Joe Biden’s Perfect Storm

Posted on Tuesday, August 1, 2023
by AMAC, Robert B. Charles
biden at the podium

Sometimes a metaphorical “perfect storm” – unforeseen factors producing a calamity – is just that, a perfect storm. The term comes from a 1991 “unnamed storm” that ripped the northeast, sank the sword-fishing boat Andrea Gail, producing a movie. Sometimes the “storm” is different – human failings.  Watergate was that. Biden’s Shakedown Sham – Watergate Squared – is that.

Earlier today, I got caught in a downpour, not a “perfect storm,” except for me – who was dry. I went through phases of recognition. “Shoot, feels like rain.” “Cannot be rain, the app said no rain today.” “It’s rain.” “Sheesh, starting to pour.” “I’ll just walk through this, I’ll be fine.” “Darn, getting worse.” “Whoa, this is really bad.” “Crumb, I am soaked.” “Forget it, I am done.”

Joe Biden is walking through his own deluge, a developing perfect storm, and is somewhere between “Whoa, this is really bad” and “Crumb, I am soaked.” Count on it.

How do we know? Because credible documentary and testimonial evidence is mounting, the number of inferences available narrowing. Because his son’s plea deal was set aside for trying to shield the son from far more serious charges, involving an unindicted co-conspirator – his father.

How else do we know? Because Joe Biden, unfortunately, is revealing that he knows his goose is cooked, safe harbors gone, out of plausible denials. What the public knows is that the son pulled down millions of dollars – facilitated by his father – for selling official access and decisions.

Denials, with US government tax and banking documents, official telephone and visitor records, credible US employee testimony, verified texts, and tapes – is becoming implausible.

Not said are a few other facts. The National Security Agency (NSA), if not Department of Justice, FBI and CIA, have all the contents of these Biden calls – those made by the president when vice president, after office, and as president. They have the calls by son, family, partners, foreign payors, and Joe Biden.

The coffin, in effect, has already been nailed shut – no more nails needed. There is scant room to outrun the obvious inferences, deductions from fact, and applications of law – federal bribery and RICO. Joe Biden’s escape routes – from impeachment and perhaps indictment – are closing.

How do we know that Joe Biden and his inner circle know all this? Because denials are shifting, silences are growing, as we get closer to a Nixon-like “I am not a crook” speech. The White House press office has been instructed no longer to say Joe “did not know” about his son’s dealings, only that he “was not in business with” him. 

In effect, the collapsed Hunter plea pits father against son. Joe is preparing to throw his son under the bus, hoping he will suck it up, take the heat – a prison sentence, say nothing about his father’s involvement, bank on a pardon. Biden allies grow cold, silent, are not defending him.

Where and how does the next chapter play out, where does Joe’s storm-tossed boat go, and when go over? Several scenarios are worth pre-thinking. The House will likely take up impeachment proceedings. While a gamble, some Democrats will join Republicans, as the evidence plays out.

Some federal prosecutors will feel the heat – knowing their knowledge and inaction may make them guilty of cover-up. That includes the Attorney General and Deputy, approaching a go/no go point, like fast water near a waterfall. If you do not escape the vortex, it sweeps you over.

For those who say, “not likely” or “cannot happen” or they are “shielded,” think again. Nixon’s Attorney General thought he was clear, since he was in charge of prosecutions – until a courageous, non-partisan judge, John Sirica, peeling the layer back. That AG, John Mitchell, served 19 months in prison – as did others involved in the cover-up.  

This White House has also trafficked in fear, calling fellow Americans “enemies of the people.” Beyond selling access and actions for personal enrichment, they pursued a “best defense is a good offense” strategy, targeting members of the opposing party with unusual fervor.

That approach too is crumbling. People are sick of it, take seriously their Bill of Rights. As the fear mirror gets held up, the Bidens and their ilk are realizing they may reap what they sowed.

All of this is a sobering lesson in “what goes around comes around,” every time. Darkness – and profits made there – are exposed by light. Americans do not like darkness – they like light.

The “unnamed storm” of 1991 and Watergate were “perfects storms.” Unforeseen factors produced a calamity. Seemingly unsinkable boats flipped. Joe Biden is approaching that point.

Call it a deluge, a downpour. Call it a shakedown sham, Watergate Squared. Call it a “perfect storm.” Biden is in trouble, and knows it. Watch what happens next.  Impeachment, indictment, resignation – all possible. Coming is “Crumb, I am soaked,” followed by “Forget it, I am done.”

Robert Charles is a former Assistant Secretary of State under Colin Powell, former Reagan and Bush 41 White House staffer, attorney, and naval intelligence officer (USNR). He wrote “Narcotics and Terrorism” (2003), “Eagles and Evergreens” (2018), and is National Spokesman for AMAC.

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