Party First –  Biden and Mills

Posted on Tuesday, July 9, 2024
by AMAC, Robert B. Charles

Not a good look. When loyalty to party replaces loyalty to nation and truth, the government loses its legitimacy. This goes back to our Declaration. Lying for “the party” betrays The People. From Maine to DC, we are seeing this, “party first.”

Examples are legion. Take the obvious. President Joe Biden is emblematic of a political mindset that justifies habitual untruth, self-interest, and abuse of public trust for gain. He even seems to believe his own lies (e.g. inherited high inflation, Afghanistan a success, border secure, crime down, opponents enemies).

We are, however, seeing something new. While such people always existed, those who forgive themselves lie to keep power seem to be spreading. Democrats from Maine to DC are elevating party over truth, pushing lies to hold onto power.

Apparently, these leaders believe they can get away with it or must try. They conclude we are stupid, gullible, lazy, or can be made fearful enough to accept lies.

Presently, we swim in a pool of untruth, now four years of hearing Joe Biden is sharp, with only a speaking impediment, and no mental acuity issues. We all see the truth.

Suddenly, after years of Democrat leaders knowing the opposite but saying he is “just fine,” we get that mortar-in-the-living-room debate, 90 minutes of Biden more dazed than a deer in headlights, showcasing his mental handicap without prompter, cue cards, or elbow guides. He seemed unaware of his vacuousness.

To many, it was just sad. To others, the only surprise was that drugs, sleep, practice, nerves, endorphins, and adrenaline could not hide the naked nothingness.

For me, it sent a chill. China, Russia, Iran, North Korea, and the world – saw this debacle, glazed eyes, listless, naked nothingness. When opportunists see their chance, they take it. Adversaries are snakes in the grass, waiting for such times.

All this would be less important if Biden’s display of incoherence produced unity, a national consensus that truth, competency, and security demand action. It did not.

For a moment the hovering lie, profound untruth about Biden’s condition, seemed over. What we saw was despondently, obviously, coyly admitted. He was done.  

Then snap, and the box shut. The big lie was pushed harder, replacement talk ridiculed, big cover-up once again the Democrat gameplan, strategy. Amazing.

Living in Maine, what drove home how “We The People” are sidelined by those who covet power, was our governor. Tone deaf, Maine’s shameless Democrat governor went all in for “the party,” truth and the interest of Mainers notwithstanding. Mimicked by state legislators, she thinks the state is dumb.

This Democrat governor, Janet Mills, first claimed to have spoken “with President Biden about Americans’ concerns …in the Oval Office.” Actually, that opener was an untruth.  She spoke via a virtual call, not in the Oval Office.

She then gushed that Biden is “an excellent leader of our country,” and is “in it to win.” While “some Maine people” had “expressed concerns,” he could “reassure the voters of Maine, just like he reassured us.” She doubled down, party over the truth.

Knowing Biden is patently unfit to lead, she pushes the charade. “I look forward to the President demonstrating … the same heart, determination, and vigor that he brought to our conversation …” Vigor?

She called Biden’s “vigor,” a quality “I have come to know well in my time with him over the years.” In her half dozen encounters on an airport tarmac, arrived at haltingly?

She closed with a broadside about Republicans, saying they want chaos, and anarchy, not Biden’s “accomplishment” over “ineptitude.”  So, apparently, Trump’s record-setting growth and employment, low inflation, low interest, energy independence, safety and closed borders, a bar on illegals voting, and traditional definitions of boys, girls, and global stability – versus the exact opposite – makes Biden her guy?

Sad is that a state like Maine, built on truth, cooperation, hard work, and independent thought, has been captured by a one-party government, disserving the people. This modern Democrat is not the old sort. They now put party over nation.

Not coincidentally, Communist leader Nicolae Ceausescu once wrote: “We do not understand democracy in its bourgeois meaning… anarchy. We understand democracy as the active participation of the citizens in formulating and implementing the party’s policy.” Party over truth, over the nation, uber alles.

What can one say? For his ilk and modern Democrats, the party comes first. That is not a good look. But Biden is their guy. At least Ceausescu limited it to … citizens.

Robert Charles is a former Assistant Secretary of State under Colin Powell, former Reagan and Bush 41 White House staffer, attorney, and naval intelligence officer (USNR). He wrote “Narcotics and Terrorism” (2003), “Eagles and Evergreens” (2018), and is National Spokesman for AMAC.  

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