Hypocrisy Embedded in Whitmer Veto

Posted on Tuesday, July 26, 2022
by Matt Kane

Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer has vetoed 20 million dollars in adoption funding proposed by Michigan’s Republican-controlled state legislature. Her reasoning for this decision, according to her spokesman Bobby Leddy, was that the Governor believes “women and qualified medical providers should be making health care decisions – not politicians.” He revealed Whitmer considers pro-life centers “fake health centers” and that they “use deceptive advertising that target young women and women with low incomes.”

The hypocrisy in Whitmer’s stance is impossible to miss. If Whitmer feels so strongly about women being able to make health care decisions, wouldn’t that include decisions such as choosing not to terminate a pregnancy, or putting a child up for adoption? The legislature proposed funding to expand resources for its’ expecting mothers. No politician is forcing anything in this instance. Actually, it is quite the opposite. Providing more resources for pregnant women would support the belief Whitmer claims to hold. Of course, she does not hold this belief. Instead, she has showed that she only supports a women’s choice if the choice is to have an abortion. She very clearly opposes women choosing to continue with a pregnancy despite the obstacles it might bring into their lives, as well as putting a child up for adoption post birth.

Additionally, the claim that pro-life and adoption centers target (interesting choice of words) young and lower-income women is exactly what centers such as planned parenthood have done for decades to promote abortions. So is it acceptable for abortion centers to extend what they view as a helping hand to women in those demographics, but unacceptable when centers that hold a different belief system do the same? Women in their twenties account for sixty percent of abortions, while forty-nine percent of women who get abortions live below the federal poverty level.

So to summarize:

When abortion advocates target young and lower income women to terminate pregnancies (which is statistically proven), it is morally righteous, a win for women’s reproductive rights, none of the governments business, and a victory for mankind.

When pro-life advocates allegedly MIGHT “target” these same demographics to simply provide them with more options it is inherently evil, women not having a say over their bodies, government overreach and a huge step backwards for human civilization.

Is it that the left is afraid of the pro-life crowd dipping into their client base? Perhaps it comes down to money, as a bump in funding for pro-life centers could potentially lead to funding being cut to pro-abortion centers under the same budget umbrella. Is it possibly pure evil on her part? Does Whitmer enjoy the thought of defenseless human beings never being given the same chance at life as we all were at one point? We may never get the answer, but what is indisputable is how glaring Whitmer’s hypocrisy is in her reasoning to cut adoption resource funding, because that would infringe on women’s right to choose by…giving them more choices?

It is a real conundrum, and it appears the only answer is to pray unceasingly.

URL : https://amac.us/newsline/society/hypocrisy-embedded-in-whitmer-veto/