Saint Patrick’s Day – Decorating Ideas & Fun Facts

Posted on Tuesday, March 7, 2023
by AMAC, D.J. Wilson

Saint Patrick’s Day, or the Feast of Saint Patrick, is an annual cultural and religious celebration held on March 17, the traditional death date of Saint Patrick, patron saint of Ireland. He died in the year 460 A.D. The day was made an official feast day in the early 17th century and commemorates Saint Patrick and the arrival of Christianity in Ireland. At age 16, Patrick was taken prisoner by a group of Irish raiders who attacked his family’s estate. They took him to Ireland where he spent six years in captivity. He turned to religion for help and became a devout Christian. In Ireland, Saint Patrick’s Day is a Holy Day of Obligation for Catholics. Today, the holiday widely honors the heritage and culture of Saint Patrick and the Irish people. Many other cultures across the globe celebrate Saint Paddy’s Day, as it is so nicknamed. Folks often gather to attend parades, festivals, and parties. Many indulge in Irish culinary delights, such as boxty, colcannon, or corned beef and cabbage. (Yes, in many places, the Catholic church lifts its ban on eating meat during lent for this celebration.) Folks also enjoy dressing in and decorating with green, a color long symbolic of Ireland’s identity. Here are some clever ways to decorate your home for Saint Patrick’s Day:

In the U.S., people of all cultures enjoy celebrating Irish traditions by decorating using great ideas like those above, wearing green, and by attending parties, parades, and the like. However, the holiday is largely steeped in lore. Contrary to popular belief, Saint Patrick wasn’t born in Ireland and his birth name wasn’t Patrick. It’s believed that he was born in Scotland or Wales as Maewyn Succat. Later, after becoming a priest, he changed his name to Patricius. Saint Patrick was credited for many things, including driving snakes out of Ireland. However, this was highly unlikely as Ireland lacked snakes due to the surrounding seas. More accurately, Saint Patrick was instrumental in spreading Christianity and establishing monasteries, churches, and schools, thus he played an important role in the religious history of Ireland. What began as a holy celebration ultimately expanded into a secular one, now celebrated by many to honor Irish culture. Though not an official federal holiday in the U.S., one might wonder what Saint Patrick would think of the celebrations if he were alive today.

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