Integrity Matters –“New Americans” Baloney

Posted on Tuesday, May 7, 2024
by AMAC, Robert B. Charles
ELECTORAL INTEGRITY concept. 3D illustration of a ballot along with ELECTORAL INTEGRITY script over an embossment of the United States of America

You will not hear this much, but integrity matters. Maine – a Democrat-run state – now struggles with integrity, with other one-party Democrat states. A year ago, their House Speaker – part of a nationwide trend – pushed giving illegal aliens a driver’s license or non-driver ID.  Why?

Odd, actually pure baloney. Although her bill is not law, a signal went out. Illegals, via driver’s licenses or non-driver IDs, should vote. Mouthing discrimination, Democrats created a “New Americans Office,” with free housing for illegals. Kindness or voter manipulation?

Free housing? Yes, a ‘Taj Mahal’ in Brunswick, Maine, the first of many for illegals – 60 luxury units, free for two years, $13 million cost. Why?

That is something taxpaying Mainers wonder, as no Mainer gets that. What does the new address get the illegals, beyond luxury? An official residence in Maine is what – a provable address, which opens other doors if they get mail – like a nice congratulatory letter from the governor.

What can they do with that? Well, if the state chooses, that piece of mail offers legitimacy, in effect a legal presence in the state. After all, they got their residence – no penalties, no cost, no proof of asylum – from  Maine’s Democrat legislature and governor. So, it must be legal.

What does that mean? Under Section 1409, Title 29-A, point 8, they are now likely to satisfy the “legal presence requirement” within the State, so can receive a “nondriver identification card.”

And … what might that do for them, and all who support them? While they need to assert citizenship in a yes/no question, an illegal alien with a “nondriver identification card,” proof of residency, or affidavit of Maine residency is suddenly permitted to vote. Bingo!

It gets easy from there. To avoid eye contact, they can get an absentee ballot online, or someone can for them, no reason needed. Trouble filling it out? Someone may show up to help them.

If all this seems impossible, surreal, a kind of open door to illegal voting, add this: The State apparently wants 75,000 new illegals imported, as Mainers struggle for housing, good jobs, safe streets, and an end to foreign trafficking in fentanyl and Chinese marijuana grow houses.

Kicker: Maine – like 17 other states with these Democrat-created “New Americans” offices – is small. We have 1.3 million citizens, and a close legislature – so 75,000 illegals, directed to vote a certain way by thoughtful non-profits, might seriously affect Maine’s democracy.

Interestingly, other small states with close legislatures and controlled by Democrats, are doing the same thing, driven by a national “network” pushing such offices. The “network” notably chooses, in their literature and actions, not to distinguish legal from illegal immigrants.

So, what does this really mean – for Maine and those 17 other states with “New Americans” offices, no voter ID laws, single-party Democrat legislatures …that want to keep power?

What it means is that integrity, fairness, and law as we know them are afterthoughts. More illegal aliens are showing up, often by surprise, in these states, from Maine to Montana. They are being invited and lured with free housing and goodies. And many seem on track to vote. Much goes unsaid these days, but this deserves saying: Integrity matters. Voters need to think hard about that.

Robert Charles is a former Assistant Secretary of State under Colin Powell, former Reagan and Bush 41 White House staffer, attorney, and naval intelligence officer (USNR). He wrote “Narcotics and Terrorism” (2003), “Eagles and Evergreens” (2018), and is National Spokesman for AMAC.

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