If It Weren’t For The Leftist Corporate Media’s Coverup, These Four Democrat Representatives Would Be Removed From Office

Posted on Wednesday, May 5, 2021
by AMAC Newsline
democrat representatives

AMAC Exclusive

Heavily invested in covering up wrongdoing by the radical ruling party in Washington D.C., the Leftist corporate media is determined to prevent the public from understanding the Democratic Party’s strategy of projecting their own worst fears about themselves onto their opponents in order to shout down any type of dissent that would threaten their current hold on political power. There is no more striking example than the press’s failure to report on Congressional leadership’s refusal to censure or remove members of their own party who have engaged in precisely the same conduct Democrats falsely accused Republicans and President Trump of engaging in just three months ago–culminating in his second impeachment.

While Democrats call their opponents violent rioters, the party’s Representatives, including Maxine Waters, Rashida Tlaib, and Ayanna Pressley, incite violent riots in the streets and encourage attacks on law enforcement. Indeed, their record of advocating lawlessness is so striking and extensive that it exposes the extent to which leftist corporate media organizations engage in willful journalistic malpractice in order to hide that record from the public.

In January, Maxine Waters asserted that President Trump should be impeached because he had provided “validation” to “commit extreme violence.” But, in April, Maxine Waters herself attempted to encourage “extreme violence,” breaking the law by violating curfew, and inciting hundreds of protestors in Brooklyn Center, Minnesota, to be, in her words, “more confrontational.” “We’ve got to get more confrontational,” she said. It is difficult to imagine what else Waters wanted the protestors to do to be “more confrontational” considering the night before her rabble-rousing speech. Nearly 100 of them had been arrested after trying to rip apart fencing around a police station.

Last summer, there were over 570 violent riots in more than 200 cities across America, causing billions of dollars of damage, including to many Black-owned businesses. Apparently, this was not “confrontational” enough for Waters.

Was Waters thinking of something along the lines of what she said in June 2018? At that time, Waters singled out members of President Trump’s cabinet and told a crowd of hundreds, “If you see anybody from that cabinet in a restaurant, at a department store, at a gasoline station, you get out, and you create a crowd. And you push back on them, and you tell them they’re not welcome anymore, anywhere.”

In October 2017, Waters was even more “confrontational,” asserting, “I will go and take Trump out tonight.” This pattern of “validation” for “extreme violence” that Waters has engaged in is grounds for removal from office by Waters’ own standards. Waters’ incendiary rhetoric even undermined the fair and impartial administration of justice in the Derek Chauvin murder trial. As the judge himself noted, a sitting Representative of Congress weighing in on the verdict during deliberation is likely grounds for an appeal because Waters’ comments may have prejudiced the jury.

In January, Rashida Tlaib called for President Trump’s impeachment because, in her view, Trump had “sent us on a dangerous path,” and the nation cannot afford to “risk his unhinged behavior any longer.” But Tlaib is teaching everyone a lesson in what unhinged behavior truly looks like with her recent calls to abolish the police. She recently asserted: “No more policing, incarceration, and militarization. It can’t be reformed.”

Her comments prompted the Detroit Police Chief to call for Tlaib’s resignation. Abolishing the police would certainly put Detroit “on a dangerous path” and increase violence in Tlaib’s district, as Detroit’s violent crime rate leads the nation. Last year, the city suffered a nearly 20% increase in homicides.

Ever since Tlaib got to Congress, she made profanity-laced calls for President Trump’s impeachment because of what Tlaib called Trump’s “rhetoric rooted in hate” and his “hate agenda.” But if engaging in supposedly hateful speech is impeachable conduct, Tlaib should be the first to go. Tlaib has asserted that: “There’s kind of a calming feeling I always tell folks when I think of the Holocaust[.].” She has said, “I personally support the BDS movement,” even though the Boycott, Divest, and Sanction movement has been condemned as anti-Semitic by 93% of Democrats in the House. Tlaib has repeated a Hamas slogan calling for Israel’s annihilation, and she has co-sponsored a resolution in the House of Representatives comparing boycotting Israel to boycotting the Nazis. Tlaib’s hate speech toward the state of Israel and calls for mob rule by dismantling law enforcement should qualify as impeachable offenses by her own definition.

