Parent Power – A Rising Force

Posted on Wednesday, February 23, 2022
by AMAC, Robert B. Charles

In the 1960s, we had “Flower Power.” In the 1980s, when democracies bloomed from Soviet ashes, “People Power.” Today, welcome “Parent Power!” Even liberals are rejecting heavy-handed, “woke” school boards – the latest in San Francisco. Message: Leftists, watch out!

Last week, “San Francisco residents overwhelmingly approved of a vote … to recall three of the city’s school board members,” sending leftists packing. The three – like union-aligned boards elsewhere – apparently “pushed progressive politics rather than act in the best interest of children during the pandemic.” That really irked parents – even liberal parents. See, e.g., San Francisco recalls 3 school board members: ’a clear message’

As Democrats run from their errors, the city’s mayor acknowledged: “The voters of this city have delivered a clear message that the school board must focus on the essentials of delivering a well-run school system above all else …” In other words, stop pushing parents, just listen.

The mayor quickly aligned with parents, saying they were “fighting for what matters most — their children.” Remarkable how a near-sweep of Virginia elections last year – led by parents – and growing parent voices change everything. Parents are saying, “Move over, we matter!”

There is something warmly like Norman Rockwell, all-American, citizen-centric, family-focused about the rising tide of “Parent Power.” It is important, reaffirming. Parents are the chief influence by which society passes values forward. And what is happening? Several things.

First, Parent Power is showing the government – at every level – it cannot escape accountability to The People, especially to parents. Individuals and parents all have parents. Parents matter.

Second, kids in these families – and across the country – see what is happening. They are learning a lesson. Speak for your rights! As parents weigh-in, opposing arrogance, kids see it. 

Kids are realizing – many for the first time – their parents can rise, get involved on behalf of their kids, believe in education, and use freedom well. Is this not what Ronald Reagan said? We must teach our kids both the burdens and benefits of exercising freedom – especially when under fire.

In San Francisco, word went out, a recall was possible. Leftists – as at state and federal levels – seemed indifferent, indignant, and disinterested. They were, above it all, defensive, not listeners.

In early 2021, the San Francisco School Board seemed – in the words of citizens – to have “poorly chosen their priorities … renaming 44 schools” but “slow to reopen district schools” affected by the pandemic.

As one parent noted, it “is not acceptable to put our kids last …talk is not going to educate our children, it’s action,” adding “not about symbolic action… not about changing the name on a school” but “about helping kids inside the school building read and learn math.” Bingo!

So, what is the message – where is the hope – in this? Everywhere. Parent Power is about making a change on behalf of kids, but more. It is also about recalling where power resides, in individuals and families, not the government. It is about recalling how important education is, but also how important freedom – using our freedoms of speech, grievance, and self-rule are.

Parent power is about finding and modeling courage, not caving to fear. It is about rallying to higher purposes, not reflexively complying with authority. It is knowing what matters and defending it – as we do in combat, including the freedom to raise our families, get a good education, speak, worship, move, and believe freely.

This news – a liberal city throwing leftists off a school board – is more than encouraging. It is about our immutable, powerful, unchanging love of our kids, their future, and freedom’s future. See, e.g., After Trouncing in San Francisco, Top Democrat Desperately Tries to Pivot on Parental Rights.

The real news is this:  If it can happen in San Francisco, without remorse or reference to fear, it can happen anywhere – at every level of government, local, state, and federal. 

When courage takes wing, watch out for that wingspan – the thing can fly! When parents rise to defend and protect their kids, a good education, and sacred freedoms – we all get stronger. And we just did. Parent Power is a rising force, bigger than Flower Power, a lot like People Power.