Our ‘Woke’ Leaders Are Undermining Our Military Defenses

Posted on Wednesday, November 30, 2022
by AMAC, John Grimaldi

WASHINGTON, DC, Nov 30 — The Merriam-Webster dictionary’s definition of the word “woke” is to be “aware of and actively attentive to important societal facts and issues.” As it pertains to the woke impact on the traditional American way of life, it means that our Founding Fathers got it all wrong — that, in the ensuing 246 years of American history we’ve been deluding ourselves. You don’t have to be a certified professor of history to know that the woke ideology is nothing more than hogwash, to be polite about it.

Think about it. In the woke world boys can be girls if they want and vice versa. Simple words have insidious new definitions [i.e. according to the New York Post, for example, the common phrase “Rule of thumb” is a no-no because there once was a law in Britain that allowed “men to beat their wives with sticks no wider than their thumb.”] 

And then there is the very real and dangerous threat that woke extremists have created to our national security. According to Thomas Spoehr, director of the Center for National Defense at The Heritage Foundation, the biggest threat to our military institutions is “the weakening of its fabric by radical progressive [or “woke”] policies being imposed, not by a rising generation of slackers, but by the very leaders charged with ensuring their readiness…Wokeness in the military is being imposed by elected and appointed leaders in the White House, Congress, and the Pentagon who have little understanding of the purpose, character, traditions, and requirements of the institution they are trying to change.”

Here we are, faced with the real threat of nuclear war posed by Russia’s strongman Vladimir Putin and our military forces are having a hard time, at best, to attract recruits. In 2022, thus far, the U.S. Army’s recruiting goal is short by 25% — 15,000 men and women. A new report by Senator Marco Rubio [R-FL] and Congressman Chip Roy [R-TX] says the shortfall — a dangerous sign of our weakening defense capabilities — is the fault of the woke ideology of the Biden administration.

In a Fox News Opinion article penned by former U.S. secretary of State, and former director of the Central Intelligence Agency, Mike Pompeo, he focused his attention on the dangers posed by President Biden’s regime as he tries to turn America’s warriors into woke-minded ideologists. “We must do everything we can to stop the spread of wokeness throughout our armed forces and put a stop to it. Under the Biden administration, warfighting doctrines are being replaced – even at the training level – with doctrines of diversity, equity and inclusion.”  

Pompeo’s OpEd went on to say “This sickness has most recently taken hold in the Air Force. As Fox News reported, the United States Air Force Academy – the sister university to my alma mater of West Point – has created a fellowship program that excludes men who are biological males – only women and transgendered need apply. Academy cadets are also being told to avoid committing ‘microaggressions’ by replacing terms such as ‘you guys’ and ‘terrorists’ with terms that have been deemed ‘less offensive.’  Instructors tell cadets that they should use the terms ‘Parent’ or ‘Caregiver,’ rather than say ‘Mom and Dad.’ You can say ‘Partner,’ but not ‘Boyfriend/Girlfriend.’ Under the Biden administration, our Air Force cannot call terrorists what they are, yet considers ‘Mom and Dad’ to be offensive language. We have put pronouns over potency in our fighting forces.”

It’s no wonder that the U.S. military is having a hard time attracting recruits. War is a nasty business, but the only way to avert it is to be stronger and smarter than the enemy. The absurdity of the military woke movement is that it sends a weak and wrong message to our enemies and to prospective recruits who would, otherwise, be standing in line to defend our nation. 

URL : https://amac.us/newsline/national-security/our-woke-leaders-are-undermining-our-military-defenses/