The Biden Vaccine Mandate: A Case of Overreach?

Posted on Friday, September 17, 2021
by AMAC, John Grimaldi

WASHINGTON, DC, Sep 17 — When you were a tyke, Mom and Dad made the major decisions for you. That stopped when you came of age. They might, of course, continue to provide advice, but you were the one who ultimately had to choose what you do with your life. Joe Biden is not your Dad, and Kamala Harris is not your Mom. And it is up to you whether to protect yourself by getting the vaccine to prevent COVID.

The pandemic is a crisis, and the federal government has every right to promote the benefits of getting a COVID shot for you and your friends and neighbors. But does the administration have the right to decide for you and order you to get vaccinated? According to law professor Alan Dershowitz, it does, but it’s more complicated than that.

Dershowitz says that the courts will say the government has the power, that vaccinations can be mandated because the science supports the necessity, but it can’t be done by simply issuing an executive order. Such decisions, he notes, are “generally relegated to the legislature in our system of government, so I think the courts will focus on that issue first and say that the president may not have the authority to do this without congressional authorization.”

In fact, Dershowitz predicts that Biden’s overreach will signal a big payday for lawyers. “There will be individuals who will be fired, and they’ll sue immediately. There will be companies—and I know there are some already who said we refuse to obey this mandate—and we’ve had companies and states indicate they’re going to file suit,” he told the Epoch Times.

President Trump, who fast-tracked the development of the COVID vaccine when the disease started killing people indiscriminately, advised everyone to line up for the protective inoculations. And they did. But he says, Democrats” famously said, if Trump came up with it, I’ll never take it. They disparaged the vaccine, and now they wonder why people aren’t wanting to take it? It’s a disgrace. It [a mandate] shouldn’t be necessary.”

President Biden made a big mistake by mandating the vaccine as he did, according to Ronna McDaniel, Chairwoman of the Republican National Committee. In an opinion article published by Newsmax on Wednesday, she pointed out that he continually stated flatly that he would never demand vaccine mandates. As late as July 2021 he continued to assure the nation that “it is ‘not the role of the federal government’ to force Americans to get vaccinated.”

McDaniel recently announced that the RNC plans to sue the Biden administration to overthrow its vaccine decree, calling it “unconstitutional.” In her Op-Ed, she noted that she is not “pro-vaccine. I was happy to receive the Moderna shot in March 2021. However, I am firmly anti-mandate because in America, freedom matters.”

Mr. Biden is threatening to fine companies that don’t adhere to his order to force their employees to be vaccinated, she says, pointing out that it might not be a big deal for the big corporations, but it will have an extreme impact on small businesses and their employees.

“It’s important to remember that our small businesses are already struggling — as a result of Democrat-led COVID-19 lockdowns and supplemental unemployment benefits—these de-incentivize working. Businesses are having trouble hiring and staying afloat. This authoritarian move by Biden might be the straw that breaks the camel’s back for small businesses and workers across America.”

Meanwhile, the Biden vaccine mandate is having an unexpected consequence in that it is pitting citizens who have had their vaccinations against the unvaccinated. His administration may have gone too far when it started calling COVID a pandemic of the unvaccinated. That kind of rhetoric can lead to unacceptable violence.