Schools Across the Country Have Adopted a New Lesson Plan, ‘The Woke Curriculum,’ Teaching Our Youngsters How to be Good Progressive-Socialists

Posted on Wednesday, April 28, 2021
by AMAC, John Grimaldi

WASHINGTON, DC, Apr 28 — Our kids are being brain-washed by the progressive-socialist movement that is infiltrating America’s schools, says Bari Weiss, former Opinion Editor at the New York Times.

In a recent article she penned for the online publication City Journal, Weiss recounts interviews she conducted with parents of youngsters attending Harvard-Westlake prep school in Los Angeles.  Harvard-Westlake can be described as a prestigious and pricey high school; yet, she says she was surprised to learn that it “is teaching students that capitalism is evil.”

Meanwhile, Weiss says that one mother told her, “They are making my son feel like a racist because of the pigmentation of his skin.”

In other words, our kids are being indoctrinated by what is known as a “woke curriculum,” a progressive lesson plan that distorts history in order to produce cadres of future foot soldiers in the march toward socialism, woke being slang for “wake up kids.”  The idea is to get them to believe that “merit, hard work, and respect for other ideas” are evils.

It’s happening across the nation as the “woke curriculum” inserts its way into our private and public schools with the aid of a new generation of teachers and professors whose objective seems to be to turn our world upside down, as one wag put it.

Epoch Times reporter Petr Svab writes that the quasi-Marxist critical race theory (CRT), for example, “has been spreading throughout academia, entertainment, government, schools, and corporations. It redefines America’s history as a struggle between ‘oppressors’ (white people) and the ‘oppressed’ (everybody else), similarly to Marxism’s reduction of human history to a struggle between the ‘bourgeoisie’ and the ‘proletariat.’ It labels institutions that emerged in majority-white societies as ‘systemically’ or ‘structurally’ racist.”

Svab focused on Parents Against Critical Theory (PACT).  That group describes itself as “a national grassroots organization working to reclaim our schools from activists imposing harmful agendas. Through network and coalition building, investigative reporting, litigation, and engagement on local, state, and national policies, we are fighting indoctrination in the classroom — and promoting the restoration of a healthy, non-political education for our kids.”

It appears that the “woke curriculum” is starting to scare even those who identify themselves as being on the left.  According to a Newsweek opinion article penned by Erika Sanzi of PACT, a liberal backlash is emerging.  Her article is entitled, The Coming Bipartisan Backlash to Public School Wokeness, and in it, she writes: “I spent a decade working in schools and never could have imagined that the widely accepted liberal slant of many public schools would transform into a cult-like dogma that deliberately shames, denigrates and segregates children, compels speech, disallows dissent and uses rhetorical manipulation to bully teachers and students into compliance.”

The Woke Movement started in earnest when the left decided to turn American heroes and heroines into “enemies of the state.

For example, the San Francisco Board of Education tried to rename public schools to rid them of names such as Abraham Lincoln, who abolished slavery; George Washington, the father of our country; Thomas Jefferson, a patriot of the American Revolution, Paul Revere, and the composer of our national anthem, Francis Scott Key.  And, if that’s not enough, they targeted naturalist John Muir, Spanish missionary Junipero Serra and even one of their own, Senator Dianne Feinstein [D-CA].

Apparently, either because Senator Feinstein sided with Republicans during the confirmation hearings for Supreme Court Associate Justice Amy Coney Barrett, or was it because when she was mayor of San Francisco, she replaced a vandalized Confederate flag in front of City Hall with a new one?

The Board suspended its decision to rename the schools because it was so controversial.  However, they made it clear that they will try again at an unspecified date.

“The anti-social socialists among us have moved on to the task of reindoctrinating our next generation of citizens,” warned one parent who says he is “beyond concerned.”