In January, Representative Ayanna Pressley authored articles of impeachment against President Trump as she claimed without evidence that “Trump incited this violence.” Yet, inciting violence is exactly what Pressley was doing herself last summer when she said, “There needs to be unrest in the streets for as long as there’s unrest in our lives.” “This is as much about public outcry, organizing and mobilizing and applying pressure,” Pressley said.

What kind of “pressure” exactly is Pressley advocating for Democrats to apply? Peaceful pressure? Pressley has also asserted that: “If you don’t see the light, then we will bring the fire. That’s just how it progresses.”

It is true Democrat, and media incitement of violence has brought “the fire” to America’s cities. Suburbs as businesses, police precincts, and churches were burned across the country last year. Through June of 2020, in the wake of massive protests incited by radical Democrats, arson increased in America’s major cities by 50%. But that has not concerned Pressley, who recently called for abolishing the police, saying, “From slave patrols to traffic stops. We can’t reform this.” Calling for abolishing the police encourages violence, and Pressley should be removed from office for such incendiary rhetoric by her own past standards.

Democrats’ other favorite impeachable offense is foreign interference. Yet, while Democrats slander their opponents as agents of a foreign power, Democrat Representative Eric Swalwell has allegedly been in bed with one.

Swalwell was one of the most ardent advocates of the Russia Hoax conspiracy theory. Swalwell passionately argued for President Trump’s impeachment because Trump was “working on behalf of the Russians, yes” and “acting still as an agent of Russia.” Meanwhile, Swalwell’s inner circle had been infiltrated by a suspected agent of the Chinese government. Swalwell has refused to answer multiple questions about whether he has had physical relations with the alleged Chinese spy.

Axios has reported that a Chinese intelligence asset named Fang Fang, who tried to engage in romantic relationships with American politicians to advance Chinese political intelligence operations, has targeted Swalwell since 2014 and infiltrated his Congressional office fundraising on Swalwell’s behalf to help get him re-elected to Congress. Fang Fang even selected at least one intern for placement in Swalwell’s office. To be clear, Swalwell met with an accused spy of a foreign government who colluded with him to help him with his campaign.

The irony and hypocrisy of it all is that Swalwell falsely slandered and tried to impeach President Trump for the same charge for years. When Democrat House Speaker Nancy Pelosi heard that Swalwell had been infiltrated by an alleged Chinese spy, she said, “I don’t have any concerns about Mr. Swalwell.”

In fact, Swalwell was promoted by Democrats to be an impeachment manager against President Trump, and Swalwell continues to serve on the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, giving him access to the nation’s most highly classified intelligence secrets. It took two and half years, 19 Department of Justice lawyers, 40 FBI agents, over 2,800 subpoenas, nearly 500 search warrants, more than 230 orders for communication records, 13 requests to foreign governments for evidence, 500 witnesses, and over $30 million for even Robert Mueller and his staff of 13 Democrat lawyers to come to the conclusion that the allegations of Trump-Russia collusion, which at that point had become Democrat Party dogma, were all a big lie. Yet, Swalwell still believes that big lie, asserting that he still sees “strong evidence of collusion.”

Indeed there is strong evidence of collusion–between Fang Fang and Swalwell.

Take these Democrats at their word. What they consider to be impeachable conduct should apply to them with full force. If the media ever stopped covering up this story, the American people would not tolerate any such double standards from members of Congress. And if Reps. Waters, Tlaib, Pressley, and Swalwell, were honest politicians, they would step down.

URL : https://amac.us/newsline/national-security/if-it-werent-for-the-leftist-corporate-medias-coverup-these-four-democrat-representatives-would-be-removed-from-office/