Taiwan’s Love of Freedom - Lesson

Posted on Monday, January 15, 2024
by AMAC, Robert B. Charles
bi-khim- and ching-te with taiwan flag

Taiwan’s recent elections are more important than most yet understand. Mainstream media got one story, but missed the other. The new President of Taiwan, Lai Ching-te, is a tried-and-true anti-communist. But his vice president, the formative Hsiao Bi-Khim, may be the next Margaret Thatcher or young Winston Churchill, a spectacular choice, a born leader, profoundly pro-American.

Bi-Khim is the daughter of a Taiwanese father and American mother. Born in Japan, she was educated in the United States, graduated Montclair High School in New Jersey (alma mater of Apolo 11’s Buzz Aldrin), Oberlin College (BA, East Asian Studies) and Columbia University (MA, political science), and speaks perfect English, Mandarin (Chinese), and Hokkien (Taiwanese).

Her mother, Peggy Cooley, is a North Carolina native, educated at Union Theological Seminary, and a teacher. Her father ran a seminary. Bi-Khim, the new vice president, was raised in a Presbyterian home, and has an impressive pedigree in Taiwanese political service, ten years in the legislature, time serving a prior president, National Security Council, de facto Ambassador to the United States.

China’s Communist Government – just across the water – plainly dislikes her, yet seems to respect and perhaps even fear her rise, wit, principled approach to national security, and deep American ties, upbringing, education, family, attitude.

Communist China is said to “despise” her for being an “independence diehard,” twice placed sanctions on her, which only seemed to enhance her reputation for calm and considered leadership, for being unbending, unapologetic, and clear.

Like Ronald Reagan and Margaret Thatcher, if not that other half-American, Churchill (mother was American), she is reviled by those whose evil intentions she will not let stand, confronts without flinching and shows freedom is not negotiable.

You have yet to see her name in lights, but look for it. She has been roundly condemned, regularly libeled, sanctioned, vilified, underestimated, challenged, derided, chided, and minimized, yet there she is. She thrives, radiates calm and composure, much like a young Thatcher.

One is reminded, too, of Churchill’s laconic bit on truth: “Truth is incontrovertible. Ignorance can deride it. Panic may resent it. Malice may destroy it. But there it is.” And there she is, with President Lai Ching-te, unintimidated by Communist China.

What is needed in Taiwan today is what was once needed in Great Britain, when Churchill became Prime Minister in 1940, unwavering conviction and personal courage, a sense that truth is widely known and always worth the fight.

The same conviction, unwavering defense of freedom rooted in upbringing, faith, life experience, appreciation for sacrifice – could be found in the leadership styles of Reagan and Thatcher facing the Soviets. How timely now, for Taiwan.

What does all this mean? What may it mean for war and peace, China’s attitude in this moment, and need for the US to be a solid partner for Taiwan, a bright, unblinking, and ever-freedom-focused beacon? A lot.

Taiwan has chosen leaders – a new president and vice president – who are resolved to preserve that free people’s freedom, showing us how that is done, how good people stay strong under pressure, appreciate what they have, are ready to step up.

We need more Americans cut from that same cloth, the cloth of Churchill, Reagan, Thatcher, and Bi-Khim, ready to selflessly serve, do what is needed, get it done.

Freedom does not last unless consistently defended; it is neither free nor easily maintained, especially under pressure. It can be reduced to a mere island. Yet powerful is the voice of that island when it speaks. Congratulations to President Lai Ching-te, and to the newly elected, half-American Vice President Hsiao Bi-Khim. Thank you … for showing us what conviction and leadership look like.

Robert Charles is a former Assistant Secretary of State under Colin Powell, former Reagan and Bush 41 White House staffer, attorney, and naval intelligence officer (USNR). He wrote “Narcotics and Terrorism” (2003), “Eagles and Evergreens” (2018), and is National Spokesman for AMAC.

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URL : https://amac.us/newsline/society/taiwans-love-of-freedom-lesson/