Pandemic Politics Ploy

Posted on Thursday, April 7, 2022
by AMAC, Jeff Szymanski
Biden cuba trump

If you’re confused about whether we are in a pandemic or not, you’re not alone.  Forget the debate over a fourth Covid shot.  Instead, consider President Biden’s announcement that next month he will rescind Title 42, the Trump era order that precludes most illegal aliens from entering the U.S. due to the worldwide pandemic.  Of course, thousands cross every day anyway, and the Administration already exempts many families and children.  But why now?  The President and his advisers say there is no longer any health emergency.

Of course, tell that to parents who have toddlers in school.  They’re required to be fully masked up, even on playgrounds in many locales, because we are told there is a health emergency.  Ditto for workers still being shown the door for opting not to take the Covid vaccine.  So, which is it—are we in a health emergency or not?

The White House also confirmed this week that illegal aliens currently allowed in are being given cellphones, so they can be tracked and also check-in with immigration officials.  Apparently, it’s just too bad for any hard-working Americans that recently bought a new one with their own money.  When asked by Fox News reporter Peter Doocy whether the illegals might just ditch their phones once released, White House Press Secretary Jenn Psaki remarked, “Do you have a record of people throwing phones away?”

But that’s not all.  While the pandemic is nearly over for illegal border crossers, it still applies to thousands who owe money they borrowed on student loans.  The White House extended that moratorium yet again this week, from May 1 to August 31.  But why?  There are still 11 million job openings.  Anyone who wants a job can have his or her pick of one.  You guessed it—health emergency.  Naturally these extension are just the precursors to The Left’s grand scheme to wipe out student debt altogether.  Pity the people who worked so hard paying down or who already paid off their own college debts.  Leftists would get an earful by asking these folks what they thought of the scheme.

Many Democrats are distancing themselves and even speaking out against the reversal of Title 42.  Those in tight races this fall know they cannot possibly defend this.  The border is already being overrun on a daily basis.  Five Democrat senators said they will join six Republican senators Thursday to introduce a bill to prevent the Biden Administration’s lifting Title 42 without a detailed plan in place to stop the expected migrant surge at the border.

Just think how utterly refreshing it would be if The Left didn’t try to play games and/or confuse the country with their pandemic politics games.  Why not say the part out loud that is becoming so obvious to us all, as in, “Look—we’ve written off the 2022 midterm elections.  Our goal is to register as many of these illegal aliens to vote as possible over the next decade.  We’re confident that by letting them in and giving them cell phones, they will remember the Democrat party.  Likewise, erasing student loan debt will build the Democrat brand with 20-somethings.”

Many Americans might find that kind of honesty to be refreshing, even if damning.  At least we wouldn’t all be confused about whether or not there is a health emergency any longer.

Jeff Szymanski works in political communications at AMAC, a senior benefits organization with nearly 2.3 million members.  He previously taught high school social studies for 15 years.