Joe Pinion - An Underdog Story

Posted on Friday, November 4, 2022
by Ian Gargan
Joe Pinion

By – Ian Gargan

New York has a history of blending people from all walks of life, but the state has grown divided. Not by ethnicity or gender but by the divisive leaders they have elected. Leaders who closed down businesses under the guise of safety and remain unapologetic about the results. Parents and grandparents are seeing their education system deteriorate and friends and family terrorized with out-of-control crime due to horrific bail reform. But that’s not the city Chuck Schumer shows the folks in Washington.

On November 3rd the Republican US Senate candidate for New York, and recent Better for America podcast guest, Joe Pinion, joined over 120 AMAC Members and friends for a virtual Meet & Greet event sponsored by AMAC Action. Senator Chuck Schumer’s campaign was sent multiple requests to join this forum with candidate Pinion but did not respond to any request. This gave New Yorkers a chance to ask Joe the hard-hitting questions that matter to them and truly effect their day-to-day lives.

” But Joe Pinion was un-fazed. He knew exactly what the state needs. Cashless bail needs to be removed, school choice needs to be an option and New York voters need a senator who cares about the real people of New York.  Joe’s mission is “To make sure this empire state we love will once rise again.”

The topic of Social Security was the heaviest weighing on the mind of AMAC’ers.  What can we be doing for people on a fixed income “Yes, your social security check has gone up, but your buying power has gone down.” Joe exclaimedThe Yonkers native feels we need to protect those on Social Security now while also rebuilding a system to be more effective for future generations.

Andy fired out the next question about border security. “The Southern Border has turned into a Gangster’s Paradise,” said Pinion. A fix to the border would not be one size fits all as he explained, “some places need fences, some need more border patrol.” But a fix is necessary! He then brought to light the paradox that Senator Chuck Schumer claimed illegal immigration was a figment of our imagination at the same time New York City Mayor Eric Adams declared a state of emergency over the migrant problem. Both cannot be true.

Then, he mentioned something profound that unites the different regions of New York. With the rise in fentanyl deaths “rich, poor, urban and suburban alike this is an issue”. This is not exclusive to the low income or city folks, kids, or adults. It is a human issue and needs a solution.

Joe confidently spoke about the Second Amendment and abortion, he ended with an impassioned push for the members to vote for him in the coming election. He thanked AMAC Action for holding such a great forum and went on his way.

Trafalgar Polls show Joe down by 10 points in NY which is a drastic victory over his predecessors. Previous opponents have lost by margins triple that size. His passion and authenticity add to his appeal and offers hope for New Yorkers. Could New York turn red? In less than a New York minute, this Senate race could be his. We will see.

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