Rebecca Weber: My Democrat Friends Don't Recognize Their Party Anymore

Posted on Tuesday, June 18, 2024
by Outside Contributor

Rebecca Weber, head of the “Association of Mature American Citizens,” gave the Turning Point Action “People’s Convention” in Detroit on Saturday a brief pitch against President Biden:

REBECCA WEBER: Growing up on Long Island, New York, of course, I’ve always had many friends who voted Democrat, but they don’t even recognize the Democrat Party today.

The radical left wants to fund terrorists, they want to persecute our police, they want to release violent criminals back on our streets, they want to kill unborn babies, they want to teach our children to hate America and they want to make our children believe that their God-given gender was a mistake.

Joe Biden and the radical left have done such a good job destroying everything that our forefathers have built, that China doesn’t even need to invade our shores. The radical left is destroying America from within.

If that isn’t bad enough, Joe Biden has launched the most successful campaign in history to kill the American dream Bidenomics has been an absolute catastrophe. 70% of young Americans who want to buy a home can’t afford to do so because of sky-high interest rates, 60% of America’s seniors on Social Security are struggling because of record-level inflation.

Trump is the only man brave enough to take on the powerful forces in Washington and once and for all, “Drain the Swamp.”

Reprinted with Permission from RealClearPolitics