Blooming Beauty: Sunflowers

Posted on Thursday, September 15, 2022
by AMAC, D.J. Wilson

Helianthus (In Greek, Helios means sun and Anthos means flower)

A stroll down a city street took me past a market where crates of orange pumpkins and tins filled with bright yellow sunflowers spilled the colors of fall. The blooms on the flowers were huge and it got me wondering about sunflowers and their association with the fall season. Here are a few fun facts I discovered:

Sunflowers provide a bounty of beauty, particularly during the late summer and early fall when they are abundant. The blooms of this stunning plant can be admired in a natural garden setting, and, in the case of city living, even appreciated at the marketplace from afar. Sunflowers undoubtedly stand out amongst other plants due to their unique shape and size, striking formation, and brightness of color. Perhaps there’s no better flowering plant than the sunflower to represent autumn, a period when yellow and orange leaves also appear in nature to fittingly mark the change of season.