OPINION: Were Our Nation’s Founding Fathers So Bad? Why Does the National Archives Warn of Their ‘Harmful’ Historic Documents

Posted on Friday, September 10, 2021
by AMAC, John Grimaldi
national archives

WASHINGTON, DC, Sep 10 — History is history.  Try as you might, giving it a new name or “canceling” the facts is not going to change anything.  What happened, happened.  Perhaps the folks who are supposed to be the guardians of American history at the National Archives and Records Administration [NARA] need this reminder because their latest tweaking of its policies regarding online access shows how senselessly “woke” they are.  Their headline suggests that the NARA Website contains what they call “Potentially Harmful Content”.

Here is the new warning they provide:

What harmful or difficult content may be found in the National Archives Catalog and our web pages?

Some items may:

Someone once said that there are no bad words, only bad intentions.  The woke-meister himself, Adolph Hitler, the master of bad intentions, knew that, and that’s why he burned books.  He knew that tomes that told the truth, using words that might be uplifting, hopeful, and personally beneficial by offering a different outlook on life and politics, needed to be banned.  It would seem that the woke folk of the 21st Century are like-minded.  Why else would they be desperately seeking to redefine words for our younger generations?  Their end game is to weaponize words and phrases for younger generations so that as they grow older, they will adhere to a more politically socialist discipline.

The word “woke” is an awkwardly tainted way to say awake or awaken in the sense as it might apply to political and social correctness.  For example, if you are not “woke,” you might think that the word “equity” means simply “the quality of being fair and impartial” or giving everyone a fair shake in life.  But in wokeland, it means giving everybody an equal share of the “social-economic pie.”  Sort of like having a social awakening.

Peter Franklin, Associate Editor of an online publication called, UnHerd, compares the woke generation to the political correctness generations of the 60s, 70s, and 80s and the computer generations of the 80s and 90s.  They came and went, so will the era of “wokeness:”

“Clearly, wokeness appeals to people with legitimate complaints against the status quo — especially younger people. But in focusing on extremely generalized theories of injustice rather than specific, fixable failures in the system, the contemporary Left is singularly useless as an agent of practical change … Indeed, the more that the elites adopt woke ideology to distract attention from these failures, the sooner that the young will realize they’ve been had — and the sooner they’ll move on to the next protest movement.”

In other words, all you woke folks can go back to sleep.


URL : https://amac.us/newsline/society/opinion-were-our-nations-founding-fathers-so-bad-why-does-the-national-archives-warn-of-their-harmful-historic-documents/