Poland – Under Pressure

Posted on Wednesday, March 23, 2022
by AMAC, Robert B. Charles

Mainstream media is not reporting it – because they do not know. AMAC is reporting it because our ties are strong, long, and real. Poland is under enormous pressure. Close friends – American and Polish – who are in Poland make critical facts clear. They are worth knowing.

First, Poland is a NATO member, one of the best. Why? Because they are on the front lines with Russia, they always have been. Because they are a People deeply rooted in courage, faith, and undying commitment to freedom, and because they pay their bills, speak their mind, and love America.

Second, Poland is facing a real challenge from Russia, not the first, perhaps not the last, but a real one – and America needs to see Poland as the tip of the spear, ready to fight, and we, ready to fight with Poland. Let us hope Article 5 is not triggered, and Poland is not attacked – but if they are, we must be there.  

In WWII, American troops in Italy and confronting Germany were extraordinary – these kids, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, who saved the world. Guess what; they fought side by side with Poles. Young men who were from Poland, most Catholic, all lovers of freedom, stood shoulder to shoulder with American kids.

The world must pray we do not find NATO at war with Russia. But let Russian leadership know, if that article is triggered, the American force structure, capable of crushing Russian conventional forces, will be deployed to defend Poland – and all other NATO states. Poland and America are of one cloth.

Third, many do not understand what is happening in Ukraine and Poland. This is unreported news. The U.S. State Department is providing vests, helmets, defensive weapons, ammunition, and firearms to those who are allies, and to the Ukrainian police and border patrol. See, e.g., U.S. Security Cooperation With Ukraine.

The word freedom is tossed about as if water, air, or some simple commodity. It is not. Poland knows it. Ukraine knows it. We should know it. It is only real if defended, and that is why State – and the Poles – are helping Ukrainians survive this immoral onslaught.

Fourth, refugees are often displaced and end up in camps. No western media outlet is reporting what comes to me daily from friends in Poland – a tough, remarkable, compassionate, and important reality. Poles are not corralling Ukrainians in refugee camps, even as numbers edge toward 3 million.

No, Poles are taking these Ukrainian refugee families – 3 and 4 at a time – into their homes. That is what is happening across Poland, and it is both beautiful and stressful, remarkable and trying. The West must help Poland address the refugee crisis, and in this act – we will also be keeping faith with the Poles.

Finally, understand now what is easy to forget:  What Europe is facing is an attack on all civilized countries, especially countries like Poland. This attack is personal, real, and not avoidable. Moral people must help those in need. Poles are doing that. We must, too.  

We all need to step up – to help the Poles, as well as the Ukrainians, because the test of courage and compassion is not about theory, not just about hopes and prayers, but about action.

URL : https://amac.us/newsline/society/poland-under-pressure/