No Shortage of Issues for House GOP Once Speakership Is Settled

Posted on Friday, January 6, 2023
by Tammy Bruce

AMAC Exclusive – By Tammy Bruce

We are already rolling to the end of the first week of 2023. As of this writing, the House GOP is still fighting over who the new Speaker will be. Whether it’s Rep. Kevin McCarthy or someone else from the deep GOP talent bench, once they get their act together and choose their leader, they must hunker down and get to business. While we are often overwhelmed with dumb and dangerous political news, here’s an overview of just how much serious work needs to be done.

One of the major promises made by the Republicans in the lead-up to the midterms was to repeal the Biden administration’s $80 billion funding of the IRS facilitating the hiring of 87,000 new agents. The passing of the omnibus bill, with the help of numerous Republicans in the Senate & House, truly knee-capped that possibility.

Steve Forbes commented on this debacle noting its passage is “exactly the opposite of what Republicans promised. This will provide funds so that the IRS can monitor people’s transactions of as little as $600 — the cost of buying a household appliance or a round-trip airline ticket. Given the abuses of the IRS in recent years, this plan will lead to more harassment of law-abiding citizens…The idea of a tax collection agency with more than 150,000 agents and auditors to snoop on the public is fundamentally at odds with the American ideals of freedom, privacy and prosperity.” Indeed.

It is exactly that sort of collusion by the GOP helping to facilitate the liberal agenda that got us Donald Trump. It’s important the Republicans understand the 2016 election wasn’t a fluke. The House GOP now has an opportunity to show us they mean business and that the American people are the priority.

Unfortunately, the House is relegated to “message legislation,” meaning they really have no chance of passing the Democrat controlled Senate but can send messages to voters about what they stand for. That’s nice, but we also want action.

There are still some things that the new Republicans’ House can get done in the next two years if they’re serious. With their “Commitment to America” proposal, they tell us the economy, immigration, public safety, and parents rights are at the top of the list. Good. But there are a number of other issues hanging in the void about which the American people deserve answers.

Case in point: for some reason, we still do not have an answer about who leaked the SCOTUS draft Dobbs decision. It’s been almost 8 months since Chief Justice Roberts announced an internal investigation into the leak of the decision that overturned Roe vs. Wade. The American people deserve transparency on that shocking betrayal. If there are no repercussions for that act, it will happen again and again. The left is constantly working to undermine the Supreme Court’s legitimacy. Not getting to the bottom of this issue and being transparent about the facts will only further damage trust in SCOTUS and the federal government.

Also worthy of intense investigative focus of the House is the ongoing supply chain crisis which some reports indicate will continue through 2024. Reports also indicate the continuing baby formula shortage in this country will continue at least through spring 2023 as well as shortages of children’s medications and pain relievers. For months, parents have been dealing with empty shelves at pharmacies and even a shortage of children’s antibiotics. All of this is outrageous. The Democrats have been uninterested in finding answers and solutions because they’re the culprits. The GOP must step up.

Three main disasters have been ignored by the Democrats because they’re responsible for them—the Afghanistan catastrophe, the collapse of the southern border, and the destruction of our energy independence during a time of global upheaval and instability. The GOP must seriously investigate all of these issues. And then there’s the origin of COVID and the absolute catastrophic response by our government, producing measures that not only didn’t stop the virus, but instead produced measures that destroyed the economy and people’s lives. It was and is a fiasco of epic proportions and we must have a response ensuring this will never happen again.

While the government was using COVID to expand its totalitarian grip on citizens, via the Twitter Files, we now know the FBI and CIA were colluding with social media and big tech to censor and silence the American people. The GOP must form a select committee to investigate to what degree the federal government colluded with Big Tech in an end-run to violate the constitutional rights of American citizens who expressed criticism, dissent, or simply expressed ideas and shared information that contradicted establishment narratives.

The Republican House may be limited to ‘message legislation,’ but there’s clearly a lot they can do with the resources they now have at their disposal. We must uncover exactly what the Democrats have done to this country while making sure the American people know the details about what these people in Washington have been doing to us. The Democrats and their bureaucratic apparatchiks have worked vigilantly to try to keep Americans in the dark about the damage they’ve been inflicting on our lives. Now is the time to uncover and declare exactly who’s been setting this country on fire.