She’s Known as 'The Patriot Barbie' and She Has a Plan

Posted on Friday, August 2, 2024
by AMAC, John Grimaldi

WASHINGTON DC, Aug 2 — On her website, Lindsey Graham is described as “The Patriot Barbie – a loud, proud, pro-gun, pro-life, Jesus-loving, red-blooded conservative, Republican woman.  She is a fierce voice for conservative women, a spitfire advocate for small business owners, and an authentic patriot standing for American values.”  She recently joined Rebecca Weber, CEO of the Association of Mature American Citizens, on Weber’s Better For America podcast.  Weber described her as a “conservative firecracker who fearlessly calls out the left’s manipulation and attack tactics, which she has experienced firsthand.”

Lindsey says she got the moniker, “Patriot Barbie,” in 2020 when she refused to shut down her Salem, OR salon in the midst of the COVID-19 outbreak.  “I became global news for opening my salon against government lockdowns.  People were afraid of opening their businesses, not because of COVID, but because of what the government would do to them if they were defiant.   And that choice actually cost me everything.  I had the government target me for weeks and weeks.  I fought the government.  I never closed; I stayed open.  That choice had painted me as a conservative icon.”

Meanwhile, Lindsey said, “The left targeted me.  I was receiving death threats, being called names, slandered and completely canceled when the riots started.  Antifa in Oregon said they were going to burn my salon down and attack me.  I issued a call to arms and I protected my 14 years of hard work building my businesses.  And that’s when I really got cancel cultured.  We had to close all of our businesses, sell our dream home, and move to Arizona.  I went through an identity crisis, had no idea what God was doing in my life or why He had allowed this to happen.  I prayed for a sign as to what I should do and that God would reveal to me His plan.  He told me to write a book and as I started writing the book, I really felt God speaking to me about how He had prepared me for this time in my life.  The things I had been through in my twenties, that I’ve always wondered why He would allow, prepared me and strengthened me, and emboldened me to be this public figure in this time.  So the book [Targeted: One Mom’s Fight For Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness]  ended up being my testimony, 367 pages of not just how I defied the government, but how God has used all of the circumstances in my life to prepare me.”

She went on to issue a very clear call for action in America.  “It is to vote with your dollars.  And I think you guys understand this at AMAC because you’re doing what needs to be done.  We need to create a parallel economy.  Take a little bit of time, do a little bit of research, and move your money to companies that do not fund the left, that do not fund the indoctrination of children, that do not fund the abortion movement, and vote with your dollars.  There are multiple companies that I wholeheartedly endorse.  As for payment processing, ditch the Stripe payment platform and PayPal and process with a conservative processor, shop at my brands, everyone can do that.  Everyone can drive a couple extra miles to go to a coffee shop that isn’t Starbucks and spend a few extra dollars and support a family-owned company.   We all know that there are more of us than there are of them.  And the more radical the left gets, the more they push middle-ground people towards conservative values.  So if we know that there are more of us and we all actively vote with our dollars and supported companies that align with our values, we would be in a completely different America right now.  I firmly believe that.”

John Grimaldi served on the first non-partisan communications department in the New York State Assembly and is a founding member of the Board of Directors of Priva Technologies, Inc. He has served for more than thirty years as a Trustee of Daytop Village Foundation, which oversees a worldwide drug rehabilitation network.