In other words, leftist ideology is so twisted and perverse that it calls the state-sanctioned murder of the most vulnerable among us “compassion.” While a depressed person taking his or her own life is a tragedy, liberals now believe that adding a doctor into the equation to administer a lethal concoction of medication somehow makes the entire act not only acceptable but empowering and “dignifying.”

Very soon, Americans may be hearing the refrain that “assisted suicide is healthcare.” And once again, it will be primarily up to conservatives to defend the inherent value of human life and spread a message of hope to a broken world.

Shane Harris is a writer and political consultant from Southwest Ohio. You can follow him on X @ShaneHarris513.

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