Medical Errors Kill More Americans Than Automobile Crashes

Posted on Friday, November 3, 2023
by Outside Contributor
Key board with doctor stethoscope and clip board with Medical Errors on white background

Sponsored By: DrOwl

If you knew that an automobile accident was about to happen and you could avoid being involved, would you take action? Most Americans don’t know that in 2022, medical errors were responsible for approximately 250,000 deaths as compared to 42,000 people killed in car accidents.

Some Reasons These Deaths Occur Are:

  • Patients giving incomplete or incorrect medical information to physicians, nurses receiving incorrect orders, or patients receiving improper care/prescription instructions
  • Systematic communication challenges
  • Overworked or undertrained staff
  • Inadequate or inefficient policies and procedures
  • Technical failures
  • Computers, software, equipment, or medical devices aren’t working properly
  • Communication challenges between physician, nurse, or patient
  • Medical records are not available or accessible when making healthcare decisions, test results aren’t being relayed appropriately, or medical records aren’t following the patient when transferred or discharged

Although some of the circumstances on the list above cannot be avoided, there are many that can. Patients need to start being proactive and make sure they have done everything they can to help their healthcare provider make the best decisions.

Patients assume that medical professionals treating them rarely make missteps and often defer to them without asking questions. In today’s healthcare environment, physicians and nurses are overworked, stressed, and sometimes do make mistakes.

Were You Aware That Up To 70% Of Medical Records Can Contain Errors?

Your provider is making decisions about your diagnosis and treatment plans based on these records.  As you’ve likely experienced, healthcare is getting less and less personal. Long gone are the days of a close relationship with your physician as more and more patients are being rushed through the system every day. Doctors and nurses are overwhelmed and burned out, and the level of care is nowhere near what it used to be.

On average, patients get approximately 13 minutes of actual face-time with their provider in a typical 30-minute appointment. Often, the majority of that time is spent reconciling conditions and medications, leaving just a few minutes to address the current issue and receive a diagnosis.

A typical adult will have taken over 30 medications in their lifetime. Medical records can show all of these medications even though many have not been taken for years. Imagine a doctor or pharmacist trying to decipher all of this information in just a few minutes.

One Way To Help Reverse This Trend Is To Become Your Own Healthcare Advocate

Recent changes in federal regulations mandate that patients have the right to access their medical records using the healthcare app of their choice. It has never been easier to gather all of your medical information in one place.

AMAC and DrOwl have partnered to provide an app for AMAC members to securely access their records from their different providers, have a personal health search engine to better understand their health, and also receive coupons to save up to 80% on their medications.

The DrOwl app allows patients to connect to their different providers, from Medicare to the VA and thousands of others, and have them all in one convenient place. Patients receive their own customized experience so they can understand everything about their health. The app also allows users to share their information with caregivers, providers, spouses, and children. 

Armed with current, accurate information and the knowledge of what their health records say, patients can have the most efficient appointment possible and receive a higher level of care. It is crucial to understand exactly what conditions you have, as well as having current information concerning your medications at your fingertips.

Additionally, individuals can help advocate for their loved ones, such as a parent or child, who live far away. As we age, it’s important to have an advocate help make important decisions, especially as they relate to healthcare.  

Finally, one additional functionality that is extremely valuable for seniors is the ability to store important documents such as medical directives and power of attorney. You don’t need a power of attorney until you do. If you become incapacitated and do not have a loved one near you, important decisions could be made on your behalf without your consent.

The AMAC / DrOwl health app is free to use and always will be! The easiest way to get started is to go to our website on your phone and click the app button. Alternatively, you can visit the website on your computer and scan the QR code. We have customer service agents standing by to help with any questions you may have. You can also email us directly at [email protected]. We’re happy to help you get started on your wellness journey today!

DrOwl – Promoting health, wellness, and longevity for all Americans. Start living your best life today!