Stunning – Biden Kills Girls’ Rights, Guts Title IX

Posted on Monday, May 6, 2024
by AMAC, Robert B. Charles
Joe Biden guts Title IX
Photo Credit: Gage Skidmore | Flickr

Stunning. The Biden Administration just gutted Title IX, a 50-year protection for girls in America’s educational system, assuring biological females – the only meaning intended – must receive equal treatment, protections, and resources, commensurate with biological boys. That guarantee is gone.

In the most radical, constitutionally and morally bereft act of this entire morally debased Administration, the Biden Department of Education – ignoring the sentiment of 100 percent of the nation – has just unilaterally redefined a girl as non-biological, stripping girls of rights to privacy, safety, dignity, and sovereignty over their body in schools, under threat of loss of federal funding.

Before you suggest this is an overstatement, follow the facts. A 2022 Pew poll recorded that 63 percent of Americans viewed Title IX’s protection of biological girls “positively,” while 37 percent believed the Title could do MORE for biological girls, needed to do more for them, in totaling 100 percent. 

Not one American, except the anti-DNA, anti-girl lobby – which promotes transgenderism as a cause, use of hormones, and radical surgery to address a mental health condition called “gender dysphoria” – has suggested LESS protection for girls’ privacy, safety, dignity, and sovereignty.

The whole idea, while appropriately addressed by making available more mental health resources, does not historically, legally, morally, or medically belong in politics; to reduce the fundamental and statutorily prescribed rights of biological girls – on behalf of .05 percent of the population – is absurd. 

Yet, this is what the Biden Administration has just done – by high-handedly changing federal regulations that affect all educational institutions in the country, no federal legislation, no compliance with past Supreme Court cases, no reference to the legislative history, nothing. 

Moreover, the silence from all state and federal Democrats – members of the US Senate and House, Democrat governors, and Democrat state-level legislators from Maine to California – is deafening. Proponents of Title IX, who were initially more Democrat, are now hostile to biological girls.

Within Republican-led states, governors, legislators and attorneys general are swiftly stepping up to law file suits, arguing this upends public and private education, biology, constitutional and statutory caselaw as we know it, these suits – Arkansas to Kentucky – will take time. 

The incredible part of this is the audacity of one-party rule, the willingness of the White House and Federal Department of Education to simply crush the popular will, not of a few but of what amounts to virtually the entire country. And if they can do it on this issue, what issue will they not do it on?

Once again some basic truths emerge.

First, power corrupts – and one-party power, held by a party that wants more government not less, at the federal or state level, is as corrosive a force as exists. Wherever pro-government parties push their agenda with one party in control, freedom dies.

Second, the level of fear in this country – from school boards and legislatures to Congress and average people in conversation with neighbors – is frighteningly high, or this kind of absurd federal policy-pushing, ramming untruth and leftist mandates down our throats would not be attempted.

The Biden government – like state-level one-party governments – thinks it can crush opposition by fiat, and end moral, legal, ethical, parental, medical, and civil objection – with fear, and forced conformity.

Third, the Biden team has zero respect for constitutional law, except when it serves their crass political purposes, not for traditional “separation of powers” and “co-equal branches” not for longstanding case law, not for Supreme Couret decisions from the illegality of mass executive loan forgiveness to returning abortion to state-level determination. They promote lawlessness.

Fourth, Democrat leaders – top to bottom, federal to state – do not respect The People, the source of their authority. They do not respect the country’s origins, the role of constitutional and statutory provisions in keeping order, respect, and adherence to basic human rights, including a girl’s rights.

Fifth, Democrats have had an epiphany, and are reversing direction in a herd-like fashion after fawning over Mr. Fauci, who declared himself “science” and pushed mandates and restriction of rights. Now Democrats in leadership openly disavow science, DNA structure, the double helix, chromosomes, and what makes a girl a girl. Any mention of God and God’s plan, of course, is DOA.

Which brings me to the sixth observation. When you think the world has gone wholly “off its nut,” finally sigh and say, “Okay, that’s it,” beware.

As Bertrand Rusell said, “folly is perennial,” and as Ralph Waldo Emerson noted, “A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds, adored by little statesmen, philosophers, and divines.” That “little minds” stuff … well, in some crowds, it seems to be catchy. Stunning

Robert Charles is a former Assistant Secretary of State under Colin Powell, former Reagan and Bush 41 White House staffer, attorney, and naval intelligence officer (USNR). He wrote “Narcotics and Terrorism” (2003), “Eagles and Evergreens” (2018), and is National Spokesman for AMAC.