Six Scandals Republicans Must Investigate When They Win

Posted on Friday, February 11, 2022
by AMAC Newsline

AMAC Exclusive – By Louis J. Senn

With the midterm elections rapidly approaching, things keep looking worse for Congressional Democrats in their bid to retain their razor-slim majorities in both chambers of Congress. But while much attention has been focused on November 8th, Republicans would be well-served to have a plan of attack for after Election Day should they win back control. After four years of House Democrats harassing and impeding Republicans at every turn through investigations and constant hearings, many expect Republicans to get some long-overdue answers regarding bombshell revelations concerning high-profile Democrats and the litany of disasters that have unfolded under Democrat rule.

Here’s a look at a few of those questions a Republican majority might start investigating on day one.

What did Dr. Fauci know about the origins of COVID-19—and when did he know it?

The efficacy of our public health system relies on public trust in it. After Dr. Fauci downplayed the COVID-19 lab leak theory throughout 2020 and into 2021, evidence has emerged recently that Fauci may have had reason to believe as early as January of 2020 that the virus could have escaped from a Chinese lab. What’s more, Fauci and other public health officials actively worked to suppress the theory and discredit anyone who disagreed – possibly because Fauci himself may have played a role in funding the Wuhan lab in question.

The timeline of what Fauci and other top health experts knew and when they knew it remains murky, largely because Congressional Democrats and the Biden White House have shielded Fauci from tough questions on the matter. With the prospect of an incoming Republican Congress, however, Americans may finally have hope of getting some real answers about Fauci’s role in the spread of the virus and the potential cover-up of its origins.

What exactly did Biden’s generals tell him before the collapse of Afghanistan?

While the media reported in the early stages of the operation that the withdrawal from Afghanistan would be a planned and well-coordinated effort, the world soon learned otherwise. In the wake of the disaster, U.S. international prestige and credibility was greatly damaged, both at home and abroad. Most tragically of all, 13 brave servicemembers lost their lives. While the White House has done everything they can to try and convince the American people that one of the worst military defeats in the history of the country was in fact an “extraordinary success,” leaked memos in the past week paint a picture of disorganized chaos inside the White House even as Kabul was falling to the Taliban. If Republicans do take back Congress, they will finally have a chance to demand accountability from those responsible, and push President Biden and his national security team for answers on steps they have taken to ensure that another foreign policy fiasco isn’t just around the corner.

What Can Government Do To Stop Big Tech Overreach?

For several years now, we’ve seen Big Tech flex its immense power as it picks and chooses what content to allow and who to censor. Recently, we’ve seen GoFundMe, ostensibly a neutral crowdfunding site, attempt to confiscate donations intended for the peaceful Canadian truckers, even though the site allowed donations to organizations supporting the violent riots throughout the summer of 2020. Should these big tech companies be considered publishers? Are they improperly working against conservative candidates and causes? Under a Republican Congress, American voters will be looking for clarity on how Big Tech uses its power to silence huge swaths of the country.

Who Set Up Senator Ron Johnson’s Questionable “Defensive Briefing” on Hunter Biden Scandal?

When Wisconsin Senator Ron Johnson attempted to investigate reports of possible corruption regarding Hunter Biden, the FBI gave Johnson an unsolicited “intelligence briefing” that he was the target of “Russian disinformation.” In the words of Johnson, however, that briefing was “a nothing-burger,” and smelled of an attempt by the FBI to throw Johnson off the case. But when Johnson tried to push for answers on who ordered the briefing, he was stonewalled by the FBI. The real purpose of the briefing soon became clear – mainstream media outlets began publishing “leaked” reports that Johnson had been “warned by the FBI” that his Hunter Biden investigation was “Russian disinformation.” In other words, it appears as if someone at the FBI may have ordered Johnson to be given the phony briefing as a pretext for leaking it to the media in order to discredit Johnson’s serious allegations about Hunter Biden. And of course, the Hunter Biden scandal wasn’t Russian disinformation. It was true.

But we still don’t know who the officials were who ordered the so-called “defensive briefing.” Who set up Senator Johnson for the leak? Who was covering for Hunter Biden? After continuing bombshell revelations about the role of the FBI in the Russia Collusion hoax, Republicans might want to begin asking questions about undue partisan influence of our intelligence system.

Is the Biden Family compromised by China?

After years of unfounded claims (which led to constant dead-end investigations) into the Trump family, Americans deserve real answers about the Biden family’s alleged financial ties to the Chinese government. Recent reports have suggested that members of the Biden family may have received tens of millions of dollars from people closely linked to the Chinese Communist Party. After four years of Democrats insisting that the entire Trump family were essentially Russian agents, Republicans may finally be able to get some answers about the Biden family’s much more suspicious behavior.

Is the Chinese Communist Party playing a pivotal role in the education of our children?

Also on the subject of the Chinese Communist Party’s constant attempts to undermine our country, why is the CCP meddling in our education system? Revelations over the past couple of years about Confucius Institutes and Confucius Classrooms have raised serious concerns regarding the influence of the CCP in our schools. Is the Department of Education taking substantive steps to stop the insidious influence of communism in our schools and universities? Perhaps more importantly, is Biden doing anything to stop the theft of American intellectual property by Chinese nationals? What role has the current administration played in allowing these transgressions from the CCP to grow? Particularly as China grows more aggressive toward Taiwan and in its rhetoric for the United States, Republicans can demand answers on what Biden is doing to prepare America for great power competition with China. GOP leaders might also ask Biden to voluntarily turn over his bank records so the country can be reassured his personal wealth was not built by his son’s foreign deals.


If Republicans do indeed retake control of Congress this November, they will certainly have their work cut out for them. After two years of blatant abuses of power and cover-ups by the Biden White House and Congressional Democrats in order to force through their radical agenda, Americans are demanding accountability. For GOP hopefuls running to unseat Democrats and take back the majority, it would be wise to promise and deliver it.

Louis J. Senn is a lawyer in Louisville, Kentucky who previously worked for the Trump Administration.