President Trump Electrifies Crowd at AMAC-Sponsored “The People’s Convention”

Posted on Monday, June 17, 2024
by The Association of Mature American Citizens

Detroit, Michigan – Former President Donald J. Trump spoke before a raucous crowd at “The People’s Convention,” a gathering of more than 10,000 conservative patriots hosted by Turning Point USA and sponsored by AMAC this weekend in Detroit, Michigan.

In remarks that lasted well over one hour, Mr. Trump brought the crowd to its feet multiple times in thunderous applause, with chants of “USA!” breaking out at several points. Attendees also broke out in a spontaneous singing of “Happy Birthday” in honor of Mr. Trump’s 78th birthday on June 14.

“We lifted up all Americans – black, white, brown, and everyone else,” Mr. Trump said of the successes of his first term. “Everyone was doing better, everyone was doing great.”

Mr. Trump blasted President Joe Biden’s economic, immigration, trade, and energy policies, as well as his electric vehicle mandate and divisive social pol

Mr. Trump also promised that, if he is re-elected this November, “First day in office, we’re gonna close up the border, first day in office, we’re gonna drill baby, drill… As we rescue our economy, we will also seal the border and send Joe Biden’s illegal aliens back home. We have no choice.”

“On day one I will sign a new executive order to cut federal funding for any school pushing Critical Race Theory, transgender insanity, and other inappropriate racial, sexual, or political content onto our children,” Mr. Trump continued. “I will not give one penny to any school that has a vaccine mandate or a mask mandate. And I will keep men out of women’s sports. And I will fully uphold our great Second Amendment. We will protect innocent life and we will restore a thing called free speech, and I will secure our elections at a level never seen before.”

“We want a landslide that is too big to rig,” Mr. Trump concluded. “If you want to save America, I’m asking everyone to go out and swamp the vote.”

“By this time next year, America’s borders will be shut and secured. Inflation will be in full retreat, our economy will be roaring back, optimism will be surging, American pride will be soaring, the American Dream will be thriving again, law and justice will reign all throughout our land, freedom will be restored, the flame of liberty will be burning bright. Joe Biden the worst president in the history of our country will be a fading horrible memory of the past, and our great silent majority and the once forgotten men and women of our country will be the ones shaping America’s future when I am the 47th president of the United States.”

For media inquiries please contact Alyssa Lopresti: [email protected], 631-337-0106

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